23 April, 2007

People around us

In our harsh society, only the person will know how to make use of the good opportunities will survive!

After 'O' Levels, we are forced to make our own career path decisions. How would a 17 year kid like me would know how to make a major decision in my life, making sure that it will not be a wrong decision? I simply select my ploy courses through eliminations, this is so "sickening" but i have no choice, I'm being force to make a decision.

If you scored good grades in your studies, you have more choices and options. If you are lucky enough, you have make the correct career path and all your life will be much more smoother then others. To have a even better life, if you happened to have good and rich parents, probably your life will be smooth sailing. They could give you good advises and helped you along the way...

If you have poor and lousy grades, your fate is almost sealed by our MOE. Worse, you have notorious and uneducated parents, most probably, you think that you have sealed your own fate. Thinking that this is the lousy life, will do you more harm and you start to blame the people around you and living a sucky life... But you forget that you can change your own fate.

A friend of mine had a master degree in building management, worked in building industries for 10 years and realised that it is not what he wants and turns out to be advertising seems to be his passion. He has decided to change his career path totally.

I always believe late is always better than never.

This is not the end of the road, for other people who are less fortunate like me, will take a longer and harder time to realise what kind of career path is actually good for us.

I like to observe people around me. I realised that people have 4 different traits rational, emotional, creative and logical characteristics. It won't be that accurate after u start to mix with different traits of people around. People around you, will slowly shape your life and character.

Being creative and logical people that depends how much left and right brain you are using...

If you are creative and emotional person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Arts / Creative industry.

If you are creative and rational person, probably a more suitable type of job for you will be in Business industry.

If you are logical and rational person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Finance / Accountancy / IT / Engineering industry.

If you are logical and emotional person, probably a more type of suitable job will be in Medical industry.

This is our harsh reality. Many a times, we are forced to make decisions against our will. No matter what, we still have to try and struggle to make our way through. I'm sure that if there's a will, there is a way. Keep trying, till you stepped your foot into the coffin...

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