20 May, 2021

Day 201: Meridian Tapping

Thanks Hui Fang,founder of Ouch,for inviting me to her 1 hour of self care TCM workshop. Her class is captivating and a lot of hands-on activities. She uses acronym ACE, Acupressure, Concoction of Herbs, Exercise, to make people remember the steps easily.

In this session, “Combating Digital Fatigue the TCM Way”, I’ve picked up several helpful tips! For instance , “Dang Shen” can strengthen our metabolism and reduce fatigue. I also learnt that tapping on Large Intestine/He gu xue can relieve headache, tapping the points around the eyes can reduce eyes fatigue, tapping on the Gallbladder jian jing xue / feng ching xue can clear the stiff neck and shoulders. I am gonna try them out! 😃

Thank you, Hui Fang, for your generous sharing.

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