14 May, 2021

Day 195: Why I didn't want to take the Vaccine

Recently a few of my friends send me this article: 18 Reasons I won't be getting a covid vaccine

After reading it, my personal take is. These 5 points make sense to me.
1) Trust issue about the vaccine. I trust my body more than the vaccine. I believe our immune system is better than taking the vaccine. Vaccine reduces the quality of immune system.

2) Integrity issue. The vaccine is not really well tested at this point in time. The pharmaceutical industry just want to roll out the vaccine quickly so that they can make money in future. People are getting the side effects for now. People just normalise it because they feel they have no choice or tricked by the media that vaccination is good for them.

3) Safety issue. NO INFORMED CONSENT. What most who are taking the vaccine don't know is that because these products are still in clinical trials, anyone who gets the shot is now part of the clinical trial. They are part of the experiment. Time will tell how this experiment works out.

4) Health Protection issue. After taking the vaccine, you are still not protected, you are still open to the chances of getting the virus. The chances of getting covid is really low. it is 99.7% but if you take the vaccine, you increase the higher chance (90%) of getting it.

5) Transmission issue. The vaccines do not stop transmission or infection. You are not protected by the pharmaceutical industry or government if the vaccine fails you.

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