24 November, 2020

Day 26: 1111

I have been seeing 1111 and 111 today.

According to Universe, I am aligning with the Divine.

The Meaning of 111
1. Embrace New Beginnings
The meaning of 111 is revealed by looking at the nature of the number one. Number one represents a new beginning because when counting up from zero, it's always the first number. And so seeing 111 brings a message about new beginnings coming into your life, and specifically, new beginnings coming into your life at the level of your mind, body, and spirit.

It is quite true, I start to eat more healthily again, listening to my body, reading on health nutrition book today. Swee Tiong invited me to join the 5 Days Elite Speakers Training Program (This is very clear that I want to be trained by experienced speakers. To shorten my learning curve), Rendy approached me to help me to involved in Userabiity testing which I am interested. (I am able to value-add people lives.) Stephen asked me to join crypo currency which may be another stream of revenue to bring in money and Edwyn called me to ask me to help him in a small project.

2. Linking Heaven and Earth
the triple appearance of 111 brings up in my awareness, an emphasis of this link between heaven and earth at the level of your mind, body and spirit. Seeing 111 then becomes the perfect opportunity to ask yourself; “How are you at the level of your mind, body and spirit being the bridge between the physical and spiritual? Rather than judging or reacting, allowing yourself to simply be open… To be the bridge between Heaven and Earth. By becoming aware, tuning in and letting go of reacting to what you're observing and just observe...

3. Trust, Trust, Trust
It is a reminder to focus in on what you really want. Focus on what is truly possible for you, and come into greater alignment with your truth and authenticity... With who you really are. This Truth is able to emerge when you get clear.

4. Call to Awareness
Just observe, remain open, and receive. You may just receive some insight, guidance, or knowing regarding your present situation. Be present.

5. Infinite Possibility
It is a reminder that there truly exists infinite possibility for your life. Simply return your awareness to the many blessings in your life. To refocus on being positive and optimistic through letting go of fears, doubts and insecurities by refocusing in on your highest intentions. Focusing on the highest intentions for your life, and on what will bring you joy, love fulfillment, radiant wellbeing and a sense of truly thriving in your reality. By focusing on what you love and enjoy, that also serves in the highest interest of all … You’re tapping into high vibrational manifestation.

Feel that feeling. Feel the gratitude for what is yet to be, and yet also give yourself the gift of feeling gratitude in the moment for all that you already have.

Tune into gratitude for all the blessings in the moment.

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