21 November, 2020

Day 23: Toastmasters Journey

Had a 2 days at Sparks Conference, 12-13 May 2018, Grassroots Club. This is my 3rd consecutive year that I did event design branding for Toastmasters Annual Conferences. This year is Sparks theme, I am happy that I am able to capture the essence of the theme.

"Trust yourself. Create the kind of self that you will be happy to live all your life. Make the most of yourself by fanning the tiny, sparks of possibility into flames of achievement." - Golda Meir

I see the Sparks in myself now.
Thanks Karthik could see the best in me, even before I can see it myself.
Thank you Leslie Tang for taking such beautiful photo of me with my work.

As I reorganised how I walked through the toastmasters journey, it has been very challenging for me. I really struggled through my way. Each time I just allow myself to learn bit by bit, it seems to become a little bit easier. after this 15 years of hard work. I realise that it is the day in, day out that I have put in my efforts to shape the person I want to be. I am feeling a lot more confident to express what I needed to be heard. #SparksConference2018

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