16 May, 2021

Day 197: 5 Days of Own Your Future Challenge

I joined Tony Robbins and Dean Graziosi's Own Your Future Challenge from 11 May to 15 May. It was a 2 hours webinar daily. I gather many insights from the 2 of them and other speakers. Of course, I Understand they want people to join their Mastermind Group, That was the whole idea. I am glad that they didn't forced people to sign up, they just encouraged people to get started.

As a business owner myself, I understand where they are coming from. They want to give value to people who want to follow them, learn from them, apply the knowledge, build capabilities and scale up the business. All these efforts need time. Fortunately, they allow people to watch the replay. I spent 2 days watched through their 5 days of training. They are impactful and insightful.

I always think Tony Robbins is very drama when he teaches. I didn't really like it but maybe someone loves to hear this. This time round, I keep my mind opens, surprisely some of his words do make sense to me. If I don't like the way I work, I need to change it. Fortunately, Dean's energy was more down to earth. Somehow I like the way Dean shares his stories from a sincere heart.
To be honest, I am more relateable to Brendon Burchard, his story is more believable and I could feel his sincerity. His words of wisdom did touch me. He had a car accident after his first love left him. That was the turning point that he started to question about his life. He was in depression. In the end, he decided he wants to live. He doesn't want to die. Now, everyday he will ask himself,"Did I live well? Did I make a difference? Did I matter?"

It reminded me how I suffered from depression previously. I was so desperate, helpless, mentally and emotionally suffering. I feel like I was dying every single day. I felt so useless and invalid. My heart was empty. One day, a friend of mine cried in front of me. Another friend wrote positive words to me frequently, just to uplife me. It makes me realised that I have at least make a difference in my friends' life. They gave me the strength that I want to live.
1st Day - Mindset
What is the one limiting belief that I had?
It was hard to earn money.
What can I shift to change this belief?
I can start building my networks and build new business relationships.

2nd Day - Finding the Dot and Taking the next bold move
Finding the group of people to serve: Solopreneurs
Taking the next bold move - Show up more in social media, sharing my message

3rd Day - Service Leadership
What are my gifts and talents?
How can I serve?

4th Day - Roadmap
Share my story
Compelling reasons to learn from me
Past Works
Process, Tools

5th Day - Implementation
Social media

Create Awareness, Interest, Purchase, Service, Loyalty

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