26 April, 2021

Day 177: Nourishing and Non Nourishing moments, Carefree Day 6

How to manage difficult situation / event
STOP method
Stop whatever you are doing or pause for a couple of second
Take a deep breath
Observe how your body feels, what is the stress level, emotions, thoughts any implusive actions?
Proceed something that supports you or you can choose to walk away

RAIN method
Recognising a difficult experience e.g. I am feeling stress, overwhelmed
Acknowledging stressful emotion is here. soften the mental and emotional state. You don't have to like it. Choose a more conscious respond, instead of default reaction
Investigate: Why am I feeling this way? Is there a better way to see it?
Non-Identification: Perhaps the anger is here right now, how can I choose the best course of action?

Nurturing / care for ourselves and others
List out what is nourishing and non nourishing for me.

Nourishing moments
Me Time
- Exercise
- Healthy Diets
- Breathing
- Enough water
- Enough rest

Family and Friends Meetings

Having fun activities

Doing something different

Count my blessings

Money comes to me easily

Journaling to see my own personal growth

Non nourishing moments
Boring tasks

Social media posts

Feeling tired

Don't feel like working at times but still have to do it anyway

Worry about money

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