25 January, 2007


Saw this nike poster along the citylink on sunday. This campaign is to highlight some soceer players wearing nike shoes. Loved the way nike uses funky typography to form "Just Do It". These text are related to soceer and it is filled with funny statements like "You are slower than my granny", "I can't kick your way, do it my way", "See that stretcher, it's got your name on it". It leaves an impression when i saw this.

Many a times, we procastinate to do something that we should do. And we delay and delay and delay until a point that we no longer feel like doing it anymore and thus we ended up with no much choices and feeling regrets and more regrets after that.

Yes, i know its human nature to procastinate. I'm the victim as well. But when you look back, do you want to see yourself with full of regrets??? Or would you want to see that: "Hey, i have achieved so much things for the past one year" and feeling great about yourself.

We may failed to achieve what we want but just let our experiences be our teacher. Looking forward and move on. Life is way too short for regrets.

If you think you are moving too fast ahead, just slow it down OR If you think you are moving too slow far behind, just run faster than your usual pace.

One positive thinking about life is, it is never too late to know where you stand.

>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JUST DO IT >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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