04 January, 2007


Im a kind of person who doesnt like to read horoscope. 'Cause I feel that they are not accurate. Recently my friend is abit "obsessed" with her Daily Horoscope. She says this website is more accurate. So i decided to check it out.

Read: December 31, 2006, provided by Astrology.com
Find another person to share one of your latest obsessions with!

Overview:A single thought can change your world, and it could come from just about anywhere. Explore books, movies, music and people that would normally not cross your path. Be open to influence from all areas.

I find that this Daily Horoscope is abit unusual than the normal horoscope. Normally, they will tells you you might be meeting your mr right or u will have a bad hair day or you will meet new friends... Its more like "directly" tells you what will happen on that day itself..

Unlike this horoscope, it actually gives you an idea. Maybe you can try this, it could lead you to somewhere that you never been before. It acts as a guiding light... It will makes you think. Maybe it will work or maybe it wont but at least you tried.

Guess what are my latest obessions?
Yup Yup its blogging and photography... Im so obsessed in blogging that i must write something in my blog daily. Blogging once a day, keeps my troubles away. It acts as a "Chu Qi Tong". A place that i can let out my gas... i can write anything on the blog. I can be as expressive as I want. I used to write blog because for the sake of writting. But now i write because i feel something for this world. I use my heart to feel my surroundings. And that's have to tie back to my 2nd obession which is photography.

Photography is a wonderful hobby. I used to dislike photography. 'Cause i think that they are boring. I attended a few photography classes. The classes were boring. Taught you how to change the aperature, shutter speed. They are too technical for me. And I still bought a point and shoot camera for a year that i hardly use more than 30 times. The camera bag was so clean and scratchless. I don't even know what camera model i was using.

Until recently, I attended the photography class for beginner. His way of teaching, triggered my interest. Its more artistic towards technical stuffs. Photography has slowly plant its seed into my soul. It was activating my heart and mind. It makes me think more and feel more towards my surroundings. Yes, to be more observant person. Just like a block wood is transforming to a sulpture.

The hardest photography challenge is to tell story in a photo... Well, I still have a long, long way to go 'cause I haven't found a good story to tell...

"Photography is painting with light and feelings."

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