30 November, 2020

Day 32: 66

Number 66 is a powerful number of unconditional love, healing and faith and trust in the Divine. Angel Number 66 is a message from your angels to put your faith and trust in the benevolence of the Universe as your daily needs are continually met. Keep your thoughts positive when the Angel Number 66 appears.

This number is a reminder to you that you need to be more nurturing and kind to other people in your life. Perhaps you not only neglected yourself, close friends and family, you have also forgotten how to express emotions to them and make them feel good.

When we find ourselves in hard life situations, these numbers come to us as reminders that every situation in life has a valuable lession behind it.

29 November, 2020

Day 31: Light from Within

I feel strongly about this quote.

Everyone has our own challenges and setbacks but I feel that when we have the courage to face it. We can overcome it through our compassion and wisdom. There is a saying a room disperse 10 thousand years of darkness with one ray of light. I truly believe this statement.

Today attended the Elite Speaker Training Day 1.

Thanks Kin Ng and Wekie Tay. There are so much learnings receiving from today workshop.

1. Knowing Why
2. 5 Mistakes when crafting speeches
3. 5 tips to craft the message.

I feel emotions when I was asked about why do I want to become a champion speaker? I feel that my voice needed to be heard. To inspire and motivate people.

Real reason: To touch people hearts I believe I am able to shine light into people hearts purposefully. I have important messages to share.

Wekie mentioned about the internal drive. Story must be relateable and we don't need to have super unique story. It is a journey.

Kin mentioned about Mindset, Knowledge and Skills (Stage Time). These 3 parts are equally important. It feels like 信 (Faith),愿 (Aspiration),行 (Practise).

28 November, 2020

Day 30: 1/2 Day Hospitalisation

Early morning I had a chest pain. At first, I wanted to ignore the pain but my body gave me the signal that I needed to look at it. Dr Tng recommended me to go to hospital for check up. After waiting for my turn to be reviewed by the doctor, I noticed the plain ceiling. It is indeed depressing to look at such a boring experience to look at the ceiling while waiting.

As my vein is small, the doctor used the left side to extract my blood but he couldn't do it so I have to suffer 2 rounds of pain and the other nurse extract another round of blood for testing. It sets me thinking why am I allowing people to hurt me? I didn't like the needles to be poked into my skin. In the end, I still let them to hurt me. The helpless feeling came back.

I started to read the book, Whole. This chapter shared about why we need to eat more whole foods than animal products, meat and milk. Milk promotes cancer. Spinach and kale have more protein than animal products, meat and milk.

It is quite ironic to read such book in the hospital. But I feel it helps me to rethink how I want to live my life. Do I still want to live in my old ways where I feel that I have no choice OR I start to take my health seriously. To really put in real foods into my body to let it heals. Every decision has its own consequences. My life is precious. Please take care of my body. It is giving me signs that I needed to take care of it before it is too late... My body is telling me if I don't take care of it. I may lose it.

In the end, I did 2 rounds of ECG and 2 rounds of blood tests. Fortunately, all are negative. The doctor allows me to be discharge from the hospital. What a day!

27 November, 2020

Day 29: 33

3 is related to talent, skills, expansion and also self-expression.

This number may symbolize great progress and abundance that are expecting you in the near future. It can mean that your health will be much better in the future period, but you will also have many opportunities in your career. You will be happy and satisfied in your personal life as well.

When it comes to number 33, the symbolism of number 3 is even bigger. This number is a symbol of bravery, honesty, compassion and discipline. This number is also telling you that many things in your life are possible. We just have to pay more attention to the opportunities that appear every day around us.

26 November, 2020

Day 28: 2222

I am more sensitive towards the numbers recently.
The 2 messages are telling me to keep my life in balance and never forget the power of positive energy. 2222 vibrates strong and positive energies. It speaks of courage and ambition, as well as balance and harmony. You can achieve your big dreams and still have a happy and harmonious life. The meaning of 2222 is also about decisiveness.

2 is duality and balance. To be calmer and take situations more grace and tranquility.

22 is diplomacy and power. Achieve better relationships with other people and better communication with the world.

222 is encouragement, faith and trust.

2222 is love and patience into relationships. You will be more compassionate and loving towards people you care about. Make you feel more empathy towards people in your life.

25 November, 2020

Day 27: Courage

Shifting fear to courage

Hyder asked me what I want to create?
On the surface level, I start to pen down…

Design Thinking Webinars
Mar, Jun, Sep

Reaching out
Social media with valuable content
Face to face referrals

Posting articles, videos
Design Thinking
UX Design
Web Experience
Business Challenges and Solutions

Hyder asked me who do I want to work with?
I start to pen down randomly.

Price is Right
Clients Commitment
Willing to work together
I am able to value add
*Good working synergy
Non Calculative
Value add peoples lives
Trust that I can do the project
Open to Ideas etc

Big organisation like NUS Enterprise
Established Brands like Dacon, Toyo Jitsugyo

People I want to work with and they want to work with me
Ideal clients, partners, vendors
1. Trust
2. Good working synergy
3. Commitment
4. Open to ideas
5. Value add people lives

Should there be a symbol...
Somehow Hyder lead me on into my subconscious mind. I saw the little girl who is me holding a ballon, I was scared. I was afraid that it may brust any time. Hyder asked me to deflat it and make the sounds of releasing the balloon. I felt a lot better after I releasing the balloon.

Accept my carelessness. It is okay to make mistakes that is how I learnt.

My Realisation
On off Switch of Fear and Courage.
To acknowledge myself that I am courageous.
I have been courageous all my life.
Just that I didn’t see it in the past. Now I do.

My Design Studio
I want to create a safe, learning environment where there is collaboration, open communication and trust.

I am the Star!

24 November, 2020

Day 26: 1111

I have been seeing 1111 and 111 today.

According to Universe, I am aligning with the Divine.

The Meaning of 111
1. Embrace New Beginnings
The meaning of 111 is revealed by looking at the nature of the number one. Number one represents a new beginning because when counting up from zero, it's always the first number. And so seeing 111 brings a message about new beginnings coming into your life, and specifically, new beginnings coming into your life at the level of your mind, body, and spirit.

It is quite true, I start to eat more healthily again, listening to my body, reading on health nutrition book today. Swee Tiong invited me to join the 5 Days Elite Speakers Training Program (This is very clear that I want to be trained by experienced speakers. To shorten my learning curve), Rendy approached me to help me to involved in Userabiity testing which I am interested. (I am able to value-add people lives.) Stephen asked me to join crypo currency which may be another stream of revenue to bring in money and Edwyn called me to ask me to help him in a small project.

2. Linking Heaven and Earth
the triple appearance of 111 brings up in my awareness, an emphasis of this link between heaven and earth at the level of your mind, body and spirit. Seeing 111 then becomes the perfect opportunity to ask yourself; “How are you at the level of your mind, body and spirit being the bridge between the physical and spiritual? Rather than judging or reacting, allowing yourself to simply be open… To be the bridge between Heaven and Earth. By becoming aware, tuning in and letting go of reacting to what you're observing and just observe...

3. Trust, Trust, Trust
It is a reminder to focus in on what you really want. Focus on what is truly possible for you, and come into greater alignment with your truth and authenticity... With who you really are. This Truth is able to emerge when you get clear.

4. Call to Awareness
Just observe, remain open, and receive. You may just receive some insight, guidance, or knowing regarding your present situation. Be present.

5. Infinite Possibility
It is a reminder that there truly exists infinite possibility for your life. Simply return your awareness to the many blessings in your life. To refocus on being positive and optimistic through letting go of fears, doubts and insecurities by refocusing in on your highest intentions. Focusing on the highest intentions for your life, and on what will bring you joy, love fulfillment, radiant wellbeing and a sense of truly thriving in your reality. By focusing on what you love and enjoy, that also serves in the highest interest of all … You’re tapping into high vibrational manifestation.

Feel that feeling. Feel the gratitude for what is yet to be, and yet also give yourself the gift of feeling gratitude in the moment for all that you already have.

Tune into gratitude for all the blessings in the moment.

23 November, 2020

Day 25: Whole: Rethinking the Science of Nutrition

I started to read this nutrition book, Whole written by T. Colin Campbell, PHD. He previously wrote the best selling book, The China Study.

Here are some important points that I captured.

1. Nutrition is the MASTER KEY to human health.

2. What most of us think as proper nutrition, isn't.

3. Our food choices can be far more effective shields against disease than the pills Doctor's prescribe.

4. Whole food, plant based food (WFPB)

5. Most people still don't know that the key to health and longevity is in our hands.
The choice is ours.
Choose wisely for my own health.
For the next generations and for the entire planet.

6. It is never too late to start eating well.
A good diet can reverse many of health conditions such as cancer, heart diseases, type 2 diabetes, stroke, macular degeneration, migraines, erectile dysfunction and arthritis.
In short, Change the way you eat and you can transform your health for the better.

7. For some reason, "Health food" has a reputation for being tasteless and joyless. Fortunately, it is not the case.

8. Eat variety of vegetables, fruits, raw nuts and seeds, beans and Legumes and whole grains.
Avoid heavily processed foods and animal products.
Stay away from added salt, oil and sugar.
Aim to get 80% of your calories from carbohydrates, 10% from fat and 10% from protein.

9. Ideal Human Diet Whole food, plant-based diet (WFPB)
i) Vegetarians
They still consume dairy, eggs, too much oil, refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

ii) Vegans
They elimate all animal-based food, but they continue to consume added fat (including all cooking oils), refined carbohydrates and processed foods.

WFPB has remarkable health effects of this diet in reference to scientific evidence.

22 November, 2020

Day 24: Fears

These 2 days I have been attending Area Contests: B3 and B4 Area HSE Contest (21 Nov) I helped as Timer and G2 and G3 Area HSE Contest (22 Nov) I supported Swee Tiong and Harsono. It is good that both of them participate so that they understand how the TM contests are being run and conducted.

There is one speeches that leaves a deep impression about Fears.
"Once you overcome your fears, you will become better."

This statement is true for me. I used to fear of public speaking but now I feel I am more stabilise and I don't get panic so often. I realised it is inner anxious that makes me feel panic. Of course, doing IOPT works has helped me to understand why I feel anxious. I wasn't given the space to create things. I recognise that I shouldn't judge myself. It is perfectly okay to be imperfect. I love the way I am. I cherish myself even more I allowed myself to be healed.

21 November, 2020

Day 23: Toastmasters Journey

Had a 2 days at Sparks Conference, 12-13 May 2018, Grassroots Club. This is my 3rd consecutive year that I did event design branding for Toastmasters Annual Conferences. This year is Sparks theme, I am happy that I am able to capture the essence of the theme.

"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." - Golda Meir

I see the Sparks in myself now.
Thanks Karthik could see the best in me, even before I can see it myself.
Thank you Leslie Tang for taking such beautiful photo of me with my work.

As I reorganised how I walked through the toastmasters journey, it has been very challenging for me. I really struggled through my way. Each time I just allow myself to learn bit by bit, it seems to become a little bit easier. after this 15 years of hard work. I realise that it is the day in, day out that I have put in my efforts to shape the person I want to be. I am feeling a lot more confident to express what I needed to be heard. #SparksConference2018

20 November, 2020

Day 22: Hoarding or Decluttering

2 years ago, at age of 40, I told myself I didn't want to continue to live the type of life for the next 40 years. I wanted to change my space and I did it. The type of living environment means a lot to me.

I got an old friend of mine inspired.

Recently she decided to declutter her house. She literally discarded more than 50% of the things in her house that she doesn't need anymore. She told me that she doesn't want to live in such a mess when she will be in her 60 soon. She will not have any more energy to clean up her house when she is in 70s.

I felt so happy for her. I can feel that she finally realised how important to stay present in the moment. She felt a lot happier and feel so good about herself. She felt that she is moving into a new home. She can feel wind coming into her house when she never had such experience lol 😃

Yesterday I came across a lady, who told me that she bought 3 wallets at 1 go and I asked her if she is giving them away as gifts. She said no. Did she threw away other old wallets? She said no.

A food for thought: I start to wonder why a person needs to have so many similar things in his/her life. When you can only use once at a time. Hmmm...

Are we decluttering or hoarding things in our lives? #hoarding #decluttering #lifelessons

19 November, 2020

Day 21: Clearing my old shoes and bags

I bought PacSafe around Mar 2019. The purpose of buying it is to keep me safe from theft. Thank you for keeping me safe in UK. Although it is a good bag, it has become smelly, sticky and rusty. No matter how much I wash it, it never feels clean. Another bag I let go is another brown bag. Somehow I feel that I won't be using it. No point keeping bags that I won't touch it anymore. I am getting more and more simplified. I want less things in my cupboard and my room. I feel it is better for me. Every product has it's own life span. Letting go of the things one by one. Things that I do not need. I feel good. I realise I do not need many physical things in my life. Just the essentials will do.

I also let go of this cute little lamb. It has turned rusty too and it has stuck in the chain. I feel it should let it go. I keep this photo so that it reminds me that this is the small gift that Ee Siew gave me during the UK trip. I will cherish the memory. I do not necessary keep the physcial item. The memory will still be there.

I bought back similar bag texture as I really like pacsafe material. Quite interesting to meet a friendly lady who also wants to buy her bag. We supposed to share buy because my bag is too low cost, we can't meet the $85 citeria. She likes her bag so much that she sharts to ask around. In the end, another 2 more ladies joined us to exceed $85! The sales aunty said by right cannot one because the company will be losing money but in the end, she still willing to help us. I am grateful to her.

I realised that good brands are losing money so it is the best time to get good quality products with affordable rates. I also went to Robinson to see if I can find some treasures, true enough, I managed to bought 2 soft leather quality shoes, which it is also a good deal.

I notice I have been buying new clothes, shoes, bags, good food recently lol :D especially during the pandemic. It is what the rich people do, buy things when people are panic (Things will be cheap) and stop buying when others are able to spend (Things will be expensive.)

I pamper myself once awhile because I deserved them!

18 November, 2020

Day 20: Give myself a break

Today I really give myself a break. I wento to collect my printed book and happened to meet an old man who doesn't know how to use whatsapp and wechat. Even though I helped him to access his files. Unfortunately he is still unable to print due to the font not recognised by the printer. I did my best and that is good enough. As the book collection got delayed, I reached Haatch at around 1130am. I was unhappy that Wendy keep saying she got to change shivan. It is not that I purposely late. Anger got better of me. I almost paid $286 for this simple facial. Luckily I calm down and I only paid $136.

Lesson learnt: Never make decision when feeling angry!

I had a good ramen meal at the orchard central. Even though it was $25, I feel I want to pamper myself. After that, I went home to rest.

At night, I just went online to reconnected with my Toastmasters Friends. It is our 15 Years of Crystal Anniversary. I feel excited to make this video for my members. Digging out all the past photos. Stay Tune!

17 November, 2020

Day 19: Letting go of these 2 Tshirts

As I get healthier, I realised that I don't need constant reminder that I need to be happy or I need support from my parents. I can support myself and I am truly happy from inside out. I can let go of these 2 tshirts already.

Thank you for serving me well when I needed the reminder. Now I don't need them anymore. I also realise I don't need the cute stuff anymore to cheer me up. I am enough.

16 November, 2020

Day 18: A Letter to my future self

Today I went to Creative Mindset, Tampines Hub for a session. My task is to write a letter to my future self. I can only read this again 3 years later in 2023 when I am 45 years old.

Dear Future Rachel,

Thank you for walking through this healing journey with me, it is not easy but I feel it is worthwhile. Due to Covid-19 in 2020, the whole world seems to put to a stop / a reset. Those businesses used to flourish, now has obsoleted. I believe everything in my life is starting to transform. I feel a lot more hopeful and joyful ever since I started my IOPT healing in 2018. By looking at my own traumas, I get to understand why I behave and react in certain ways. Now, I could smile from my heart truly and genuinely.

Year 2012 - 2020, these 8 years of self discovery, healing and exploring myself is not an easy feat. I finally feel that I can love myself, appreciate myself, see myself as a subject. I learn to listen more towards myself. External factors are just resources that I can tap on to help me to grow up as a person. I uncover many good qualities and values that I have. I cherish myself as a human being. Life is precious and vulnerable. I take my life seriously.

The fear that I have are financial and whether I am capable and wise enough to handle the challenges in my life. I wasn't good at managing money. The fear of losing money, constantly worrying not having money when I becoming older. The fear of not able to close sales or bring in money to upload the quality life. The fear of not having enough, lack of resources etc. I realised that I am enough and I have resources to fulfil the goals that I want. I just need to ASK!

My personal values are
1. Clarity
2. Courage
3. Trust
4. Growth
5. Gratitude

My business values are
1. Authencity
2. Integrity
3. Respect
4. Dedication
5. Commitment

My skillsets are graphics, UX Design. I love to design and I also like art and craft. They unleash the creativity in me. I enjoy planning and build systems. I am a detailed person, I like to look at the details. I have good relationships with my peers, which I am thankful for.

The thing that is important to me right now is my health. I feel that I need to put in efforts to recover my health. I only have 1 body, if I don't bother to take care of myself, then who will do it? There is no one. I feel tired and exhausted writing now as I ate too much just now with meiyan, manice, stephanie and lay eng at ling zhi vegetarian liat towers. I need to say no to food that will harm my body. I allow myself to rest even if I need that 5 mins.

I want to stop sleeping late, stop eating fried, oily food and food that is harmful to my body. I want to continue to go to the park to exercise everyday in the morning. I want to continue my daily journal. I want to start reading, increase my knowledge. Live by my own values: Clarity, courage, trust, growth, gratitude.

Dear Future Rachel, I hope you have improve your health conditions. You are able to live the life you always wanted, to have the space that you need. I appreciate you from the bottom of my heart and I love you. Take care I bless you with all the lovely and meaningful moments that you want by having more joy and laughter in your life.

Love you,
Rachel in 2020

15 November, 2020

Day 17: Christine Workshop 23

These 2 days of Christine Workshop makes me feel happy, sad and emotional. I always seems to have association with children matters. Whenever I see a child, I always feel that they needed their own voice. To be seen, loved and protected. Not all children are happily bring up.

There might be different ways of being traumatised by their parents during their childhood. Especially the eldest child in the family, they are expected to be "a parent at a young age" It is like an unspoken rule that they have to do. For the middle child, the parents will somehow neglected them, they will be feeling unloved or unwanted. As for the youngest in the family, most of the time, they are treated like everything they don't know and even they are in their adulthood, they continue to be seen as incompetence or needed to be helped.

Unless the child is willing to look at his or her traumas, they will contine to live their lives as "normal" in their family dynamics. Unless they stop the family voices in their head, they can't have back their own lives and their own identity.

14 November, 2020

Day 16: Trust my Instinct

Case 1 I always wanted to get a full length mirror for a long time. I have my own citeria: It has to be slim and tall (that is obvious) to fit into my wardrobe. Fortunately, Swee Chen suggested to find it at IKEA and true enough I found it.

When I saw it, I knew it was it. But as my aunty asked,"Can it fit into the wardrobe?" I started to have a little bit of doubt. Later Ee Dzu sort of help me to measure and it seems like this mirror, 20 cm x 120 cm really can fit onto the wardrobe. True enough, when I brought it home. The mirror just fits nicely.

Update: I am grateful Swee Chen asked her electrician, David to send 2 workers to help me to install the mirror. They are very professional, they didn't do blindly. They discussed before they do. Finally find the best solution to install the mirror. They used strong tape and silicon gel to paste it on the cupboard. It fits nicely. I appreciate their professionalism and their heart in delivery good workmanship.

Case 2 I told Edy to link the Finalist name to the individual pages. and true enough, Priscilla really ask for it.

I am grateful for all the experiences in my life. It tests my intuition, reflex and decision making whether I am sensitive enough to find the right solution to my situations.

13 November, 2020

Day 15: Contingency Plan

Due to the accident that I had, fell from the slope escalator. I realised that having Contingency Plan is important. You didn't know when do you needed extra money for the future.

I remembered when I was a child. I was thought to save money for "raining days" and I did faithfully. True enough when bad things happen I have extra money to use. I stopped doing it when I reached Secondary School somehow I feel that it is not a happy feeling.

For now I want to save $2 a day to grow my money. Yes, it may be a little bit little but it is still better than savings at all. Every small acts help to grow my money.

For all I know, I can use these money for my short trip travels, having a good meals with my friends and other happy moments. I do hope that this act of savings is a act of love and healthy grow for myself. I am willing to do it and I do it happily.

12 November, 2020

Day 15: Spine and Pain

On 7 Nov, I slipped and fell. I went to see the xray scan on 10 Nov. Today went to see Melisa, to find out how serious is my spine damage. It turns out that the spine upper back has shifted 12% and lower back has shifted 16%. According to Melisa, it is still not too bad. Degeneration has taken place. I am glad that I had informed decision about my spine condition.

Due to the spine and pelvic have shifted, more pain have experienced. Melisa mentioned that I needed 3 - 6 months for me to recover. I take it as my investment for my health. I felt like I am taking a science class today to learn about my own condition. Never leave the decision for others to make for me. I never expect that this fall has made me more aware of my own health conditions. I can take more precautions now.

I just wonder,"Why do I need to make myself in such situation to make people care for me, just to have contact with myself?" I am glad that because I am trauma informed, I take in the information in a healthy and responsible way. I decide for myself to get myself treated and not to let others to decide for me. I feel a lot more courageous and stable to my own decision making.

Many people choose to meet mishap before they truly take themselves seriously, this includes me. I hope that as I become more and more healthy, my health will be slowly improve and my quality of life will improve too.

11 November, 2020

Day 14: Resolving Money Issues

Today I met up with Hyder for my coaching session. I have been troubled with money that I didn't want to face it.

I felt anger, sadness, upset with money and I didn't want to talk about it. However, I want to shift the state of my mind.

When I start to visualise, I saw a box of money was on the floor. The energy was low and stuck. When Hyder asked me to feel joy about money. I couldn't do it. I rather disassociate with money than to have contact with money. Very soon, I felt a shift, I managed to see a table covered with money. I felt these money wasn't mine, I start to doubt it. The money starts to grow and more and more money appears like an everflowing fountain. It looks fun as the money starts to fly around the space. I start to toss the money in the air, I feel great. I have more than enough than I need.

I heard a voice said," Take whatever money you want on the table." I felt joy, freedom, assurance that these money are meant for me. I find this entire experience is amazing. I never experience such moment in my life. When I disbelief, nothing happens. When I doubt, things happen slowly. When I believe, things happen almost instantly.

I trust myself, good things are happening in my life right now.

Today's homework is Money is on the table. I feel happy drawing money, there is more than enough to go around.

10 November, 2020

Day 13: Shopping

Met Heng Yi and Ee Dzu for dessert. Ee Dzu asked me what are the most things that I spent on. When I reflect it is food, clothes and books. I invest on books to educate myself. Food is more like to comfort and pampered myself. As for clothes, I use them to make myself look great.

I went to Red2, I found a beautiful black jumpsuit, it costs $69. I really look good with it. I felt it was expensive. As the lady refused to give me discount. I left the shop. To be honest, I really have a lot of beautiful clothes in my wardrobe that I hardly wear.

I remembered I bought a $90 purple long dress. After wear a few times I hardly wear now. I am thinking to myself why do I spend so much money on the clothes that I hardly wear? I went to retouch my clothes. I have forgotten about my own clothes. Clothes that I bought. I constantly seeking outside for new things. My wardobe itself have a lot of beautiful clothes that I accumulate over the years. They are in good conditions because I hardly wear.

Today, I want to wear my own clothes. I want to be seen by others.

PS If after 10 Dec, my payment comes in and the M size jumpsuit clothes is still available. I will buy it. This is called delayed gratification.

09 November, 2020

Day 12: Working relationships

I got the PIER71 project from NUS Enterprise. I feel blessed and thankful to work with Priscilla. Even though she has her own ideas, she is a good working partner. She makes my design work even better.

We started the project in Sept and completed this project in Nov 2020. I feel quite good working with her. She makes me think and become better designer. I like the working synergy with her.

I am also glad that Edy also put in his best efforts to complete the project. Thanks for him to help me in delivering quality website for PIER71. This is one of the meaningful projects that I have done. Thank you.

Today, I want to attract nice clients who trust and want to work with me.

08 November, 2020

Day 11: Resting

After busy for past few weeks on 4 days of IOPT Conferences, NUS Enterprise Newsletter, PIER71 project and MTS Closing Ceremony, my body is asking me to take a break.

Reflected for past one year, I was either busy with my work, my study and my voluntary work, I hardly take a long rest for myself. I always put myself last before others. If I need to say sorry, the person I want to say sorry to is myself. Now I just want to treat myself a lot better.

Today, I allow myself to rest and be kind to myself.

07 November, 2020

Day 10: Teamwork

This year is my 8th year at Fo Guang Shan Children Dharma class. Today is also online closing ceremony of MTS Children Dharma Class. It is our first time doing it and it is a success. I am grateful. Behind every success, a lot of preparation needed to be done. I had learnt a lot through voluntary work at Mee Toh School.

Here are few of my important learnings and realisation.
1. Build good affinity with people around me.

2. Be ready to give. Giving is better than receive because you have more than others. Blessings will always come back to you.

3. Be clear of what kind of information I need to send out.

4. Be proactive. Help others whenever possible within my own means.

5. Learn to communicate with others. Misunderstanding arises when we choose to keep things to ourselves.

6. Organise my things through categories. Have a system that people understand.

7. Put myself in other people shoes. See it from other people perspectives.

8. When there are a lot of procedures. Prepare the SOPs so that others understand what are required to do and what is required to followup.

9. Always look out for good affinities so that I can leverage on other people skills and talents.

10. Learn to manage people expectations and find the harmony point where everyone can work well together. See other people strengths, instead of their weaknesses.

06 November, 2020

Day 9: I am

When I am being in the present moment, I am with myself.

I can see myself.
I am beautiful.
I am kind.
I am funny.
I am wise.
I am lovable.
I am creative.
I am sincere.
I am who I am.

I accept myself deeply and unconditionally.

05 November, 2020

Day 8: Self Mastery

There is something about sharing with others.
There is something about Connection.
There is training and development of yourself.
It is to enjoy with yourself, even by doing nothing.
One main aspect is to find the way and do things that you like to do.

Shaolin Master's Story
A man was staying near a mountain, everyday he was thinking:
How would it be to climb that mountain and what would I see on the peak?

Finally the day came, the man went on the journey. Arriving at the foot of the mountain, he met the first traveler, he asked,"How did you get up the mountain and what did you see from top of the mountain?" The traveler shared his path and also the view that he had. But then the man was thinking,"The way that the traveler described to me sounds very exhausting. I need to find another way to climb."

He continued to walk at the foot of the mountain until he saw the next traveler. Again, he asked,"How did you get up the mountain and what did you see from top of the mountain?" And the traveler shared his story. Still not able to determined on which direction and which way to go. The man asked 30 more people, 30 more travelers. When he finished talking to them, he finally made up his mind. "Now there are so many people shared with me their paths and what they saw from the top, I don't need to climb up there anymore."

It is very unfortunate this man never went on his journey.
1st, Each individual needs to find the most suitable way to climb the mountain.

2nd, There is information possible to be shared with words, but it is impossible to share the experience of clarity when you are standing on that peak by yourself. To invest the right effort in climbing that peak, clarity means you see more clearly.When you see more clearly, interrelations become more apparent.

When you see more clear, there is no need to believe anyone or believe anything. Seeing clear means you can distinguish for yourself which is the proper direction to take and which decisions do I have to make in order to make my goals or aspirations start to shape?

It is your own personal journey.

5 Hinderances of the Mind
1. Sensual Desires
2. Ill Will / Aversion
3. Dullness / Heaviness
4. Restlessness
5. Sceptical Doubt

You will need to align and structure your life in such a way to prevent those hinderances from arising. You need to use techniques to remove them. Simply remember one thing just let it rains.

4 Steps Solution
1. Recognise in what state of your mind is in.
2. Learn to accept, Acknowledge, Allow the situation or person to be the way how it is or the way how they are.
3. Investigate your emotional and mental state and asked questions, "Why did it come out? What is the consequences if I remain in that state?"
4. Non Identification: I am not the body, I am not the mind, I am not my emotions. I can see all these 3 aspects about me.

All our lives are too unique, to copy the path from someone else. To bring meaning into our lives, to bring value to our lives, we need to learn how to master ourselves.

04 November, 2020

Day 7: 9 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

We are going to explore the million-dollar mindset. Remember, millionaires think and see the world very differently. Where most people see as problems, those people with millionaire's mindset see money-making opportunities. Where people see failures, millionaires see a valuable learning experience that will lead them into greater opportunities and wealth.

Wealth must first be created in the mind before it can be manifested into physical reality. I must be mentally wealthy before I can attract physical wealth.

What is the Million-Dollar Mindset?
Mindset -> Thoughts -> Actions -> Results
Met a situation
What would you think about?
How do you feel?
What would you do with a millionaire mindset? Take it as an opportunity.

Habit 1: Be a value creator
Value creators will never be out of job. Value creators have the habit of doing a lot more than expected. If they are paid $3,000, they will work as if they are paid $20,000. They create value for companies. As a result. their income is not considered as an expenses to the company, but a great investment.

Habit 2: Be pro active
People are proactive are people who take initiative to make things happen. When there are no opportunties, proactive people are those that go out to find opportunities. If they cannot find any, they will create their own opportunities. When problems get in their way, proactive people will take actions to solve their own problems! On the other hand, people exhibit the reactive mindset. People with reactive mindset have the habit of waiting for things to happen to them.

Habit 3: Take 100% Responsibility
Taking full responsibility for your results and wealth! When we find excuses or blame others for our circumstances, you are not in control. You do not have the power to change your circumstances. Take 100% responsibility for my own wealth. I believe that I alone create my wealth through my strategies and actions. As a resutlt, I know that I have the power to change my wealth by changing my strategies and actions. It is only when I live by this habit will I have the power to exponentially mutiply my income and wealth.

Habit 4: Delayed Gratification
What keeps most people from becoming rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Wanting instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. As the results, these people spend a lot more than they invest. There are 2 ways you can use your money. You can either spend it or invest it. When you spend it on things, $100 is gone with zero returns. When you invest $100 on seminars, books or stock, it will grow into $120, $200, $500, or even $1000, depending on the rate of return.

Instant Gratification: Spend > Invest
Delayed Gratification: Invest > Spend

Check on the things I am buying.

Habit 5: Do what You love
You can become a millionaire in ANY INDUSTRY, only you are one of the best! If you are not one of the best, you will never become rich in ANY industry. The answer is by being totally, absolutely 100% committed towards your particular career or business. People become the best at what they do only because they eat, sleep, breathe, talk and think their business 18 hours a day (sometimes they even dream about it as they sleep). In other words, they are totally obsessed with doing what they do and are constantly finding ways to do it better. The only way you can become totally obsessed and committed towards something is when you have a love and passion for it!

Unless you do what you love to do, you will never become rich.- Adam Khoo

Start asking myself...
  • What do I love to do? What would I do even if I didn't get paid?
  • If I had all the money in the world, how would I spend my time?
  • Who are people who have made their fortunes around this passion I have?
I gurantee you that when you start looking for your own answers, you have no lack of role models you can learn from.

Habit 6: Acting with Integrity
Most self made millionaires share a common habit of personal integrity. Being honest with people was ranked number 1, in 733 multimillionaires, interviewed by Thomas Stanley, "The Millionaires Mind". What were the key factors that were contributed to their wealth.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently. - Warren E. Buffet

Habit 7: Be 100% Committed
There is a very big difference between wanting to become a millionaire and being 100% committed to becoming a millionaire. When it is merely a wish or a hope, it will rarely happen. When something become a MUST, you will do whatever it takes to get it done.

Habit 8: The ability to turn Failure into Success
The ability to accept failure and to turn it into success. Most people have the impression that successful people never fail and millionaires never lose money. It is a huge lie and distortion that prevents people from becoming rich.

The truth is everyone fails at one point or another. In fact, millionaires fail more times than anyone else because they take so much more actions. You will fail many times befoer you ever succeed. What is important is what you do about failure.

Success is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is th result of bad judgement. - Anthony Robbins

Habit 9: Respece and Love Money
I don't mean loving money to the extent that you are a slave to it but loving money for the good it can do for you and the people around you.

Many people who consciously desire to be rich and know that money is important. However at a deeper level they may not realise that their subconscious mind either holds many limiting beliefs about money or associate lots of negative feelings towards money. These negative associations cause them to repel money and prevent them from becoming rich, without even realising it.

If you come from a poor or middle class family, there is a good chance that you may have been taught that "money isn't everything", "money doesn't grow from trees", "rich people are greedy", "money is not important", if you have a lot of money, people will cheat you", "investing is risky", "money will change you".

As the result, your subconscious mind associates so much fear, hate and negative feelings towards money that it will stop you from ever becoming rich. You may feel this inner power struggle inside you such that although you set your goals to become rich, but somehow, you sabotage your own sucess every time you achieve a certain level of wealth. Your inner mind won't allow you to become rich as it would give you more "problems" or make you into a "bad person".

It is really important to stop for a while and really reflect about the innter feelings you have towards money. Set aside your pre-judgements and really think about the sub conscious beliefs and feelings that you associate with money.

03 November, 2020

Day 6: Why do I want to be rich?

The reasons I want to be rich are
1. I want to be worry free about money.
2. I want to be financially free.
3. I want to improve the quality of my life.
4. I want to travel around the world and learn from wise people.
5. I want to help people through my wealth.
6. I want to have my own comfortable living space ie own landed property.

7 Steps to Financial Abundance
1. Adopt Millionaire Mindset
Think differently, take actions differently and produce vast different outcome.
Adopt different sets of beliefs and habits and allow myself to see opportunities than problems.

2. Set Finanical Clear Goals
Wealth never happens by chance. It always begin with a clear goal in mind.
At one point in the life, I made the decision to become rich. This is the moment.

3. Create a Finanical Plan
Once I have set a specific financial targets of how much do I want to earn and how much money I want to accumulate. I can develop an effective plan to achieve my goal.

4. Massively increase my income
It is important to learn how to accelerate my financial plan and take massive actions.

5. Manage my money and reduce my expenses
Learn how to save and invest.

6. Grow my money at millionaire returns
Earn returns based on 15% - 25% investments with minimal risk.

7. Protect my fortune
Engage financial professionals to manage my wealth.

02 November, 2020

Day 5: Learning

As I am a much enthusiast in learning, after many years I felt that I finally reached to a point that I want to focus in my learning.

I have arrived at my own question. What do I really want to learn in this lifetime? I want to take back my own ownership. Not to let myself live my life day after day so aimlessly.

I want to learn
1. About myself
2. Gain my own clarity
3. How to regulate my own emotions
4. How to build a quality, trusted relationship
5. How to lead a meaningful life
6. How to improve on my communication skills
7. How to manage my own funds, build my own wealth
8. How to help others to improve themselves
9. How to build systems that can improve people lives

Today, I start to read Adam Khoo book on self made millionaire. I think millionaire is overrated. Seriously, only a handful of people are able to be an millionaire.

It's a well thought out game plan. Nothing is by accident. Only 3% of people are willing to invest their time, money and resources to build their own wealth or empire.

Instead of thinking what I can do, think about what I want to do. I can do anything I put my mind to!

I set "10am learning" where learning starts at 10am for me.

01 November, 2020

Day 4: Confidence

"Do not attempt to do a thing unless you are sure of yourself, but do not relinqish it simply because someone else is not sure of you." - Stewart E. White

Due to my poor results in my PSLE. I didn't have much self-confidence during secondary school. I didn't do well in my O'Levels as well. But after I repeat 1 year in Braddell Secondary school. I told myself I needed to work hard and improve my studies. I spent hours to understand, to "break the code" of studies. Finally I managed to score well with As and Bs and I have more choices. I chose multimedia as it looks more interesting. I never regret becoming a designer. Yes, it is hard work but it also gives me a lot of joy and fun.

Lesson of Confidence: Work and improve until you think you're good. Your people will think you are good too! The others don't matter.

Today's Affirmation: I have confidence in me!