A wise man told me,"Just do yourself a favour: Learn a new thing each day."
Simple idea with a deep profound meaning.
I did not understand what he meant at that moment he say. But I follow faithfully and try to learn a new thing each day.
Recently, I realised that what he said, does make sense. By learning a new thing each day, you are progressing forward. You discover one new thing each day, by the end of a year, you would have learnt at least 365 new things! Isn't that amazing figure?
It need not be a very difficult task or an activity. It could be learning a new word per day, or get learn how to make brownies in a day.
Every day will be the same and ONLY YOU can make the difference :)
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
30 January, 2007
29 January, 2007
Mahjong Session
Each one of us forked out $20 for the game. My mum played for her first time, we taught her the basic rules of mahjong. We did not play those very chiem rules. Any form of "eating" is acceptable, so as long as we make the "eyes", "eat", "pong", "gang", we considered win the game le..
Maybe its her first time, she get to win a couple of times in the first few rounds. We said that she has "graduated" in mahjong. We all thought that she knows the basic rules of the game already.
There's one game, she shouted "Gang". We thought that she got 4 of the same kind tiles. In the end, she displayed "4, 5, 6 and 7" of tong zhi. We all burst out laughing...
Many funny and silly mistakes made by my mum, made the whole mahjong session an enjoyable and hilarious one.
In the end, my dad managed to break even, only me and my mum lost out to my sister, who is the big winner of the game :P
28 January, 2007
A meaningful morning
The reason i was there because there was special occasion worth celebrating! TEACH ME Toastmasters Club had its FIRST chapter meeting. Our club is invited to be there to give support and guide them during their meeting.
The aim is to promote interaction and cooperation between People with Disabilities (PWDs) and the able-bodied. Upon completion, they are able to prepare them to be work ready for employment or business start-ups.
The first project is "Ice breaker". They were supposed to give a self-introduction, within a given time frame to make their first speech. During the meeting, everyone of them has high self-esteem. Despite of their incapability, most of them could speak confidently for at least 4 mins. A few of them have exceeded the given time. The best thing is, they say it without using any scripts.
I remembered when I make my first speech. I was shivering with my paper on my hand. Could even hear the moving sound of the paper. I couldn't talk as fluent as I wished to be. I was almost stammering throughout my speech.
These innocent people are just a group of contented people. Talking with them is so at ease. They are so real. No fake smiles, just true hearts facing right in front of you. I'm impressed by their courage, their motivation, their determination, their high inspiration, their desire to exceed in their limited capabilities. Yes, they have touched my heart.
I always had in mind that peoples with disabilities needs our help and we are always the ones who could help them. But now, they proved me wrong! They helped me even more! It was indeed a fruitful meeting :)
27 January, 2007
Bought few cd albums, Jay Chow album's "Yi Ran Fantasy" is still the nicest. Beautiful music with meaningful lyrics, is always the fastest way to touch the heart. I replay and replay this song until my cd player can no long be read.. Okay, shall not listen to this song anymore...

If only we retreat, our relationship will not turn out this way...
If only we retreat, our relationship will not turn out this way...
26 January, 2007
Dilemma with canon cameras
My Nikon Coolpix 4200 is going to die on me soon. Has been surfing and researhing for cameras... wanted to get a high-end compact camera. Finally zoom down two options: Canon SD 800 IS and Canon A640
Differences in two canon cameras
By looking at the specs, apparently i should get SD800 IS because the specs are better. However, A640 has the flip screen, that is the reason why i want to change my camera in the first place! Why is it so difficult to install a flip screen in newer cameras? That's their unique selling point! It's so silly paying something more and getting something less.
Should i brainwash myself that without flip is better than with flip OR lower specs are better than higher specs???
"With flip.. without flip.. with flip.. without flip.. "
Okay decided -> With flip :)
Differences in two canon cameras
Canon SD 800 IS Megapixels 7.4 ISO up to 1600 Aperature - 2.8 - 5.8 focal length - 35mm (28-105) Shooting Speed - 1.7 fps Shutter speed 15 - 1/1600 screen flip: no Battery: 1 rechargeable lithium New feature: With IS Image Stabilizer (reduced shakyness) | Canon A640 |
By looking at the specs, apparently i should get SD800 IS because the specs are better. However, A640 has the flip screen, that is the reason why i want to change my camera in the first place! Why is it so difficult to install a flip screen in newer cameras? That's their unique selling point! It's so silly paying something more and getting something less.
Should i brainwash myself that without flip is better than with flip OR lower specs are better than higher specs???
"With flip.. without flip.. with flip.. without flip.. "
Okay decided -> With flip :)
25 January, 2007
Saw this nike poster along the citylink on sunday. This campaign is to highlight some soceer players wearing nike shoes. Loved the way nike uses funky typography to form "Just Do It". These text are related to soceer and it is filled with funny statements like "You are slower than my granny", "I can't kick your way, do it my way", "See that stretcher, it's got your name on it". It leaves an impression when i saw this.
Many a times, we procastinate to do something that we should do. And we delay and delay and delay until a point that we no longer feel like doing it anymore and thus we ended up with no much choices and feeling regrets and more regrets after that.
Yes, i know its human nature to procastinate. I'm the victim as well. But when you look back, do you want to see yourself with full of regrets??? Or would you want to see that: "Hey, i have achieved so much things for the past one year" and feeling great about yourself.
We may failed to achieve what we want but just let our experiences be our teacher. Looking forward and move on. Life is way too short for regrets.
If you think you are moving too fast ahead, just slow it down OR If you think you are moving too slow far behind, just run faster than your usual pace.
One positive thinking about life is, it is never too late to know where you stand.
>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JUST DO IT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
24 January, 2007
Last Photography Lesson
Rolling good times always ends fast. Last night is the last lesson of my foundation photography. Completed 10 lessons in two months. It seems that it just started yesterday. I have learnt a lot through this photography course. It's not only about learning the basic knowledge in photography but also to search for my own inspirations, my desire. Yes, I get to know myself better...
Here are my 3 photos in Bugis night photography.

Taken this series of colorful staircases at the back ally of bugis village. Wanted to take such kind of staircases long, long time ago but didn't go and find out the actual location.

Taken this old man in front of our well-known "Guan Ying Miao". I called him the "Gatekeeper". Simply because he's guarding faithfully outside the temple.

Taken these colourful lights at secret garden. Inside, there is a nice and cosy restuarant. Interesting light never fails to attract my eyes. Am i inside or outside of the secret garden?
My thoughts: Through photography, i can really let down my hair and be myself. I can let my imagination run as freely as i want... Sometimes i feel that i live in two worlds.
After taking photos for these 2 intensive months, I realised that i loved photos that have repetitions. These repetitions will lead the eyes into my world. I perceived them as life.. It's like it always going on and on... It seems that there are always some interesting happenings at the other end.
Reality becomes my dreams and my dreams have become reality.
Thanks for changing my life...
Here are my 3 photos in Bugis night photography.
Taken this series of colorful staircases at the back ally of bugis village. Wanted to take such kind of staircases long, long time ago but didn't go and find out the actual location.
Taken this old man in front of our well-known "Guan Ying Miao". I called him the "Gatekeeper". Simply because he's guarding faithfully outside the temple.
Taken these colourful lights at secret garden. Inside, there is a nice and cosy restuarant. Interesting light never fails to attract my eyes. Am i inside or outside of the secret garden?
My thoughts: Through photography, i can really let down my hair and be myself. I can let my imagination run as freely as i want... Sometimes i feel that i live in two worlds.
After taking photos for these 2 intensive months, I realised that i loved photos that have repetitions. These repetitions will lead the eyes into my world. I perceived them as life.. It's like it always going on and on... It seems that there are always some interesting happenings at the other end.
Reality becomes my dreams and my dreams have become reality.
Thanks for changing my life...
23 January, 2007
Get a life, please...
A friend of mine smsed me on last friday.
Calvin: "I'm feeling low. Yah I know it's Friday, but i having monday blues today."
Qiqi: "What happened to you? Today is friday! Cheer up."
Calvin: "Thankz pal. You sound happy today."
Qiqi: "Yes. I am. I have found happiness in my life."
Few days later, I sms him back again.
Qiqi: "So how are you feeling?"
Calvin: "Having migraine! hahaha sad."
Qiqi: "Please get a life. You need it."
Calvin: "Zzz. My life is too lively. Need to rest. Everyday outside, rain or shine."
Qiqi: "Then stay at home and rot."
I almost forgot about this friend. He's always change girls like changing clothes. Always sleeping around with girls and I never see him gets serious in any relationships. We used to be quite close at one period of time. I'm lucky to say that I never in his list. I'm probably too fat for him ba haha...
I really think he needs to get a life. Having these kind of life, will wear him out eventually. It's so unhealthy and not morally correct. Yes, I know that he has been hurt badly before. But that doesn't mean that he has the rights to get his revenge on other girls out there. Two wrongs don't make one right.
But I guess it's not up to me to say anything. As a friend, I really hope he could really change his lifestyle and stopped being such an idiotic jerk.
PS: I have changed my friend's name to protect his reputation.
Calvin: "I'm feeling low. Yah I know it's Friday, but i having monday blues today."
Qiqi: "What happened to you? Today is friday! Cheer up."
Calvin: "Thankz pal. You sound happy today."
Qiqi: "Yes. I am. I have found happiness in my life."
Few days later, I sms him back again.
Qiqi: "So how are you feeling?"
Calvin: "Having migraine! hahaha sad."
Qiqi: "Please get a life. You need it."
Calvin: "Zzz. My life is too lively. Need to rest. Everyday outside, rain or shine."
Qiqi: "Then stay at home and rot."
I almost forgot about this friend. He's always change girls like changing clothes. Always sleeping around with girls and I never see him gets serious in any relationships. We used to be quite close at one period of time. I'm lucky to say that I never in his list. I'm probably too fat for him ba haha...
I really think he needs to get a life. Having these kind of life, will wear him out eventually. It's so unhealthy and not morally correct. Yes, I know that he has been hurt badly before. But that doesn't mean that he has the rights to get his revenge on other girls out there. Two wrongs don't make one right.
But I guess it's not up to me to say anything. As a friend, I really hope he could really change his lifestyle and stopped being such an idiotic jerk.
PS: I have changed my friend's name to protect his reputation.
22 January, 2007
Painter Vs Artist
A painter is just a person just paints beautiful paintings over and over the years. Then what about an artist? An artist creates different aspects in arts... He can do painting, he can dance, he can compose, he can do alot more things. Technically speaking, both are doing professional arts.
Then it leads me to think further: Why does my friend wants to ask me that question?
Then i found the answer. I told him i want to learn alot of things since im still young. He's asking me indirectly: do i want to be specialist or an all-rounder person.
There are pros and cons in these two jobs. Painter only paints just like a specialist. When you are a specialist, you tends to go for in-depth and details. Some painter can be spending all his life just to find out how to paint a PERFECT Picture.
When you are an artist, you learn anything and everything under the sun. Its just like jack of all trades but master of none. You are not really focus on any areas and spend your time learning each and individual areas, just on the surface. You will get different kinds of learning experiences. Learning different skillsets are just your tools to express your thoughts and feelings.
There's no right and wrong. I guess its all depends on individals. You have my answer. I want to be an artist.
21 January, 2007
10 goals in 2007
I and my friend were chatting our goals in life. I told my friend i have one big aspiration but i would want to concentrate on my small goals in life now... Its good to have big aspirations but if we set our goals too high up, we can never achieve what we want.
You will start to feel tired and not motivated after awhile. You will feel that you are worthless but actually you are someone who can achieve something great. You just need to have right time and right opportunity.(Seems so easy, rite?)
Here are my simple 10 goals:
1) Eat healthy
2) Drink more water
3) Tone up my body
4) Have sufficient sleep
5) Build my design portfolio
6) Take up flash courses
7) A photo album with all my inspiring photos
The theme is "Precious moments, Precious thoughts"
8) Pick up my lousy driving skills again
9) Build good rapport with my friends
10) With all these 9 goals in mind, i must spend quality time with my family!!!
By taking a small step forward, will lead us a step closer to our final destination. My goal is NOT on how to achieve 1 Million Dollars at the age of 30. Its too unrealistic for me. I just want to be a happier person, physically and mentally :) Life is about balancing and enriching it.
Am I asking too much?
You will start to feel tired and not motivated after awhile. You will feel that you are worthless but actually you are someone who can achieve something great. You just need to have right time and right opportunity.(Seems so easy, rite?)
Here are my simple 10 goals:
1) Eat healthy
2) Drink more water
3) Tone up my body
4) Have sufficient sleep
5) Build my design portfolio
6) Take up flash courses
7) A photo album with all my inspiring photos
The theme is "Precious moments, Precious thoughts"
8) Pick up my lousy driving skills again
9) Build good rapport with my friends
10) With all these 9 goals in mind, i must spend quality time with my family!!!
By taking a small step forward, will lead us a step closer to our final destination. My goal is NOT on how to achieve 1 Million Dollars at the age of 30. Its too unrealistic for me. I just want to be a happier person, physically and mentally :) Life is about balancing and enriching it.
Am I asking too much?
20 January, 2007
A day at Vivo city
But the film is very expensive for just 10 shots, it cost her 12 bucks. But the interesting part is, there is NO zoom, No brightness and contrast settings haha... And there are 4 shots jammed during the taking... so end up only 6 shots is taken and most of our photos are either over-exposed or under-exposed.. ONLY 1ST shot is a perfect shot :P so in other words, that photo cost her $12!!!
Lesson Learnt: With this camera around, i realised the importance of every shot or at least next time when i take photos, it should be close to what I have in mind.
Before the gathering, i took some quick photoshooting around vivo... Vivo city has used alot of curves and shapes around the whole building.. spotted a few nice angles keke
I saw a beautiful sunset at vivo city too :P
19 January, 2007
Irritations in my office
Last week
My room was complained by the HR for being too noisy. So we have been making self-conscious, not to make too much noise when working.
This week
We received a subtle warning to tell us not to display too many soft toys. We are reminded that this is an office. Please put our soft toys home or place them somewhere not too conspicuous.
NO camera, NO camera hp, NO mp3, NO softtoys, NO flowers!!! What kind of working environment is this??? Being a designer, I felt so restricted. I'm a wild horse who doesn’t like to be tamed and we are being watched by an eagle all the times...
Even MCs and annual leaves are being checked every now and then. Yesterday, I was reminded by my boss that I didn’t submit MC. I can't even remembered myself if i have submitted my mc and our dear resourceful HR is able to track and tell my boss that i did not submit it.
I need to fork out $5 of my own pocket money to see some irresponsible company doctors and they still have the cheek to tell me that I didn't submit my MC. Okay, this is not the final yet... if i "accidentally" go to unauthorised clinic, i must write "love letter" to explain why i didn't go to the authorised clinic!!
Never been watched like that for my entire 8 years of working life. Sometimes I wonder if our conversations are being tabbed as well.
Yes. I'm just a legalised jailbird who willingly walks into the jail everyday. Once my wings are mended, I will flew out of this jail and soar in the sky!
My room was complained by the HR for being too noisy. So we have been making self-conscious, not to make too much noise when working.
This week
We received a subtle warning to tell us not to display too many soft toys. We are reminded that this is an office. Please put our soft toys home or place them somewhere not too conspicuous.
NO camera, NO camera hp, NO mp3, NO softtoys, NO flowers!!! What kind of working environment is this??? Being a designer, I felt so restricted. I'm a wild horse who doesn’t like to be tamed and we are being watched by an eagle all the times...
Even MCs and annual leaves are being checked every now and then. Yesterday, I was reminded by my boss that I didn’t submit MC. I can't even remembered myself if i have submitted my mc and our dear resourceful HR is able to track and tell my boss that i did not submit it.
I need to fork out $5 of my own pocket money to see some irresponsible company doctors and they still have the cheek to tell me that I didn't submit my MC. Okay, this is not the final yet... if i "accidentally" go to unauthorised clinic, i must write "love letter" to explain why i didn't go to the authorised clinic!!
Never been watched like that for my entire 8 years of working life. Sometimes I wonder if our conversations are being tabbed as well.
Yes. I'm just a legalised jailbird who willingly walks into the jail everyday. Once my wings are mended, I will flew out of this jail and soar in the sky!
18 January, 2007
Going to rain, keep your clothes
It means going to rain, keep the clothes quickly. I used to hear this phase whenever its about to rain at my grandma's house.
Then we started to laugh 'cause we think it's ridiculously funny. I felt the decoration is a laughing stock. I laughed until my tears nearly came out. Who will want to hang these drapes of pink cloth across the road? They resemble hanging clothing and can you imagine that you are driving under "these clothes"??? I cant help but feeling a sense of "swayness" after going passed by these drapes of pink cloths.
What is the deco designer trying to say about this? What is the significance behind it? I really have no idea. I personally feel that this whole decoration is an insult to the Chinese culture and our country. Yes, it's perfectly alright to be creative. But twisted the meanings and threw away thousand years of Chinese New Year substance, is totally unacceptable.
We are Chinese and yet we cannot portray the real meaning of Chinese New Year. Don't you think its a disgrace? The best part is, the management approve such absurd decoration. You may think that I sound too serious already.
Don't you think that person, as a professional deco designer, he has the social responsibility to our society? Or at least, he should spent a reasonable amount of research, to learn more about Chinese culture. He can't simply hang a few pieces of pink cloths hanging across the road and says that it’s for Chinese New Year decoration.
If such decoration was hanging in western culture, it might be still acceptable because they don't really understand our Chinese culture. Chinese New Year is one of our important chinese traditional festival, how could we approve such kind of ridiculous decoration?
Each design or decoration must have its own meanings behind it. The designer must be able to communicate the culture with our people. Imagine an old uncle saw this, I tell you, he will immediately siam the road. Why? Simply because he doesn’t want to walk under these "clothes".
Do you know why Singaporeans always voice that we don't have our own culture? That's because we are always twisting our own culture, till the point that we are losing our own identity.
Infra Red Photography
Attended Infra Red Photography 2 weeks ago. Its an eye opener for me. It's an interesting workshop, teaching you to use IR filters.
How does IR Photography works? IR filter blocks out all RGB lights and only Infra Red light will be captured in the camera. The interesting part is you will not know what is the color effects of the photos until you processed the color with photoshop.
Below are the 2 shots that i took, and they delivered beautiful results :) They have the snowy effects. It's like having winter in singapore keke :)
How does IR Photography works? IR filter blocks out all RGB lights and only Infra Red light will be captured in the camera. The interesting part is you will not know what is the color effects of the photos until you processed the color with photoshop.
Below are the 2 shots that i took, and they delivered beautiful results :) They have the snowy effects. It's like having winter in singapore keke :)
17 January, 2007
Caged Bird
How poetic haha... I was inspired, by a friend of mine, to write poems. Just trying out for fun :P Actually i saw this caged bird hanging on the tree branch, on my way home on monday. It was super hyper active. Jumping up and down, left and right, inside the cage.
I guess it knew that i was taking photos of him ba.. Hey but I didn't use flash to scare him off.. It was trying very hard, to be super uncooperative. Yes, but then, i was super patient as well. I spent 25 mins of my time, just to take good photo of it. And i think i did quite a fairly good job haha..
16 January, 2007
Blog Housekeeping
Wanted to switch to "Multiply", another blog platform, where all my network friends are. But I still prefer my blog to be as simple and clean as possible. Able to design, code and customised according to what i like, are 3 important factors that motivates me to write more. NO member logins, NO fanciful clicks, NO blog within blog, NO drop-down menu, just ONE click to lead to the desired "destination". One word: Hassle-Free.
In February 2006, I have decided to become a serious blogger. As what i have mentioned in my first blog article: To able to keep track on my own "personal growth". And this statement still remains.
Change is constant. People will always change. Some change for the better, Some change for the worse. Some change for sake of changing and realise that they didn't change much at all. Whatever what kind of real reasons for changing may be, just be simple and true to yourself and you will find that the sun is always smiling at you.
Simple is beautiful.
15 January, 2007
Seeing Double
However, we do keep in touch with each other through msn. We get to know each other better and I felt like she is a reflective image of me.
Although we have different lifestyles and habits, but we share common topics. It's just like having two clones with same character, having different kind of life experiences.
(God could has run out of ideas :p)
It's nice to share with someone, you don’t need to express too much of yourself and yet she could understands you totally because she feels the same way as you.
We even joked about "baby swapping" OR our mums were chatting to each other, carried us in their arms. (Sounds drama enough rite?) We could even picture the actual scenario when our mums meet up with each other. They will be chatting like they were friends :)
It's not easy to find someone who born in the same hospital as you, on the same year, same month, same day, same hour just difference by a couple of mins. What’s more can I say??? Its fate that brought us together :)
I glad that I found her!
14 January, 2007
Nitetime Photo Outing
As i was setting up my tripod, a hostile woman walked over and said, "What are you taking? For what kind of purpose? Didn't the security tell you all cannot take photos here?"
I was offended by her tone and her hostile manner. I told her straight at her face that we took these photos for our own interest.
"Even if its for your own interest but you all cannot take photo here because too many people taking already!"
So whats the problem with too many people taking the spiral staircases? I gave her "what are you talking about" look.
Francis saw it and quickly come up and explain to her.
Francis: "Hi, I saw you before."
Hostile woman: "Where are you from?"
Francis: "Im from PA and I brought my students to complete one of their assignments."
Upon hearing the word "PA", this woman starts tone down.
Hostile woman: "Did you get any approval from the management here?"
Francis: "As you know the process is always too long. But I can give you my contact no and details. You can always check."
Hostile woman: "Alright, i will get the security to write down the details."
OMG, they actually hired 2 securities just to stop people from taking photos there!!! Even though this big hoo-ha is over. Im still quite pissed with the whole incident.
1) This woman is rude and hostile as if we own her one million dollars.
2) Whats wrong with taking photos at the spiral staircases??? Its not as if it is the classified area where all the confidential documents are..
3) Just because too many people has been taking this spiral staircases, so we cannot take?
So I think next time, we cannot take photos at esplanade or merlion because too many people taking photos there already!!!
13 January, 2007
Beautiful incidents do happen
In this gloomy morning, i went to buy my favorite "Fan Choy". Auntie always greet me as "xiao jie". Today i heard this: "Mei nu, what do you want to buy?" I was abit stunned and almost i forgot what i want to buy. Yes, I know... this might be just a casual greeting from the auntie.
But it makes me ponder: have i really become prettier in my appearance or my attitude in life has changed me to be a prettier person? I would rather like my answer to be the 2nd one. Anyway, this is not the main story i want to tell today....
Last week, i saw a flock of birds snatching for the food... its rather interesting picture to be taken. But i forgot my camera! I was so upset... Surprisingly, i saw a flock of birds back again today. Wonder if its the same batch:P I took quite a fair bit of shots but mostly are quite disasters. 'Cause the birds keeps moving around. I cant take a close up shot of the birds. 'Cause the moment, i moved closer. They will fly away. I guessed I have stepped into their "danger detected radar". How i wished i have a "zoom-in" lens at that moment!
After a while, the birds flew away, i took some snapshots of this beautiful flower "Tian Tang Niao".
Moral of the story:
Never leave your house, without your camera.
But it makes me ponder: have i really become prettier in my appearance or my attitude in life has changed me to be a prettier person? I would rather like my answer to be the 2nd one. Anyway, this is not the main story i want to tell today....
Last week, i saw a flock of birds snatching for the food... its rather interesting picture to be taken. But i forgot my camera! I was so upset... Surprisingly, i saw a flock of birds back again today. Wonder if its the same batch:P I took quite a fair bit of shots but mostly are quite disasters. 'Cause the birds keeps moving around. I cant take a close up shot of the birds. 'Cause the moment, i moved closer. They will fly away. I guessed I have stepped into their "danger detected radar". How i wished i have a "zoom-in" lens at that moment!
After a while, the birds flew away, i took some snapshots of this beautiful flower "Tian Tang Niao".
Moral of the story:
Never leave your house, without your camera.
Beautiful Tian Tang Niao
Lonely Soul...
When Love Is In the Air
We are happy family
12 January, 2007
Pregnant mom Rulez
I saw my ex coll online in msn.
"Hey, how are you?"
"I have a news to tell you."
"Erm, is it good news or bad news?"
"I'm expecting a baby boy."
"Wow, congrats!!! You not a friend leh.. now then tell me..."
"Hee hee.."
It has been almost a year since we last meet up. We decided to have a dinner today, called another ex coll along too.. We called her "ma huan zha bo"(means troublesome girl). How she got this name is because she will not able to meet us with last min with some "strange" excuses. Its very hard to get her to come out for a drink or dinner.
We expect "ma huan zha bo" will be late or fly us kite but surprisingly, she was early today. She was trying some clothes at Dorothy Perkins. Most of the clothes are quite loose fitting. It has 30% discounts. I saw one nice purple top, which i really like. But don't have my M size! For once, in so many years, i felt that I’m "punished" for being in a medium frame.
My cool pregnant mom has reached, after my friend paid for the clothes. Pregnant Moms always have special privileges. I couldn’t be more agreed with this. 'Cause the moment, she arrived, we asked her what does she want to eat. She told us she have a craving for steamboat. Off we go to the "special mom's request".
We saw this steamboat place. Its nicely decorated and there are two levels: the ground level and the underground level. The ground level is fully packed with customers. We have no choice but to went down to the underground, thinking that there will be food served below as well.

To our surprise, we are lured from heaven to hell. We have to get our food at the ground level. Climbing up and down the slim spiral staircase, poor ventilation and tight sitting seats. These tiny, little things caused my "ma huan zha bo" to complain...
As we walked up to the ground level, the waiter is clearing one of the table. My "ma huan zha bo" asked that waiter if we could changed our table. The manager keep insisted that the table is reserved and its not possible to give us that table.
So I quickly stepped in and said, "My pregnant friend has difficulty climbing up and down the stairs. Would you kind enough to give us this table?"
And you know what, they immediately changed the table for us!
"Hey, how are you?"
"I have a news to tell you."
"Erm, is it good news or bad news?"
"I'm expecting a baby boy."
"Wow, congrats!!! You not a friend leh.. now then tell me..."
"Hee hee.."
It has been almost a year since we last meet up. We decided to have a dinner today, called another ex coll along too.. We called her "ma huan zha bo"(means troublesome girl). How she got this name is because she will not able to meet us with last min with some "strange" excuses. Its very hard to get her to come out for a drink or dinner.
We expect "ma huan zha bo" will be late or fly us kite but surprisingly, she was early today. She was trying some clothes at Dorothy Perkins. Most of the clothes are quite loose fitting. It has 30% discounts. I saw one nice purple top, which i really like. But don't have my M size! For once, in so many years, i felt that I’m "punished" for being in a medium frame.
My cool pregnant mom has reached, after my friend paid for the clothes. Pregnant Moms always have special privileges. I couldn’t be more agreed with this. 'Cause the moment, she arrived, we asked her what does she want to eat. She told us she have a craving for steamboat. Off we go to the "special mom's request".
We saw this steamboat place. Its nicely decorated and there are two levels: the ground level and the underground level. The ground level is fully packed with customers. We have no choice but to went down to the underground, thinking that there will be food served below as well.
To our surprise, we are lured from heaven to hell. We have to get our food at the ground level. Climbing up and down the slim spiral staircase, poor ventilation and tight sitting seats. These tiny, little things caused my "ma huan zha bo" to complain...
As we walked up to the ground level, the waiter is clearing one of the table. My "ma huan zha bo" asked that waiter if we could changed our table. The manager keep insisted that the table is reserved and its not possible to give us that table.
So I quickly stepped in and said, "My pregnant friend has difficulty climbing up and down the stairs. Would you kind enough to give us this table?"
And you know what, they immediately changed the table for us!
11 January, 2007
It's time to grab our nuts!
Went to watch "Forbbidden Chestnut" play, starring by Hossan Leong, Jonathan Lim, Rodney Oliveiro and Judy Ngo. Its only just a "4 man show" without much props. However, the latest movies, tv ads, media controversies, current affairs that they touched on, were so hilarious that you couldn't stop laughing!!!
Another funny part is: there is this silly girl, Ah Hua, found this death note, she doesnt know the use of it. So she wrote: this book belongs to Ah Hua. And within 30s, she died :P
If you are lookin for some corny sexual contents.. this will be definately a show for you.

There are 9 more shows, if you are interested about this play, you can go to their website. http://www.nowstagethis.com/events-chestnuts07.html
Another funny part is: there is this silly girl, Ah Hua, found this death note, she doesnt know the use of it. So she wrote: this book belongs to Ah Hua. And within 30s, she died :P
If you are lookin for some corny sexual contents.. this will be definately a show for you.
There are 9 more shows, if you are interested about this play, you can go to their website. http://www.nowstagethis.com/events-chestnuts07.html
10 January, 2007
Are we taking good photographs?
Went to my photography class last night. We went to our first class photoshoot at changi ferry last sat. Last night is our photoshoot critics section. We have to select our 3 best shot and explain why we love about them.
So I choose these 3 photos:

My view: I like about "holes"on the leaves. I think they are special. So i took this photo directly.
Critics: However I didnt explore enough creativity. I could have use the holes to see what lies beyond the holes.

My view: Being "experimental", I tilted my photo. To me, its like the boat is moving upwards???
Critics: Some rules are meant to be broken but it doesnt really apply to horizon. But to others, it may appear that the horizon is lopsided and the boat looked as if it is struggling its way up?
Alright, I have changed back the photo to its "original" state :P

My view: This is the best shot that i have taken out of 200 shots! :P I saw this family were playing by the beach. They were walking their way back. I felt the kids have really enjoyed this trip. I quickly trigger my shutter to capture their best moment.
Critics: This photo is heartfelt and real.
My thoughts: What i love about this critics section is, we get to see other people works and we can learn from one another. Learnt how to take better composition in future. Learnt from own or other people mistakes or see what is the best angle to take the photo.. Learnt when to follow the rules or break them when necessary.
So I choose these 3 photos:
My view: I like about "holes"on the leaves. I think they are special. So i took this photo directly.
Critics: However I didnt explore enough creativity. I could have use the holes to see what lies beyond the holes.
My view: Being "experimental", I tilted my photo. To me, its like the boat is moving upwards???
Critics: Some rules are meant to be broken but it doesnt really apply to horizon. But to others, it may appear that the horizon is lopsided and the boat looked as if it is struggling its way up?
Alright, I have changed back the photo to its "original" state :P
My view: This is the best shot that i have taken out of 200 shots! :P I saw this family were playing by the beach. They were walking their way back. I felt the kids have really enjoyed this trip. I quickly trigger my shutter to capture their best moment.
Critics: This photo is heartfelt and real.
My thoughts: What i love about this critics section is, we get to see other people works and we can learn from one another. Learnt how to take better composition in future. Learnt from own or other people mistakes or see what is the best angle to take the photo.. Learnt when to follow the rules or break them when necessary.
09 January, 2007
I finally see my OWN rainbow
I haven’t been myself but I don’t really know how to help myself. I was just like a designer, without a soul. Losing all my basic design instinct, confidence and not be able to express my own thoughts. I couldn’t even complete a simple project that was assigned to me.
Felt something is missing in me. I have been going through my own “self-reflection” therapy for these few months. Kept asking myself: “What is missing in my life?” I took up photography. It has changed my life and I found my answer.
It’s my passion in life, that I’m lacking! I have been closing my heart for all these years. Not be able to feel my surroundings and be imaginative. Imagination is endless. Anything around us can be used a creative object or an idea. We just need to be experimental and use our creative mind to create. Do you know even a tissue paper has its own value???
I have rediscovered myself. Looking for ideas at different perspectives and angles. Learning new things can be at any place, anywhere, as long as I never give up on learning. I have regained back my confidence level and I have not given up hope on being a creative designer.
My lecturer once said, “Life is too short. We should not have any regrets in our life.” I fully understand with what she meant. This year 2007 will be a new chapter in my life. I made plans and I’m excited about it. You will see a better Qiqi.
Photo taken at Changi Ferry.
08 January, 2007
Fateful death of the fly
I was having my delicious fish porridge at my downstair's coffeeshop. The fan wind is fairly strong today. Not sure whether is the mosquito's fateful day or my "lucky" day. The wind was so strong that it flew pass my hair and got stuck on the spoon. I got a shock out of it, 'Cause i was opening my mouth!
I decided to take this photo to memorial it :P

I decided to take this photo to memorial it :P
Photo taken at coffeeshop.
07 January, 2007
I want to slim down!
"I put on weight again. I want to loose weight!"
Ladies, this sounds familiar rite?
9 out of 10 women think they are fat. In fact, most of the women nowadays are underweight. They did all kinds of slimming exercise, eat slimming pills, go on diet, even go to slimming centres. A few people have gone to the extreme, just to lose weight but is it worth it?
Recently france has banned models, whose BMI is less than 18, to be up on the stage. 'Cause they are too slim.
Im building a slimming centre here. I have transformed my fat body into a slim one. Thats with the help of adobe photoshop.

What i want to say is, it doesnt matter whether you are fat or slim, the most important thing is you have to stay healthy. It's not worth to risk your health just because you want to have a perfect figure!?
My piece of advice are:
My dear friends who are slim to perfect figure, stop thinking you are fat cos you are not! You just need to tone your body.
My fat or plump friends like me, enjoy the fatness in yourself. We are not fat.. the slim girls are just too thin to be admired :) Not all people can be as bubbly and cute like us :) FYI, most guys love plump women like us kekeke
So please don't be obsessed with your own figure anymore...
Ladies, this sounds familiar rite?
9 out of 10 women think they are fat. In fact, most of the women nowadays are underweight. They did all kinds of slimming exercise, eat slimming pills, go on diet, even go to slimming centres. A few people have gone to the extreme, just to lose weight but is it worth it?
Recently france has banned models, whose BMI is less than 18, to be up on the stage. 'Cause they are too slim.
Im building a slimming centre here. I have transformed my fat body into a slim one. Thats with the help of adobe photoshop.
What i want to say is, it doesnt matter whether you are fat or slim, the most important thing is you have to stay healthy. It's not worth to risk your health just because you want to have a perfect figure!?
My piece of advice are:
My dear friends who are slim to perfect figure, stop thinking you are fat cos you are not! You just need to tone your body.
My fat or plump friends like me, enjoy the fatness in yourself. We are not fat.. the slim girls are just too thin to be admired :) Not all people can be as bubbly and cute like us :) FYI, most guys love plump women like us kekeke
So please don't be obsessed with your own figure anymore...
Photo taken at my house.
06 January, 2007
The Intruder
An intruder came into our room this morning. He was 1.85 tall, quite macho and handsome. He was wearing a pair of saavy sunglasses and a cool helmet. All women, who walk passed our room, their feet were swept off by him. He looked almost like Arnold Schwarzenegger. My male colleague commented that we finally has another guy in our room.
Suddenly a guy from another department was so jealous of him. Come in and take away his helmet and gloves, remove his sunglasses, shirt and jacket. We tried to stop him but without avail. He even dislocate his arms! We wanted to call for the security. But my manager told us not to stop him. To our surprise, he hugged him and they left together... And best part is, we were left with the remaining of him.. We got a few times of shock from this intruder!!!
And this is the intruder's "after-look"!
Suddenly a guy from another department was so jealous of him. Come in and take away his helmet and gloves, remove his sunglasses, shirt and jacket. We tried to stop him but without avail. He even dislocate his arms! We wanted to call for the security. But my manager told us not to stop him. To our surprise, he hugged him and they left together... And best part is, we were left with the remaining of him.. We got a few times of shock from this intruder!!!
And this is the intruder's "after-look"!
05 January, 2007
My First Cooking Lesson
Our dear friend claimed that her fried rice is nice. So we went to one of my colleague's house to test her cooking skills. I have recorded the process haha. Below is the making of the delicious, yummy fried rice!
Just in case you are wondering what are the ingredients. There are overnite rice (its a must!), diced garlic, minced meat, ham, beaten eggs, carrots, long beans, cooking oil, light soya sauce.

Just in case you are wondering what are the ingredients. There are overnite rice (its a must!), diced garlic, minced meat, ham, beaten eggs, carrots, long beans, cooking oil, light soya sauce.
04 January, 2007
Im a kind of person who doesnt like to read horoscope. 'Cause I feel that they are not accurate. Recently my friend is abit "obsessed" with her Daily Horoscope. She says this website is more accurate. So i decided to check it out.
Read: December 31, 2006, provided by Astrology.com
Find another person to share one of your latest obsessions with!
Overview:A single thought can change your world, and it could come from just about anywhere. Explore books, movies, music and people that would normally not cross your path. Be open to influence from all areas.
I find that this Daily Horoscope is abit unusual than the normal horoscope. Normally, they will tells you you might be meeting your mr right or u will have a bad hair day or you will meet new friends... Its more like "directly" tells you what will happen on that day itself..
Unlike this horoscope, it actually gives you an idea. Maybe you can try this, it could lead you to somewhere that you never been before. It acts as a guiding light... It will makes you think. Maybe it will work or maybe it wont but at least you tried.
Guess what are my latest obessions?
Yup Yup its blogging and photography... Im so obsessed in blogging that i must write something in my blog daily. Blogging once a day, keeps my troubles away. It acts as a "Chu Qi Tong". A place that i can let out my gas... i can write anything on the blog. I can be as expressive as I want. I used to write blog because for the sake of writting. But now i write because i feel something for this world. I use my heart to feel my surroundings. And that's have to tie back to my 2nd obession which is photography.
Photography is a wonderful hobby. I used to dislike photography. 'Cause i think that they are boring. I attended a few photography classes. The classes were boring. Taught you how to change the aperature, shutter speed. They are too technical for me. And I still bought a point and shoot camera for a year that i hardly use more than 30 times. The camera bag was so clean and scratchless. I don't even know what camera model i was using.
Until recently, I attended the photography class for beginner. His way of teaching, triggered my interest. Its more artistic towards technical stuffs. Photography has slowly plant its seed into my soul. It was activating my heart and mind. It makes me think more and feel more towards my surroundings. Yes, to be more observant person. Just like a block wood is transforming to a sulpture.
The hardest photography challenge is to tell story in a photo... Well, I still have a long, long way to go 'cause I haven't found a good story to tell...
"Photography is painting with light and feelings."
Read: December 31, 2006, provided by Astrology.com
Find another person to share one of your latest obsessions with!
Overview:A single thought can change your world, and it could come from just about anywhere. Explore books, movies, music and people that would normally not cross your path. Be open to influence from all areas.
I find that this Daily Horoscope is abit unusual than the normal horoscope. Normally, they will tells you you might be meeting your mr right or u will have a bad hair day or you will meet new friends... Its more like "directly" tells you what will happen on that day itself..
Unlike this horoscope, it actually gives you an idea. Maybe you can try this, it could lead you to somewhere that you never been before. It acts as a guiding light... It will makes you think. Maybe it will work or maybe it wont but at least you tried.
Guess what are my latest obessions?
Yup Yup its blogging and photography... Im so obsessed in blogging that i must write something in my blog daily. Blogging once a day, keeps my troubles away. It acts as a "Chu Qi Tong". A place that i can let out my gas... i can write anything on the blog. I can be as expressive as I want. I used to write blog because for the sake of writting. But now i write because i feel something for this world. I use my heart to feel my surroundings. And that's have to tie back to my 2nd obession which is photography.
Photography is a wonderful hobby. I used to dislike photography. 'Cause i think that they are boring. I attended a few photography classes. The classes were boring. Taught you how to change the aperature, shutter speed. They are too technical for me. And I still bought a point and shoot camera for a year that i hardly use more than 30 times. The camera bag was so clean and scratchless. I don't even know what camera model i was using.
Until recently, I attended the photography class for beginner. His way of teaching, triggered my interest. Its more artistic towards technical stuffs. Photography has slowly plant its seed into my soul. It was activating my heart and mind. It makes me think more and feel more towards my surroundings. Yes, to be more observant person. Just like a block wood is transforming to a sulpture.
The hardest photography challenge is to tell story in a photo... Well, I still have a long, long way to go 'cause I haven't found a good story to tell...
"Photography is painting with light and feelings."
03 January, 2007
I'm just not ready...
"Can i go after you?"
"No, you cant. I rather we stay as friends. I cherish the friendship that we have."
"We still can be friends even we are dating. Im not rushing you into marriage. Just hold hands or when you are tired, you can rest your head on my shoulder."
"I know love is a wonderful thing. Having to be loved by someone is great. But for now, i don't feel like holding anyone's hands. To me, love is a burden and I'm still enjoying my singlehood life."
"You have enjoyed your singlehood life quite some time already rite? I'm not a flirt. I can wait but dont keep me waiting."
"It's not you. It's me. So dont wait for me. There are alot of roses out there.. you just have to look around."
"Yes, there are many roses around, but not to my own liking."
"Ok but i still comfortable to be your friend. Just like i said just now, love is a burden. Please do not wait for me. There are really alot of nice roses around..."
It might be a harsh to reject someone's love. I might have "retribution". After dating for 6 years, I'm back again in my singlehood life. It has made me to become a stronger person. I have learnt to be more independent. I have learnt to make my own decisions. I have learnt to know myself better and know what i want in life. I'm still exploring the life the way it is.
Having a relationship is like stopping me to move forward. I have to love him. I have to be more considerate. I have to be more sensitive towards him. I can't have my own self-centered way of thinking anymore. It's a love commitment. In a way, I can't do the way, I want it anymore.
Life is not all about dating, getting married, has kids and slogged the rest of our life. I'm not insisting that getting into relationship is not good. Who knows, i might be getting married the next moment when the time is riped. I'm saying that there are many openings and options. You just have to choose the best option that suits for yourself. 'Cause you cant always live up to people expectations.
Okay, I just not ready for it.
"No, you cant. I rather we stay as friends. I cherish the friendship that we have."
"We still can be friends even we are dating. Im not rushing you into marriage. Just hold hands or when you are tired, you can rest your head on my shoulder."
"I know love is a wonderful thing. Having to be loved by someone is great. But for now, i don't feel like holding anyone's hands. To me, love is a burden and I'm still enjoying my singlehood life."
"You have enjoyed your singlehood life quite some time already rite? I'm not a flirt. I can wait but dont keep me waiting."
"It's not you. It's me. So dont wait for me. There are alot of roses out there.. you just have to look around."
"Yes, there are many roses around, but not to my own liking."
"Ok but i still comfortable to be your friend. Just like i said just now, love is a burden. Please do not wait for me. There are really alot of nice roses around..."
Having a relationship is like stopping me to move forward. I have to love him. I have to be more considerate. I have to be more sensitive towards him. I can't have my own self-centered way of thinking anymore. It's a love commitment. In a way, I can't do the way, I want it anymore.
Life is not all about dating, getting married, has kids and slogged the rest of our life. I'm not insisting that getting into relationship is not good. Who knows, i might be getting married the next moment when the time is riped. I'm saying that there are many openings and options. You just have to choose the best option that suits for yourself. 'Cause you cant always live up to people expectations.
Okay, I just not ready for it.
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