24 May, 2021

Day 205: Everything Is Connected - Tom Chi, Carefree Day 10

In this talk Tom Chi shares one of the most powerful ideas you can learn: it transcends science, religion, politics, social responsibility and humanism. He describes in practical terms how we're all interconnected.

01:30 3 simple stories
If without the Galaxy collides, we couldn't get generations of stars.
If without generations of stars, we couldn't accumulate iron required to create the earth.
If without iron, we couldn't move the blood that moves every single one of our heart beats right now.
In that way, from the very beginning, everyone of our heart beats is directly connected.

3 Billion ago, there is no oxygen in this earth.
Ozone layer helps to creates the atmostphere.
Every single breath that we took contributed to the possibility of countless life after us.
We struggled with our lives and question ourselves do we have life purpose?
The purpose of our life is longer than our consciousness last.

How our minds and thoughts are connected. There is a set of people who invented piano is 1700s and their pattern of thoughts propagated forward and opened up the bound for many people to go and play around the piano. Other people develop interesting styles and able to teach other folks to study the instrument. This piece of work allow us to open up entirely new vistas of human experience and possibility. Those thoughts were directly connected in a chain of possibility.

16:51 The palette of being
The way we live our life, we can add colours. The people that got together and took their mechanical engineering power and invent the piano. They added the color to people lives. It meant that every bit of civilization afterwards now has a new colour to work with.

20:48 What are we?

25:59 What is our quest?
The opportunity of all of our lives to be able to deeply embrace and play with all the colours from the palatte of being, but through what we want to create in this life.
Through Relationships
Through What we know
Just our basic way of being to add colours so that future generations are able to invent, live, be in a different way with each other.

28:27 Consciously building a toolkit for the psyche
Do not underestimate what you do as a human being with that same amount of patience and dedication.

As an individual, we can affect our family and friends, society, environment, physical universe.

State of Inter Becoming
7% of our body is gone each day, it is the mass of our arm. Atoms comes and goes. We are the earth and earth is us.

Things that we do, which is the deep work of being inside ourselves.

Living our lives with full presence the things that we are contributive to collective consciousness and the expansion of consciousness in the universe.

People are worthy whether they are aware or not. In the process of seeing them, our consciousness continues to expand.

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