28 November, 2020

Day 30: 1/2 Day Hospitalisation

Early morning I had a chest pain. At first, I wanted to ignore the pain but my body gave me the signal that I needed to look at it. Dr Tng recommended me to go to hospital for check up. After waiting for my turn to be reviewed by the doctor, I noticed the plain ceiling. It is indeed depressing to look at such a boring experience to look at the ceiling while waiting.

As my vein is small, the doctor used the left side to extract my blood but he couldn't do it so I have to suffer 2 rounds of pain and the other nurse extract another round of blood for testing. It sets me thinking why am I allowing people to hurt me? I didn't like the needles to be poked into my skin. In the end, I still let them to hurt me. The helpless feeling came back.

I started to read the book, Whole. This chapter shared about why we need to eat more whole foods than animal products, meat and milk. Milk promotes cancer. Spinach and kale have more protein than animal products, meat and milk.

It is quite ironic to read such book in the hospital. But I feel it helps me to rethink how I want to live my life. Do I still want to live in my old ways where I feel that I have no choice OR I start to take my health seriously. To really put in real foods into my body to let it heals. Every decision has its own consequences. My life is precious. Please take care of my body. It is giving me signs that I needed to take care of it before it is too late... My body is telling me if I don't take care of it. I may lose it.

In the end, I did 2 rounds of ECG and 2 rounds of blood tests. Fortunately, all are negative. The doctor allows me to be discharge from the hospital. What a day!

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