I was super pissed to hear that we need to reshoot the photoshoot again. Just because the client side says that why are we using our own people when they suppose to use their people.
Right from the beginning, we asked them if they have stock photos... they simply told us that they don't have any and no good resources that they could provide. After I have finished two rounds of photoshoots and finished designed the folder, brochure and websites. They start to make such comments...
If you were me, how would you feel???
My boss had no choice but to agree with them to reshoot just because they are the clients... Who I am to say no, I'm just an ikan bilis....
This time round, the client side finally willing to provide nice and proper photoshoot areas, their own staffs and using their new Canon D400.
Took one whole morning to reshoot everything, their staffs are not really that comfortable in front of the camera, wasted a bit of time to tell them how to pose and smile naturally...
The results? Obviously much better than previous, but in the first place, if they have given us what we wanted, all of us wouldn't be wasting so much time and efforts for nothing... And now i got to work within my tight deadline... urgh!!!
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
26 April, 2007
25 April, 2007
Networking Night
Went to the networking night organised by SDU. Missed that last session, this time round my boss "force" me to go... Don't really feel like going alone so in the end ask my Xiao Mei to join me. Guess what, my boss ban her from going loh because shes attached le... So i come out with backup plan, ask another colleague of mine to go with me... using my sweet talk and my voice to charm her to go... but no matter what i say, she's just not interested...
Alright i shall go alone then...
My boss "saboed" me.. tells me Bus no 7 will reached SDU. That particular bus stop that she told me doesn't have that bus no. I was running late, i had to take a cab there. Don't know is my unlucky day or not, today is that cab driver first day driving! He doesn't know the exact place despite i told him its at stevens road. We took quite awhile to find the place.
The dinner is lousy, the people are mostly shy, the games are silly and boring. We had no common topics or interest. So superficial... The only thing that keeps me interested is the talk. The speaker is quite jovial and humourous. The topics, he touched on, are quite useful and interesting. He shared with us how woman and man think and how spouses can live harmony despite of the difference...
At the end of the event, we are kinda "force" to take down the numbers of the people around us because it is part of the game.
Hmmm let me think... what shall i do with these long list of numbers then?
Alright i shall go alone then...
My boss "saboed" me.. tells me Bus no 7 will reached SDU. That particular bus stop that she told me doesn't have that bus no. I was running late, i had to take a cab there. Don't know is my unlucky day or not, today is that cab driver first day driving! He doesn't know the exact place despite i told him its at stevens road. We took quite awhile to find the place.
The dinner is lousy, the people are mostly shy, the games are silly and boring. We had no common topics or interest. So superficial... The only thing that keeps me interested is the talk. The speaker is quite jovial and humourous. The topics, he touched on, are quite useful and interesting. He shared with us how woman and man think and how spouses can live harmony despite of the difference...
At the end of the event, we are kinda "force" to take down the numbers of the people around us because it is part of the game.
Hmmm let me think... what shall i do with these long list of numbers then?
24 April, 2007
Some serious stuffs to do
Qiqi: Let's get something serious stuffs here. We need to bring how many pieces?
TeS: 100 will be enough
Qiqii: That is too many!
TeS: Wait, must remember not to wear shorts and singlet...
Qiqi: (Getting abit impatient) Be serious!!!
TeS: orrrh.. kena scolding le..
Qiqi: obviously get scolding lah.. so playful... must be serious
TeS: Okay loh, Just 3 will do.
Qiqi: It is an important mission
TeS: Okay loh, I very serious le lor
Qiqi: Oh yah, we must bring our weapons there too
TeS: What weapons ah?
Qiqi: Weapon must be loaded with few gigs of SD cards....
TeS: Yahhh and rem to bring tripod and IR Filter!!!
Qiqi: That is optional...
TeS: So reach le do what? Build sand castle ah?
Qiqi: Firing our weapons hahaha....
Qiqi: Okay, let's do not waste any more time and get things done!
We are planning what to bring for our penang trip... what are you thinking anyway? hahaha
Few minutes later...
TeS:keke u think hor.....at the end, after come back, would we have "forgetten" to go penang coz...we forget to take pix of us there...
Qiqi: Highly possible KEKE
TeS: 100 will be enough
Qiqii: That is too many!
TeS: Wait, must remember not to wear shorts and singlet...
Qiqi: (Getting abit impatient) Be serious!!!
TeS: orrrh.. kena scolding le..
Qiqi: obviously get scolding lah.. so playful... must be serious
TeS: Okay loh, Just 3 will do.
Qiqi: It is an important mission
TeS: Okay loh, I very serious le lor
Qiqi: Oh yah, we must bring our weapons there too
TeS: What weapons ah?
Qiqi: Weapon must be loaded with few gigs of SD cards....
TeS: Yahhh and rem to bring tripod and IR Filter!!!
Qiqi: That is optional...
TeS: So reach le do what? Build sand castle ah?
Qiqi: Firing our weapons hahaha....
Qiqi: Okay, let's do not waste any more time and get things done!
We are planning what to bring for our penang trip... what are you thinking anyway? hahaha
Few minutes later...
TeS:keke u think hor.....at the end, after come back, would we have "forgetten" to go penang coz...we forget to take pix of us there...
Qiqi: Highly possible KEKE
23 April, 2007
People around us
In our harsh society, only the person will know how to make use of the good opportunities will survive!
After 'O' Levels, we are forced to make our own career path decisions. How would a 17 year kid like me would know how to make a major decision in my life, making sure that it will not be a wrong decision? I simply select my ploy courses through eliminations, this is so "sickening" but i have no choice, I'm being force to make a decision.
If you scored good grades in your studies, you have more choices and options. If you are lucky enough, you have make the correct career path and all your life will be much more smoother then others. To have a even better life, if you happened to have good and rich parents, probably your life will be smooth sailing. They could give you good advises and helped you along the way...
If you have poor and lousy grades, your fate is almost sealed by our MOE. Worse, you have notorious and uneducated parents, most probably, you think that you have sealed your own fate. Thinking that this is the lousy life, will do you more harm and you start to blame the people around you and living a sucky life... But you forget that you can change your own fate.
A friend of mine had a master degree in building management, worked in building industries for 10 years and realised that it is not what he wants and turns out to be advertising seems to be his passion. He has decided to change his career path totally.
I always believe late is always better than never.
This is not the end of the road, for other people who are less fortunate like me, will take a longer and harder time to realise what kind of career path is actually good for us.
I like to observe people around me. I realised that people have 4 different traits rational, emotional, creative and logical characteristics. It won't be that accurate after u start to mix with different traits of people around. People around you, will slowly shape your life and character.
Being creative and logical people that depends how much left and right brain you are using...
If you are creative and emotional person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Arts / Creative industry.
If you are creative and rational person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Business industry.
If you are logical and rational person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Finance / Accountancy / IT / Engineering industry.
If you are logical and emotional person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Medical industry.
This is our harsh reality. Many a times, we are forced to make decisions against our will. No matter what, we still have to try and struggle to make our way through. I'm sure that if there's a will, there is a way. Keep trying, till you stepped your foot into the coffin...
After 'O' Levels, we are forced to make our own career path decisions. How would a 17 year kid like me would know how to make a major decision in my life, making sure that it will not be a wrong decision? I simply select my ploy courses through eliminations, this is so "sickening" but i have no choice, I'm being force to make a decision.
If you scored good grades in your studies, you have more choices and options. If you are lucky enough, you have make the correct career path and all your life will be much more smoother then others. To have a even better life, if you happened to have good and rich parents, probably your life will be smooth sailing. They could give you good advises and helped you along the way...
If you have poor and lousy grades, your fate is almost sealed by our MOE. Worse, you have notorious and uneducated parents, most probably, you think that you have sealed your own fate. Thinking that this is the lousy life, will do you more harm and you start to blame the people around you and living a sucky life... But you forget that you can change your own fate.
A friend of mine had a master degree in building management, worked in building industries for 10 years and realised that it is not what he wants and turns out to be advertising seems to be his passion. He has decided to change his career path totally.
I always believe late is always better than never.
This is not the end of the road, for other people who are less fortunate like me, will take a longer and harder time to realise what kind of career path is actually good for us.
I like to observe people around me. I realised that people have 4 different traits rational, emotional, creative and logical characteristics. It won't be that accurate after u start to mix with different traits of people around. People around you, will slowly shape your life and character.
Being creative and logical people that depends how much left and right brain you are using...
If you are creative and emotional person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Arts / Creative industry.
If you are creative and rational person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Business industry.
If you are logical and rational person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Finance / Accountancy / IT / Engineering industry.
If you are logical and emotional person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Medical industry.
This is our harsh reality. Many a times, we are forced to make decisions against our will. No matter what, we still have to try and struggle to make our way through. I'm sure that if there's a will, there is a way. Keep trying, till you stepped your foot into the coffin...
22 April, 2007
Lasting Love?
It always works both ways. Just one side, simply will not work. More than 10 years back, one of the Titus Ad has this classic phrase. "Don't bother if there is everlasting love, just treasure the moment while it lasts."
I'm feeling sad that why love nowadays love has become so fragile that it could only last for a moment. Cant't help but to agree with Tes that it really seems that nothing seems to last forever. Even the most loving couple you see, could divorce after 2 or 10 years later when they realise that it is a "mistake" in a first place.
Is it a mistake in the first place or it is just an excuse to end off this relationship quickly?
Am I expect too much from a relationship? I just want to be loved by him at all times... Just a simple request, yet it seems so hard to be reached...
Perhaps it is best to be single ba. At least, I know I will be loved by my family and friends.
21 April, 2007
Massacre at Virginia Tech
When we heard about this news, we immediately made a long distance call to my aunty Lyn to find if my cousin is alright. He was sent there for his student exchange programme in Virginia Tech University. With god's blessing, he was safe during that firing. Like many, I have glued to the tv, online news about this tragedy happened.
"Cho Seung Hui, aged 23, korean student shot 32 professors and students and he sent a multimedia package consisting of videos, pictures and a disturbing statement to NBC in between his two bouts of shooting in which he tried to explain his actions."
I couldn't help but feeling media and technology has played an important role in our society. Within such a short period of time, this gunman could easily send out his package to the media, which has shocked the whole world.
The US people should really look into the root cause of the problem and not starting pointing fingers at one another.
I have heard people saying that they should keep the guns from the people. If that person has the evil intention, there is no way you could stop him from doing what he wanted to do. We are just making the "gun" as a scapegoat, thus diverting our attention to the much greater problems facing in the society.
Wouldn't our energy be better spent trying to build a more supportive community, diffusing anger in the society, becoming stewards of peace, and building a better response infrastructure? I think we are doing a disservice by placing blame on a metal tool. Knives could hurt people too, are we going to stop using them from now onwards???
Perhaps the Americans should try looking at themselves, and others, and how they treat each other. Nearly all the school shootings comes from US, the aggressor has been someone who has been bullied, or looked down upon, or not acknowledged.
This is what causes these people to go into isolation, and become loners. This is where they're thoughts to themselves only replay the ways they are treated, and hurt. This is what drives them to want to seek revenge, and try to give themselves power. It's a final release and vindication.
My heart goes out to all those who have suffered loss in this incident. This painful lesson should be taken seriously and should not be seen as another horrible shooting case.
"Cho Seung Hui, aged 23, korean student shot 32 professors and students and he sent a multimedia package consisting of videos, pictures and a disturbing statement to NBC in between his two bouts of shooting in which he tried to explain his actions."
I couldn't help but feeling media and technology has played an important role in our society. Within such a short period of time, this gunman could easily send out his package to the media, which has shocked the whole world.
The US people should really look into the root cause of the problem and not starting pointing fingers at one another.
I have heard people saying that they should keep the guns from the people. If that person has the evil intention, there is no way you could stop him from doing what he wanted to do. We are just making the "gun" as a scapegoat, thus diverting our attention to the much greater problems facing in the society.
Wouldn't our energy be better spent trying to build a more supportive community, diffusing anger in the society, becoming stewards of peace, and building a better response infrastructure? I think we are doing a disservice by placing blame on a metal tool. Knives could hurt people too, are we going to stop using them from now onwards???
Perhaps the Americans should try looking at themselves, and others, and how they treat each other. Nearly all the school shootings comes from US, the aggressor has been someone who has been bullied, or looked down upon, or not acknowledged.
This is what causes these people to go into isolation, and become loners. This is where they're thoughts to themselves only replay the ways they are treated, and hurt. This is what drives them to want to seek revenge, and try to give themselves power. It's a final release and vindication.
My heart goes out to all those who have suffered loss in this incident. This painful lesson should be taken seriously and should not be seen as another horrible shooting case.
20 April, 2007
Flash Animation
My company sent me flash animation course for two days. The course structure seems all right and best of all, it teaches actionscripts, which I had not much experience in it.
I was late for the course due to the traffic jam in the morning. The instructor is kinda friendly and quite helpful. He is quite organised in his teaching. Follow step-by-step but make it interesting in his way. The problem with me was I had too high expectations for this course. I had already known 90% of the topics that he taught. Even the actionscripts, it is too simple for me. My expectation was to learn those cool, difficult animations and advanced flash scripting.
I guessed I had attended the wrong course. Through this course, I realised that either I attend advanced actionscript flash course, which is a faster way of learning or self taught and improved through practising and trial and error.
There are two lecturers who had no flash background; therefore they are kinda slow in doing all the exercises. They asked strange questions like, why cant use excels to do and that. They forgot that they are attending Flash Animation course not Microsoft Excel course. The most irritating part was they moved in and out of the class causing a bit of disturbance...
One of the lecturers showed us a "great" website, I saw totally fainted... I looked at him with horrified look and saw the same look on his face too haha... the colors are yucky and too many inappropriate animations around the website. That instructor is kind enough not to hurt lecturer, replied that is not really a good website, there are much more better websites around.
Perhaps both of us are designers, we hit off quite well. During the breaks, he told me he was a fashion designer, however he likes designing and animation a lot, that's why he switched to a web designer but kinda tired with the hectic life. He switched to be a lecturer for 6 years. He might be going back to England after his contract has ended.
At the end of the course, he reminds me that fundamentals are still very important to be a professional flash animator. He shared with me two actionscript books that I could read up and he is willing to help if I faced any problems in scripting in future :) Perhaps I had gained another good mentor in the whole entire course haha...
I was late for the course due to the traffic jam in the morning. The instructor is kinda friendly and quite helpful. He is quite organised in his teaching. Follow step-by-step but make it interesting in his way. The problem with me was I had too high expectations for this course. I had already known 90% of the topics that he taught. Even the actionscripts, it is too simple for me. My expectation was to learn those cool, difficult animations and advanced flash scripting.
I guessed I had attended the wrong course. Through this course, I realised that either I attend advanced actionscript flash course, which is a faster way of learning or self taught and improved through practising and trial and error.
There are two lecturers who had no flash background; therefore they are kinda slow in doing all the exercises. They asked strange questions like, why cant use excels to do and that. They forgot that they are attending Flash Animation course not Microsoft Excel course. The most irritating part was they moved in and out of the class causing a bit of disturbance...
One of the lecturers showed us a "great" website, I saw totally fainted... I looked at him with horrified look and saw the same look on his face too haha... the colors are yucky and too many inappropriate animations around the website. That instructor is kind enough not to hurt lecturer, replied that is not really a good website, there are much more better websites around.
Perhaps both of us are designers, we hit off quite well. During the breaks, he told me he was a fashion designer, however he likes designing and animation a lot, that's why he switched to a web designer but kinda tired with the hectic life. He switched to be a lecturer for 6 years. He might be going back to England after his contract has ended.
At the end of the course, he reminds me that fundamentals are still very important to be a professional flash animator. He shared with me two actionscript books that I could read up and he is willing to help if I faced any problems in scripting in future :) Perhaps I had gained another good mentor in the whole entire course haha...
19 April, 2007
Bird of Paradise
Went to internet to research more on this plant.
"Strelitzia reginae is a monocotyledonous flowering plant indigenous to South Africa. Common names include Strelitzia, Crane Flower or Bird of Paradise"
The plant grows to 2 m tall, with large, strong leaves 25-70 cm long and 10-30 cm broad, produced on petioles up to 1 m long. The leaves are evergreen and arranged in two ranks, making a fan-shaped crown.
The flowers stand above the foliage at the tips of long stalks. The hard, beak-like sheath from which the flower emerges is termed the spathe. This is placed perpendicular to the stem, which gives it the appearance of a bird's head and beak; it makes a durable perch for holding the sunbirds which pollinate the flowers.
The flowers, which emerge one at a time from the spathe, consist of three brilliant orange sepals and three purplish-blue petals. Two of the blue petals are joined together to form an arrow-like nectary. When the sunbirds sit to drink the nectar, the petals open to cover their feet in pollen.
The meaning of this plant is Freedom, Magnificence, Good perspective."
I love freedom, that's the reason why I have this special likings for this plant :)
18 April, 2007
Ministers' High Pay
There is a huge controversy going on about ministers' high pay. I'm sick and tired to read articles relating to this. I think it is meaningless to argue why ministers are earning so much. I don't really care how much the ministers have earned. I think they have done a fairly good job, at least Singapore is still considered a safe country for now. I just felt that Singapore ministers have becoming more and more aggressive, where has the democracy gone to? No longer as simple as they used to be.
True, some ministers are born with silver spoon but others have earned so much that is because they have learnt to use their brain wisely... That's how rich people get richer and poor people get poorer... Some poor people always like to blame rich people for being rich but not knowing how to change their mindset and try looking for other alternatives... They always blame themselves and other people for not helping them... But they never realised that they are the ones should be changing...
I always believe only the strongest will survive in any kind of environment... We need to wait for opportunity, see it and capitalise on it. Don't work for money, let the money work for you and the returns will be triple fold...
On the other hand, I also can't help but to think what is the hidden agenda behind this releasing of ministers' high pay. Why does the government want to know let his civilians that they are getting such a high pay... Don't tell me that we are in a democratic society; don't talk to us like we are 3-year-old kids. The hidden agenda could be they want to have that 20% more increment in their payroll.
I felt that every time they want to do something "funny", they will released some bad information first, then they will say that it is because of the people. Start to give us incentives to pacify the nation. I'm sure they already knew how people will be react strongly against it. They just want to do it because they knew that Singaporeans have no say in every decisions they made. Singaporeans will just simply complain and move on with our life. Whether is really because of the nation, only their "self-conscious" will know it.
Common' money is never enough in a greed's man eyes. We all know that. If the ministers sincerely want to help the nation, don't talk to us about their own pay increment, don't talk to us that increase of GST every now and then, don't talk about increasing the "quality of life" when its own people are struggling and worried if their tiny little "cashew nut" pay is enough for them to survive. Stop doing all the "good deeds" only when they need votings for the coming election. Don't talk about democracy to us when they only allow us to speak "politically correct" answers and speeches at the Speakers' Corners.
Because we are not blind, we have sharp eyes to see!
True, some ministers are born with silver spoon but others have earned so much that is because they have learnt to use their brain wisely... That's how rich people get richer and poor people get poorer... Some poor people always like to blame rich people for being rich but not knowing how to change their mindset and try looking for other alternatives... They always blame themselves and other people for not helping them... But they never realised that they are the ones should be changing...
I always believe only the strongest will survive in any kind of environment... We need to wait for opportunity, see it and capitalise on it. Don't work for money, let the money work for you and the returns will be triple fold...
On the other hand, I also can't help but to think what is the hidden agenda behind this releasing of ministers' high pay. Why does the government want to know let his civilians that they are getting such a high pay... Don't tell me that we are in a democratic society; don't talk to us like we are 3-year-old kids. The hidden agenda could be they want to have that 20% more increment in their payroll.
I felt that every time they want to do something "funny", they will released some bad information first, then they will say that it is because of the people. Start to give us incentives to pacify the nation. I'm sure they already knew how people will be react strongly against it. They just want to do it because they knew that Singaporeans have no say in every decisions they made. Singaporeans will just simply complain and move on with our life. Whether is really because of the nation, only their "self-conscious" will know it.
Common' money is never enough in a greed's man eyes. We all know that. If the ministers sincerely want to help the nation, don't talk to us about their own pay increment, don't talk to us that increase of GST every now and then, don't talk about increasing the "quality of life" when its own people are struggling and worried if their tiny little "cashew nut" pay is enough for them to survive. Stop doing all the "good deeds" only when they need votings for the coming election. Don't talk about democracy to us when they only allow us to speak "politically correct" answers and speeches at the Speakers' Corners.
Because we are not blind, we have sharp eyes to see!
17 April, 2007
Stick by the rules?
The problem is the lady bus driver refused to do that because the bus company policy says so. This has created a big "hoo-har" because it was clearly seen that she was sticking by the company rules. Of course, all the uncles and aunties stood up and scolded her.. while some try to persuade her..
No means no...
This has forced some people to alight from the bus. My mum and I had no choice but to wait because this was the only bus route that was able to reach my cousin's place. This has caused a heavy traffic jam. Luckily, there were some kind souls got out of the bus and made some traffic directions so that the cars were able to move..
We waited and waited... Finally after 30 mins, our "life saver" finally managed to turned up. He just moved the motorbike at the side. And the traffic condition was resumed.
I find this whole incident is so silly...
Why do we need to wait for a Traffic Police to move the bike to the side? Traffic Police station is just right at the corner, the ambulance come within 10 mins and why does it takes him to reach there in 30 mins?
16 April, 2007
Follower Vs Thinker
My friend shared with me her bad experience during one of her job interview. The job is a clerical position. Her interviewer asked her would she want a secretary position if there were a vacancy? (Her qualification is good enough to be a secretary.) She simply answers yes. And guess what? She did not get the job.
Her friend went to find out why she did not get the job. The interviewer said that she should not answer yes because she hasn’t even start working and she wants to climb up already.
But if there is a better position, of course you will want it right? So it is wrong to be ambitious??? The political correct answer is "Yes, i would love to be a secretary but I can do any jobs at any point in time." <- This is what the interviewer wants to hear. So it is wrong to be so straightforward. This is so stupid and silly. People only want to listen what they want to hear! Anyway, we concluded that this interviewer just want a follower and not a thinker.
Isn't it better to be a thinker than a follower? A follower will just follow boss's instruction and deliver the job. A thinker will bother to take his own initiatives to help his boss to think further. The results will come out differently.
I used to be a follower but after so many years, being a follower is not good enough, you will just be under people's control all the time. If you are under a good boss, you will learn and grow. He may even groom you to be a leader.
But think about this, if you are under a lousy boss, you will be learning all the wrong things and adopting all his bad teachings and bad decisions or worse of all you get all shit jobs and blames...
A good boss will rope you in and groom you.
A lousy boss will throw you in the sea and watch you drown.
Whether you want to be a follower or a thinker, it is your choice... and I have chose mine...
Her friend went to find out why she did not get the job. The interviewer said that she should not answer yes because she hasn’t even start working and she wants to climb up already.
But if there is a better position, of course you will want it right? So it is wrong to be ambitious??? The political correct answer is "Yes, i would love to be a secretary but I can do any jobs at any point in time." <- This is what the interviewer wants to hear. So it is wrong to be so straightforward. This is so stupid and silly. People only want to listen what they want to hear! Anyway, we concluded that this interviewer just want a follower and not a thinker.
Isn't it better to be a thinker than a follower? A follower will just follow boss's instruction and deliver the job. A thinker will bother to take his own initiatives to help his boss to think further. The results will come out differently.
I used to be a follower but after so many years, being a follower is not good enough, you will just be under people's control all the time. If you are under a good boss, you will learn and grow. He may even groom you to be a leader.
But think about this, if you are under a lousy boss, you will be learning all the wrong things and adopting all his bad teachings and bad decisions or worse of all you get all shit jobs and blames...
A good boss will rope you in and groom you.
A lousy boss will throw you in the sea and watch you drown.
Whether you want to be a follower or a thinker, it is your choice... and I have chose mine...
15 April, 2007
I'm just too sick and bored
I still feel sick despite i slept well, eating all the medicines and water that im supposed to drink. I even give up going to my field trip to Ji Long Si Temple (100 yrs old Bodhi Tree & Temple). The medicine makes me so lethargic and weak! The rain makes me feeling even more lousier :(

I'm Just Too Bored :( I Want To Go Out!

A apple a day A carrot a day
keeps all my boredom away keeps all my viruses away

Stop playing with our Zhu Zai! It's time to bathe le:)
"Tor-long Tor-long, please let me quickly recover!" Okay, I'm just too bored... I want to go out and play!!!
I'm Just Too Bored :( I Want To Go Out!
A apple a day A carrot a day
keeps all my boredom away keeps all my viruses away
Stop playing with our Zhu Zai! It's time to bathe le:)
"Tor-long Tor-long, please let me quickly recover!" Okay, I'm just too bored... I want to go out and play!!!
14 April, 2007
Importing Music
Was listening to my chinese albums tonight. Heard this nice song and sang with it... Forgot that im still having sore throat.
OMG, I think im losing my voice :( urgh... Anyway, just want to share with you which nice song that makes me lost my voice once again :p
OMG, I think im losing my voice :( urgh... Anyway, just want to share with you which nice song that makes me lost my voice once again :p
Wo_Yi_Zhi_Dou_Zhai... |
Importing Video Clips
Have been sick for almost a week, captured 4 deadly viruses: sore throat, cough. flu and fever. Ate all different kind of medicines, Chinese and Ang Mo prescriptions and try to rested well. Okay, I shall be a good girl for this weekend ONLY. Hopefully can fully recovered and enjoyed my Penang trip with Tes.
I have rested too well until I don't feel like sleeping at all. Trying to doing something to kill my time. An idea pops up. I could import video clips into my blog. At least it is something new to me keke.
Saw this cute and mindless MapleStory Movie, trying to play it in my blog. Spend a few minutes figuring out. Thank god that it is not as difficult as i thought keke... Hope MapleStory game could be in 3D graphics in future. The user systems and network platform must be able to support it so that it will not serious lag time problem. That will be so cool rite, my dear maple fans? Waiting... waiting... waiting...
I have rested too well until I don't feel like sleeping at all. Trying to doing something to kill my time. An idea pops up. I could import video clips into my blog. At least it is something new to me keke.
Saw this cute and mindless MapleStory Movie, trying to play it in my blog. Spend a few minutes figuring out. Thank god that it is not as difficult as i thought keke... Hope MapleStory game could be in 3D graphics in future. The user systems and network platform must be able to support it so that it will not serious lag time problem. That will be so cool rite, my dear maple fans? Waiting... waiting... waiting...
13 April, 2007
Starry, Starry Night
Starry, starry night,
across the clear blue sky
Reaching out my hands,
For I've touched the beautiful sky.

Always like the feeling of glazing stars in the sky. Imagine I'm able to capture the beautiful aspects of the sky through photography using long-term exposures. What if one day I'm able to view and capture meteor rain with my love one. That will be quite cool and interesting :) OMG, I must be dreaming in my world again keke :p
A friend of mine send me this link, a link to Canon 20D. This camera could do astrophotography. Never thought that photography could actually capture astrology.
Useful for Recording Celestial Phenomenon
"At a glance the stars in the night sky look as if they never alter, but occasionally they exhibit very interesting celestial phenomena. When the sun is hidden by the moon and a complete solar eclipse makes it dark during the day; when a comet suddenly appears trailing a long tail; when there is a shower of shooting stars falling like rain; those who have gazed at sights like these are surely left with unforgettable memories. So we want to leave a visual memory of these celestial phenomena that will be passed down to future generations."
across the clear blue sky
Reaching out my hands,
For I've touched the beautiful sky.
Always like the feeling of glazing stars in the sky. Imagine I'm able to capture the beautiful aspects of the sky through photography using long-term exposures. What if one day I'm able to view and capture meteor rain with my love one. That will be quite cool and interesting :) OMG, I must be dreaming in my world again keke :p
A friend of mine send me this link, a link to Canon 20D. This camera could do astrophotography. Never thought that photography could actually capture astrology.
Useful for Recording Celestial Phenomenon
"At a glance the stars in the night sky look as if they never alter, but occasionally they exhibit very interesting celestial phenomena. When the sun is hidden by the moon and a complete solar eclipse makes it dark during the day; when a comet suddenly appears trailing a long tail; when there is a shower of shooting stars falling like rain; those who have gazed at sights like these are surely left with unforgettable memories. So we want to leave a visual memory of these celestial phenomena that will be passed down to future generations."
12 April, 2007
True Love
Tes was sharing with me about how to differentiate between true love and romantic love. She said how would you feel if your love one decided to leave you one day? Imagine you have found a letter and he wrote that he fall in love with your best friend and they want to be together. How will you feel?
If your answer is hurt and betrayed, it is just a romantic love.
However if your answer is you will continue to bless them and give them the blessing, that is true love.
I can't help but thinking about my past love relationships. Over the two relationships, I guess both are just romantic love. True love is selfless love, no matter how much hurt and sadness he/she has given you, you will still continue to love and give him/her your blessings. Not many people can achieve it. Old people always say true love is hard to get.
I wonder if there is true love really exists or it just happens in our own fairy tales...
If your answer is hurt and betrayed, it is just a romantic love.
However if your answer is you will continue to bless them and give them the blessing, that is true love.
I can't help but thinking about my past love relationships. Over the two relationships, I guess both are just romantic love. True love is selfless love, no matter how much hurt and sadness he/she has given you, you will still continue to love and give him/her your blessings. Not many people can achieve it. Old people always say true love is hard to get.
I wonder if there is true love really exists or it just happens in our own fairy tales...
11 April, 2007
Sprained ankle
On Monday night, i sprained my ankle at AMK Japanese restaurant. They had a poorly constructed platform. The chair is placed very near to the edge. As I was standing up, I lost my foothold and fell down onto the floor. It is the same old injury. It has been a few years since I last sprained my ankle. I told myself not to get any injuries anymore. But sometimes things just happened again.
I was rather angry and upset by the restaurant. I wanted to scream at them. Ironically, I was reading a book about controlling our own anger. Losing our own anger, we have already lost half of the battle.
Strangely, I did not scream at them. However, all the waiter and waitresses felt bad and apologetic. One of the waiter rushed in to make ice pack and started to rub my swollen ankle. After 10 mins, I felt better with my swollen ankle.
One of the waiters tells me that they have highlighted to their boss about this issue already and the boss had some intention of doing some renovation to the shop. Which means there is some accident happened before and til now they have not done anything about it yet.
After thinking back, if I have been more careful and wasn't thinking about something in my head, I wouldn't have got myself injured at all.
Tes injured her right elbow during her exercising, I still laughed at her. I injured my left ankle, she says it is my "bao yin". We are really best of pals. We both injured on the same day ah :P
I was rather angry and upset by the restaurant. I wanted to scream at them. Ironically, I was reading a book about controlling our own anger. Losing our own anger, we have already lost half of the battle.
Strangely, I did not scream at them. However, all the waiter and waitresses felt bad and apologetic. One of the waiter rushed in to make ice pack and started to rub my swollen ankle. After 10 mins, I felt better with my swollen ankle.
One of the waiters tells me that they have highlighted to their boss about this issue already and the boss had some intention of doing some renovation to the shop. Which means there is some accident happened before and til now they have not done anything about it yet.
After thinking back, if I have been more careful and wasn't thinking about something in my head, I wouldn't have got myself injured at all.
Tes injured her right elbow during her exercising, I still laughed at her. I injured my left ankle, she says it is my "bao yin". We are really best of pals. We both injured on the same day ah :P
10 April, 2007
Don't be a perfectionist
"Don't be a perfectionist." Always reminded by my manager.
A colleague asked me to send me a higher resolution company logo for one of the websites. When I look at the website, I almost fainted. The logo was hidding at the right hand side of the corner. I could not even see the logo when i login the website until i search for it.
The logo size need for the logo is 110x59 pixel. Spoke to the IT engineer, he said that the website structure cannot be modified. Hello, you think i'm 3 year old kid ah, I have been in web industry for more than 5 years. Why website structure cannot be modified? Websites have the flexibility to do anything, it is the matter whether the engineer wants to do it or not.
Since they are so ridge, then there is nothing i can do about it. I sent an email to his boss to tell him that IT Engineer claim that the website structure could not be modified thus they have to just make do with the small and low resolution logo!
We have to let our corp comms to approve all our corporate logos. Our Corp Comms Manager called me up and asked me why the logo has to be this small size and it appear to be so ugly.
I explain to her about the whole situation. She just said,"Your side always do things on your own. Since everyone has their own systems then don't need to follow the guidelines." Then she hung up.
She doesn't listen to my explaination correctly. This problem is not I created by me. The system is so ridge until that it can only restricted the logo to that amount of size. Out of goodness, I highlighted the problem and now she thinks that I never follow the guideline.
I shall let my manager handle this.
A colleague asked me to send me a higher resolution company logo for one of the websites. When I look at the website, I almost fainted. The logo was hidding at the right hand side of the corner. I could not even see the logo when i login the website until i search for it.
The logo size need for the logo is 110x59 pixel. Spoke to the IT engineer, he said that the website structure cannot be modified. Hello, you think i'm 3 year old kid ah, I have been in web industry for more than 5 years. Why website structure cannot be modified? Websites have the flexibility to do anything, it is the matter whether the engineer wants to do it or not.
Since they are so ridge, then there is nothing i can do about it. I sent an email to his boss to tell him that IT Engineer claim that the website structure could not be modified thus they have to just make do with the small and low resolution logo!
We have to let our corp comms to approve all our corporate logos. Our Corp Comms Manager called me up and asked me why the logo has to be this small size and it appear to be so ugly.
I explain to her about the whole situation. She just said,"Your side always do things on your own. Since everyone has their own systems then don't need to follow the guidelines." Then she hung up.
She doesn't listen to my explaination correctly. This problem is not I created by me. The system is so ridge until that it can only restricted the logo to that amount of size. Out of goodness, I highlighted the problem and now she thinks that I never follow the guideline.
I shall let my manager handle this.
09 April, 2007
The story of the 2 bad bricks
I really like this story that Tes has shared with me. Hope that you have different perspective about yourself.
Due to lack of funds, the monk has to DIY the construction of the temple themselves. Anyway, this monk (the author) after studying around, started to construct a brickwall. Patiently, aligning each and every brick to make it perfect. Slow and steady. Everything seems great. Until the end, when he looked at it. Oh no, 2 bricks were mis-aligined and it spoiled the whole wall!! Bad wall!!! Wanted to pull down the wall, but the abbot refuses to.
Whenever visitors came, the monk would try to avoid this particular wall, cause it's ugly. Until one day, a visitor made a remark "that's a nice wall u got there!!" THe monk was surprised. And yes, it's a great wall. There's 998 good bricks and only 2 ugly bricks. THe ones above, below, left, right of the ugly bricks were all good bricks. So why do we keep "staring" at the bad bricks and forget the rest of the good bricks. And it's a good wall afterall. Let's not demolish the good wall, just because of 2 bad bricks. it's a waste.
Everyone has their bad bricks, but we shd not just concentrate on them, coz we have many more good bricks within us. Start to look at the good bricks....
My thoughts: I'm a perfectionist... i only look at my own flaws more than my virtues... So that i can improve on it and become a better person. Friends always tell me I'm a nice person and you have great personality but that is because they haven't see my flaws yet.
Always wanted to be someone's perfect girl. Losing my own character to suit everyone and make myself to become a barbie doll. At the end of day, is it what I really wanted??? I guess not...
Love me for who I am...
Due to lack of funds, the monk has to DIY the construction of the temple themselves. Anyway, this monk (the author) after studying around, started to construct a brickwall. Patiently, aligning each and every brick to make it perfect. Slow and steady. Everything seems great. Until the end, when he looked at it. Oh no, 2 bricks were mis-aligined and it spoiled the whole wall!! Bad wall!!! Wanted to pull down the wall, but the abbot refuses to.
Whenever visitors came, the monk would try to avoid this particular wall, cause it's ugly. Until one day, a visitor made a remark "that's a nice wall u got there!!" THe monk was surprised. And yes, it's a great wall. There's 998 good bricks and only 2 ugly bricks. THe ones above, below, left, right of the ugly bricks were all good bricks. So why do we keep "staring" at the bad bricks and forget the rest of the good bricks. And it's a good wall afterall. Let's not demolish the good wall, just because of 2 bad bricks. it's a waste.
Everyone has their bad bricks, but we shd not just concentrate on them, coz we have many more good bricks within us. Start to look at the good bricks....
My thoughts: I'm a perfectionist... i only look at my own flaws more than my virtues... So that i can improve on it and become a better person. Friends always tell me I'm a nice person and you have great personality but that is because they haven't see my flaws yet.
Always wanted to be someone's perfect girl. Losing my own character to suit everyone and make myself to become a barbie doll. At the end of day, is it what I really wanted??? I guess not...
Love me for who I am...
08 April, 2007
Believe it or not?
Do you believe strange things will happen after a person dies?
My sister dreamt that my nephew passed away just before he died on Sunday. My mum is an emotional woman. She scared she could not take the grieving so she did not go for the last day of the funeral.
She stayed at home that day and she told me that she saw a bird standing on our window frame. It is soaking with water and shaking tremerously, and she tried to chase it away for the first time. It flew away and it came back. She did it the 2nd and 3rd time, it came back. She has no choice but to close the window.
After awhile, she starts to relate that it could be my nephew's soul. That day was a fine weather, this was her first time she saw a wet bird, in soaking condition and it behaved abnormal.
My sister's friend told my sister that her father-in-law "came back" on the 7th of the day. Because the brand new toothpaste has been pressed when no one used it yet. Sounds creepy right?
There is a myth saying the soul will return in another form. It could be a moth or a bird or maybe just a spirit.
I guess there is nothing to be afraid about, afterall it is your own family coming back into the house. If you never do anything harm to the deceased, there is no need to be afraid. Sometimes humans are more scarier than spirits.
My sister dreamt that my nephew passed away just before he died on Sunday. My mum is an emotional woman. She scared she could not take the grieving so she did not go for the last day of the funeral.
She stayed at home that day and she told me that she saw a bird standing on our window frame. It is soaking with water and shaking tremerously, and she tried to chase it away for the first time. It flew away and it came back. She did it the 2nd and 3rd time, it came back. She has no choice but to close the window.
After awhile, she starts to relate that it could be my nephew's soul. That day was a fine weather, this was her first time she saw a wet bird, in soaking condition and it behaved abnormal.
My sister's friend told my sister that her father-in-law "came back" on the 7th of the day. Because the brand new toothpaste has been pressed when no one used it yet. Sounds creepy right?
There is a myth saying the soul will return in another form. It could be a moth or a bird or maybe just a spirit.
I guess there is nothing to be afraid about, afterall it is your own family coming back into the house. If you never do anything harm to the deceased, there is no need to be afraid. Sometimes humans are more scarier than spirits.
07 April, 2007
Kent Ridge Park
Went photography shooting with Siew. Somehow I just don't have the mood to do it. I just feel like lazing around, blank my mind and enjoy the scenery.
Normally, I will just walked around the surrounding and I feel for it. So it will take some time to get myself "warm". Don't know why I was extremely slow in "warming up" today. Siew finished taking all her shots then I started to have the mood. She has no choice but to wait for me for a while.
I was playing my new camera during our lunch. I was impressed by the mirco-zoom feature, it could go as close as 5cm. I suddenly felt so energized and start taking photos at Kent Ridge Park. It has nice views, nice trees and nice canopy.
The sky was pretty dark. We thought the rain was on its way. Luckily Siew was wearing her "sunshine girl". In the end, all the dark clouds moved away. See her sunshine girl is so powerful rite hahaha :)
Came back home with sun burnt and mosquitoes bitesss but I think I would want to go back to Kent Ridge Park again :)

Broken Fan Finger Leaves

Seeing Double Red Candles

Baby Womb Crystal Weed

Up the hill... Into the woods...
Normally, I will just walked around the surrounding and I feel for it. So it will take some time to get myself "warm". Don't know why I was extremely slow in "warming up" today. Siew finished taking all her shots then I started to have the mood. She has no choice but to wait for me for a while.
I was playing my new camera during our lunch. I was impressed by the mirco-zoom feature, it could go as close as 5cm. I suddenly felt so energized and start taking photos at Kent Ridge Park. It has nice views, nice trees and nice canopy.
The sky was pretty dark. We thought the rain was on its way. Luckily Siew was wearing her "sunshine girl". In the end, all the dark clouds moved away. See her sunshine girl is so powerful rite hahaha :)
Came back home with sun burnt and mosquitoes bitesss but I think I would want to go back to Kent Ridge Park again :)
Broken Fan Finger Leaves
Seeing Double Red Candles
Baby Womb Crystal Weed
Up the hill... Into the woods...
06 April, 2007
Being stubborn or just judgemental
A friend sent me a blog about being subborn or just being judgemental. She wrote pretty long blog article but I have extracted some parts of it.
"STUBBORN means unyielding, inflexible, difficult to control, handle or manage. Calling others as stubborn is just meaning that perhaps you do not know that person well, you just simply assuming. Well, most of the time we are labeled as stubborn. How many times have you been told this? "Don't be stubborn, I know you better than you know yourself." "You are such a stubborn person" "Why don't you listen, why are you so stubborn?"
The list goes on. We often think that we are one stubborn idiot, or is it because we are told so many times that we BELIEVE that we are. I have to resent to it. NO, I DON'T THINK SO. I am what I am (although we all get confused or lost at times), but we don't need you to tell us who we are."
I had my own views and thoughts.
If we are living in our own world, it is perfectly to be stubborn and thinking in our own ways, or even being selfish. Sad to say, sometimes life doesnt allow us to be stubborn and do it in our way.
There is "a set of rules" to be follow. Different people have different mindsets, morale values and different ways of doing things. What you think maybe "right", may/may not be right in other people eyes.
For working relationship, perhaps we can start lookin at other people perspectives and they could be right at times, even though you may not see them in the first place. See them with an open mind and eyes.
For relationship, I guess what we can do is to learn how to respect each other and live with it. If you fall in love so deeply because of each other differences then why the differences have become an obsticle at the end of the sour relationship?
There is no perfect relationship. Only love and commitments can conquer it. If you believed that this relationship will work, it will work it out eventually...
"STUBBORN means unyielding, inflexible, difficult to control, handle or manage. Calling others as stubborn is just meaning that perhaps you do not know that person well, you just simply assuming. Well, most of the time we are labeled as stubborn. How many times have you been told this? "Don't be stubborn, I know you better than you know yourself." "You are such a stubborn person" "Why don't you listen, why are you so stubborn?"
The list goes on. We often think that we are one stubborn idiot, or is it because we are told so many times that we BELIEVE that we are. I have to resent to it. NO, I DON'T THINK SO. I am what I am (although we all get confused or lost at times), but we don't need you to tell us who we are."
I had my own views and thoughts.
If we are living in our own world, it is perfectly to be stubborn and thinking in our own ways, or even being selfish. Sad to say, sometimes life doesnt allow us to be stubborn and do it in our way.
There is "a set of rules" to be follow. Different people have different mindsets, morale values and different ways of doing things. What you think maybe "right", may/may not be right in other people eyes.
For working relationship, perhaps we can start lookin at other people perspectives and they could be right at times, even though you may not see them in the first place. See them with an open mind and eyes.
For relationship, I guess what we can do is to learn how to respect each other and live with it. If you fall in love so deeply because of each other differences then why the differences have become an obsticle at the end of the sour relationship?
There is no perfect relationship. Only love and commitments can conquer it. If you believed that this relationship will work, it will work it out eventually...
05 April, 2007
Unpro Photoshoot Saga Continues...
I was complaining to my manager about the unpro photoshoot. Show her the photos and she said this series of photos need to be reshoot again. That unpro "photographer" told us that he found a professional photographer for us with studio settings. Sounds great isn't it?
However, we need to provide our own props and have to go down to the place. My colleagues and me feel weird because why do we have to prepare our own "props"? Anyway, we just prepare and go there.
Just to recap the problems that we faced in previous shooting.
Problem 1: Lack of models so I become the "Stand-In" Model.
Problem 2: All props such as pen, organiser, laptop, need to be self-sustained.
Problem 3: We could not find a good conference room. End up have to make do with ugly room. Wrong backdrop + Wrong lightings = Wrong feelings
Problem 4: Photographer has shaky hands and he doesn't bring his tripod.
For today shooting:
Solution 1: We have sufficient models.
Solution 2: We still need to provide our own props.
Solution 3: We still could not find a good conference room, not to mention about "proper" studio.
Solution 4: Found 2 Photographers to do the job
Although we still could not find the proper conference room, but having a photographer, does play an important role. At least, the photos are slightly more professionally taken, despite the lousy settings.
I like working with the first photographer. I show him what I want and he takes his own initiative and creative eye to find the angle that he wants. However, he has another assignment so he asked another photographer to take over this job.
The 2nd photographer just does exactly what I wanted but somehow I feel that he is just follow by the book. When I asked him to free play with different directions and angles. He looked at me as if I'm an alien. He just couldn't visualise what I wanted. The photos turns out to be boring and "safe" photos.
Almost have the urge to take over his camera and shoot haha but I know it will be very rude and he will feel very insulted :p
However, we need to provide our own props and have to go down to the place. My colleagues and me feel weird because why do we have to prepare our own "props"? Anyway, we just prepare and go there.
Just to recap the problems that we faced in previous shooting.
Problem 1: Lack of models so I become the "Stand-In" Model.
Problem 2: All props such as pen, organiser, laptop, need to be self-sustained.
Problem 3: We could not find a good conference room. End up have to make do with ugly room. Wrong backdrop + Wrong lightings = Wrong feelings
Problem 4: Photographer has shaky hands and he doesn't bring his tripod.
For today shooting:
Solution 1: We have sufficient models.
Solution 2: We still need to provide our own props.
Solution 3: We still could not find a good conference room, not to mention about "proper" studio.
Solution 4: Found 2 Photographers to do the job
Although we still could not find the proper conference room, but having a photographer, does play an important role. At least, the photos are slightly more professionally taken, despite the lousy settings.
I like working with the first photographer. I show him what I want and he takes his own initiative and creative eye to find the angle that he wants. However, he has another assignment so he asked another photographer to take over this job.
The 2nd photographer just does exactly what I wanted but somehow I feel that he is just follow by the book. When I asked him to free play with different directions and angles. He looked at me as if I'm an alien. He just couldn't visualise what I wanted. The photos turns out to be boring and "safe" photos.
Almost have the urge to take over his camera and shoot haha but I know it will be very rude and he will feel very insulted :p
04 April, 2007
Nice Surprise
Hasn't been sleeping well lately. I suspected could be my lousy pillow causing the problem. Told my buddy about my sleepless nights. He said he has a few good pillows at his place. Don't want to be alone at night so i asked him if i can go and get one of the pillows from him, and also finding back my 2 cds which i lent him long, long time ago.
It has been few years back since i went to his place. His room is still the same since i recall, with an extra cupboard to put his stuffs. Full of CD albums in 9 cd boxes... It is really hard to find my cds... i still could not find my cds in the end, but it's okay lah... Sometimes the more you want to find them, the more you could not find them. The cds will come out by themselves one fine day keke... For the time being, I "kapo" a few cds from him keke...
That day, we went for photoshoot. He took some photos of me. He has an idea to place my photos into one. I was looking quite fat and messy hair in those photos loh. Anyway, I taught him how to use photoshop to crop my ugly photo out and he printed it out. I was complaining to him that this is a bad photo. He says it is because the teacher is not good. *Faint*
It was raining heavily, I could not go back. While waiting for the rain to stop, I was listening to one of music albums. It is such a comfy and relaxing feeling. Almost fell asleep until my buddy stepped into the room.
After i reached home, I'm surprised that he actually put that photo in my bag. It is a nice surprise... I think I beginning to like that bad photo :)
It has been few years back since i went to his place. His room is still the same since i recall, with an extra cupboard to put his stuffs. Full of CD albums in 9 cd boxes... It is really hard to find my cds... i still could not find my cds in the end, but it's okay lah... Sometimes the more you want to find them, the more you could not find them. The cds will come out by themselves one fine day keke... For the time being, I "kapo" a few cds from him keke...
That day, we went for photoshoot. He took some photos of me. He has an idea to place my photos into one. I was looking quite fat and messy hair in those photos loh. Anyway, I taught him how to use photoshop to crop my ugly photo out and he printed it out. I was complaining to him that this is a bad photo. He says it is because the teacher is not good. *Faint*
It was raining heavily, I could not go back. While waiting for the rain to stop, I was listening to one of music albums. It is such a comfy and relaxing feeling. Almost fell asleep until my buddy stepped into the room.
After i reached home, I'm surprised that he actually put that photo in my bag. It is a nice surprise... I think I beginning to like that bad photo :)
03 April, 2007
Life is so strange
I was griefing over my nephew's death when my friend sms me that i can finally go down to the shop to collect my dream camera le. Perhaps it is such a long wait. Yah, collected my camera. But I do not have the excitement feeling nor the mood to be excited.
Life is so strange. When god takes away something precious from you, they will replace something back to you. If that's the case, i rather not to collect my camera. I know this is an absurb remark... anyway, I know we still needs to move on... Just let me grief for a few days, and pick myself back again...
What turns around, comes around... Everything happens for a reason. Only god knows why it happens...
Life is so strange. When god takes away something precious from you, they will replace something back to you. If that's the case, i rather not to collect my camera. I know this is an absurb remark... anyway, I know we still needs to move on... Just let me grief for a few days, and pick myself back again...
What turns around, comes around... Everything happens for a reason. Only god knows why it happens...
02 April, 2007
Farewell, my nephew
My heart saddens when I heard my nephew has passed away. No miracles have happen despite all the things we have done for him. He passed away with a peaceful smile. May he finds peace in heaven.
Farewell, my fun loving nephew...
Farewell, my fun loving nephew...
01 April, 2007
Freedom vs Being attached
Went to White Link today. My friend needs to choose her wedding gown. Helping her to choose the gowns. She tried a couple of them until we zoomed down to 2 designs. One plain white but elegant while another one is "loud" golden wedding gown. All of us think that the gold color gown is beautiful but she prefers white gown. After all, she is the star of the day and not us.
My mind starts to wonder of being attached/married. If I ever get attached once again, I might be losing all my freedom in life. That is scary... I loves freedom. If someone tries to control me, I will want to run further away from him.
Being attached is a scary thought for me... Perhaps twice bitten, thrice shy. I'm not sure whether if the next one who comes across my life, will he be the right guy for me, or is he just a passbyer in my life.
I can picture myself having a happy marriage life. But how close can i get to my "idealistic" marriage? I really don't know. He could love me for 5 years and after that, he could be leaving me when he no longer feels love.
Call me a coward, I'm scared to be in love again.
My mind starts to wonder of being attached/married. If I ever get attached once again, I might be losing all my freedom in life. That is scary... I loves freedom. If someone tries to control me, I will want to run further away from him.
Being attached is a scary thought for me... Perhaps twice bitten, thrice shy. I'm not sure whether if the next one who comes across my life, will he be the right guy for me, or is he just a passbyer in my life.
I can picture myself having a happy marriage life. But how close can i get to my "idealistic" marriage? I really don't know. He could love me for 5 years and after that, he could be leaving me when he no longer feels love.
Call me a coward, I'm scared to be in love again.
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