15 November, 2020

Day 17: Christine Workshop 23

These 2 days of Christine Workshop makes me feel happy, sad and emotional. I always seems to have association with children matters. Whenever I see a child, I always feel that they needed their own voice. To be seen, loved and protected. Not all children are happily bring up.

There might be different ways of being traumatised by their parents during their childhood. Especially the eldest child in the family, they are expected to be "a parent at a young age" It is like an unspoken rule that they have to do. For the middle child, the parents will somehow neglected them, they will be feeling unloved or unwanted. As for the youngest in the family, most of the time, they are treated like everything they don't know and even they are in their adulthood, they continue to be seen as incompetence or needed to be helped.

Unless the child is willing to look at his or her traumas, they will contine to live their lives as "normal" in their family dynamics. Unless they stop the family voices in their head, they can't have back their own lives and their own identity.

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