15 January, 2007

Seeing Double

I found my "twin" sister. Our mums delivered us at KK hospital in the middle of the night. The difference is just 25 mins apart... We only found each other at my current company. Before I could know her better, she has left me for the better job opportunity.

However, we do keep in touch with each other through msn. We get to know each other better and I felt like she is a reflective image of me.

Although we have different lifestyles and habits, but we share common topics. It's just like having two clones with same character, having different kind of life experiences.
(God could has run out of ideas :p)

It's nice to share with someone, you don’t need to express too much of yourself and yet she could understands you totally because she feels the same way as you.

We even joked about "baby swapping" OR our mums were chatting to each other, carried us in their arms. (Sounds drama enough rite?) We could even picture the actual scenario when our mums meet up with each other. They will be chatting like they were friends :)

It's not easy to find someone who born in the same hospital as you, on the same year, same month, same day, same hour just difference by a couple of mins. What’s more can I say??? Its fate that brought us together :)

I glad that I found her!

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