04 November, 2020

Day 7: 9 Habits of Self-Made Millionaires

We are going to explore the million-dollar mindset. Remember, millionaires think and see the world very differently. Where most people see as problems, those people with millionaire's mindset see money-making opportunities. Where people see failures, millionaires see a valuable learning experience that will lead them into greater opportunities and wealth.

Wealth must first be created in the mind before it can be manifested into physical reality. I must be mentally wealthy before I can attract physical wealth.

What is the Million-Dollar Mindset?
Mindset -> Thoughts -> Actions -> Results
Met a situation
What would you think about?
How do you feel?
What would you do with a millionaire mindset? Take it as an opportunity.

Habit 1: Be a value creator
Value creators will never be out of job. Value creators have the habit of doing a lot more than expected. If they are paid $3,000, they will work as if they are paid $20,000. They create value for companies. As a result. their income is not considered as an expenses to the company, but a great investment.

Habit 2: Be pro active
People are proactive are people who take initiative to make things happen. When there are no opportunties, proactive people are those that go out to find opportunities. If they cannot find any, they will create their own opportunities. When problems get in their way, proactive people will take actions to solve their own problems! On the other hand, people exhibit the reactive mindset. People with reactive mindset have the habit of waiting for things to happen to them.

Habit 3: Take 100% Responsibility
Taking full responsibility for your results and wealth! When we find excuses or blame others for our circumstances, you are not in control. You do not have the power to change your circumstances. Take 100% responsibility for my own wealth. I believe that I alone create my wealth through my strategies and actions. As a resutlt, I know that I have the power to change my wealth by changing my strategies and actions. It is only when I live by this habit will I have the power to exponentially mutiply my income and wealth.

Habit 4: Delayed Gratification
What keeps most people from becoming rich is the habit of wanting instant gratification. Wanting instant gratification is the habit of always wanting to enjoy now and not having the patience to wait for future benefits. As the results, these people spend a lot more than they invest. There are 2 ways you can use your money. You can either spend it or invest it. When you spend it on things, $100 is gone with zero returns. When you invest $100 on seminars, books or stock, it will grow into $120, $200, $500, or even $1000, depending on the rate of return.

Instant Gratification: Spend > Invest
Delayed Gratification: Invest > Spend

Check on the things I am buying.

Habit 5: Do what You love
You can become a millionaire in ANY INDUSTRY, only you are one of the best! If you are not one of the best, you will never become rich in ANY industry. The answer is by being totally, absolutely 100% committed towards your particular career or business. People become the best at what they do only because they eat, sleep, breathe, talk and think their business 18 hours a day (sometimes they even dream about it as they sleep). In other words, they are totally obsessed with doing what they do and are constantly finding ways to do it better. The only way you can become totally obsessed and committed towards something is when you have a love and passion for it!

Unless you do what you love to do, you will never become rich.- Adam Khoo

Start asking myself...
  • What do I love to do? What would I do even if I didn't get paid?
  • If I had all the money in the world, how would I spend my time?
  • Who are people who have made their fortunes around this passion I have?
I gurantee you that when you start looking for your own answers, you have no lack of role models you can learn from.

Habit 6: Acting with Integrity
Most self made millionaires share a common habit of personal integrity. Being honest with people was ranked number 1, in 733 multimillionaires, interviewed by Thomas Stanley, "The Millionaires Mind". What were the key factors that were contributed to their wealth.
It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it. If you think about that, you will do things differently. - Warren E. Buffet

Habit 7: Be 100% Committed
There is a very big difference between wanting to become a millionaire and being 100% committed to becoming a millionaire. When it is merely a wish or a hope, it will rarely happen. When something become a MUST, you will do whatever it takes to get it done.

Habit 8: The ability to turn Failure into Success
The ability to accept failure and to turn it into success. Most people have the impression that successful people never fail and millionaires never lose money. It is a huge lie and distortion that prevents people from becoming rich.

The truth is everyone fails at one point or another. In fact, millionaires fail more times than anyone else because they take so much more actions. You will fail many times befoer you ever succeed. What is important is what you do about failure.

Success is the result of good judgement. Good judgement is the result of experience. Experience is th result of bad judgement. - Anthony Robbins

Habit 9: Respece and Love Money
I don't mean loving money to the extent that you are a slave to it but loving money for the good it can do for you and the people around you.

Many people who consciously desire to be rich and know that money is important. However at a deeper level they may not realise that their subconscious mind either holds many limiting beliefs about money or associate lots of negative feelings towards money. These negative associations cause them to repel money and prevent them from becoming rich, without even realising it.

If you come from a poor or middle class family, there is a good chance that you may have been taught that "money isn't everything", "money doesn't grow from trees", "rich people are greedy", "money is not important", if you have a lot of money, people will cheat you", "investing is risky", "money will change you".

As the result, your subconscious mind associates so much fear, hate and negative feelings towards money that it will stop you from ever becoming rich. You may feel this inner power struggle inside you such that although you set your goals to become rich, but somehow, you sabotage your own sucess every time you achieve a certain level of wealth. Your inner mind won't allow you to become rich as it would give you more "problems" or make you into a "bad person".

It is really important to stop for a while and really reflect about the innter feelings you have towards money. Set aside your pre-judgements and really think about the sub conscious beliefs and feelings that you associate with money.

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