21 April, 2007

Massacre at Virginia Tech

When we heard about this news, we immediately made a long distance call to my aunty Lyn to find if my cousin is alright. He was sent there for his student exchange programme in Virginia Tech University. With god's blessing, he was safe during that firing. Like many, I have glued to the tv, online news about this tragedy happened.

"Cho Seung Hui, aged 23, korean student shot 32 professors and students and he sent a multimedia package consisting of videos, pictures and a disturbing statement to NBC in between his two bouts of shooting in which he tried to explain his actions."

I couldn't help but feeling media and technology has played an important role in our society. Within such a short period of time, this gunman could easily send out his package to the media, which has shocked the whole world.

The US people should really look into the root cause of the problem and not starting pointing fingers at one another.

I have heard people saying that they should keep the guns from the people. If that person has the evil intention, there is no way you could stop him from doing what he wanted to do. We are just making the "gun" as a scapegoat, thus diverting our attention to the much greater problems facing in the society.

Wouldn't our energy be better spent trying to build a more supportive community, diffusing anger in the society, becoming stewards of peace, and building a better response infrastructure? I think we are doing a disservice by placing blame on a metal tool. Knives could hurt people too, are we going to stop using them from now onwards???

Perhaps the Americans should try looking at themselves, and others, and how they treat each other. Nearly all the school shootings comes from US, the aggressor has been someone who has been bullied, or looked down upon, or not acknowledged.

This is what causes these people to go into isolation, and become loners. This is where they're thoughts to themselves only replay the ways they are treated, and hurt. This is what drives them to want to seek revenge, and try to give themselves power. It's a final release and vindication.

My heart goes out to all those who have suffered loss in this incident. This painful lesson should be taken seriously and should not be seen as another horrible shooting case.

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