Key Points
1. Speak from the Heart
2. Related to people
3. Practise from videos
4. Story is meant to speak out, not in your head.
5. 3 Acts of Storytelling
6. Do not tell others what to do
7. Do not ask too many questions
8. Quote someone and give the person the credit
A Singapore girl who appreciates design, has passion in craft making and photography, likes to travel, likes inspiring and heartfelt movies, chat when needed to, likes reading more. Just smiles when happy and cries when sad. Simply loves her family and true friends who stand by her when she's in trouble! Just a simple girl.
31 January, 2021
30 January, 2021
Day 92: MTS Dharma Class Opening Ceremony
Lessons learn in MTS Dharma Class Opening Ceremony.
Location and Networks
1. We need to rehearse in real setting at FGS.
2. We need to have 2 overall rehearsals, a day before and 2 hours before event. Ie 7.30am - 9.30am
3. In Dharma Class formal event, use FGS's Zoom Account.
4. Host must use Lan cable, more stable at the Library, sit near to the wifi router.
5. Do not share too many laptops in data route, slow down the connections.
6. Others can use FGS Wifi / use own data / use mobile data thumbdrive (Borrow from Jian Tze).
1. Control of PPT get someone else to do it, assign the person as co host.
2. Minwah helps to login MTS VIPs, test Principal and VMM's screen beforehand.
3. Standby 1 person to help Ven Miao Mu.
4. Give Co host to Zhen Zhen and Manice for students and VIPs login.
5. Emcee needs to prepare headset / mic.
1. Only 1 laptop can on the mic.
2. Too many laptops in one place. 太多回音。Reduce to 3 Laptops in 1 location. Library and Level 3 office.
Location and Networks
1. We need to rehearse in real setting at FGS.
2. We need to have 2 overall rehearsals, a day before and 2 hours before event. Ie 7.30am - 9.30am
3. In Dharma Class formal event, use FGS's Zoom Account.
4. Host must use Lan cable, more stable at the Library, sit near to the wifi router.
5. Do not share too many laptops in data route, slow down the connections.
6. Others can use FGS Wifi / use own data / use mobile data thumbdrive (Borrow from Jian Tze).
1. Control of PPT get someone else to do it, assign the person as co host.
2. Minwah helps to login MTS VIPs, test Principal and VMM's screen beforehand.
3. Standby 1 person to help Ven Miao Mu.
4. Give Co host to Zhen Zhen and Manice for students and VIPs login.
5. Emcee needs to prepare headset / mic.
1. Only 1 laptop can on the mic.
2. Too many laptops in one place. 太多回音。Reduce to 3 Laptops in 1 location. Library and Level 3 office.
29 January, 2021
Day 91: Money Mindset Day 2
You are the beloved child of God. Like everyone else, you deserved to receive the support that will allow you to focus upon your devine life purpose. Knowing you are worthy, derserving of all that you dream of.
Follow the Exercises
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Tip toe if you must, but take that step.
"Think and Feel is more important (Mindset). 80% of the outcome.
Reboot Your Energy System (Home)
Clear, Cleanse, Change
1) Clear your money energy: Integrity
- Practise being integrity with Money.
- Build trust, things that I say and promise, deliver them.
- Follow up with them.
What unfinish business I need to attend?
Anything I promise, clear my space, obligations and follow up.
- Tidy my desk
- List down client projects
- Clear old receipts/junks in wallet weekly.
2) Cleanse Mental Detox
- Stay with positive friends
- Be aware of negative thinking
- Postive thinking empowers me, motivates me - Tapping
What do I want to cleanse?
- Clease my body. I want a healthy body. Every time I want to snack, I drink smoothies or eat fruits.
3) Change
The most dangerous phrase: I know this already.
We need to embrace changes.
Adaptable, Flexibility, Responsive -> Change
Small steps (change) everyday, can scale up to massive results.
Tiny Habits
What are the things you can change today that will align you with greater ease, flow and confidence.
Self Care
- Sleep early, wake up early
- Exercise
- Plant based diets
- Drink sufficient water
- Breath Properly
- Plan and review my day
- Backup files
Beside change the mindset, embodies the body, get it involves and integrate in the system / life.
Clear deeply rooted in the system
- Past mentally, emotionally, physically
- Grudges, Grievances, Conflicts
- Money avoidance: Not willing to look at the expenses, clear debts etc
Address the emotional response in the body.
Danger is no longer there, still feel danger.
Issue with self love.
Work with entire energy system.
Emotional Truma: Someone said something bad about me. Things that said years ago can affect us emotionally. We need to address them.
You are the beloved child of God. Like everyone else, you deserved to receive the support that will allow you to focus upon your devine life purpose. Knowing you are worthy, derserving of all that you dream of.
Follow the Exercises
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Tip toe if you must, but take that step.
"Think and Feel is more important (Mindset). 80% of the outcome.
Reboot Your Energy System (Home)
Clear, Cleanse, Change
1) Clear your money energy: Integrity
- Practise being integrity with Money.
- Build trust, things that I say and promise, deliver them.
- Follow up with them.
What unfinish business I need to attend?
Anything I promise, clear my space, obligations and follow up.
- Tidy my desk
- List down client projects
- Clear old receipts/junks in wallet weekly.
2) Cleanse Mental Detox
- Stay with positive friends
- Be aware of negative thinking
- Postive thinking empowers me, motivates me - Tapping
What do I want to cleanse?
- Clease my body. I want a healthy body. Every time I want to snack, I drink smoothies or eat fruits.
The more space I create, the more easily money and abundance flows to me.
3) Change
The most dangerous phrase: I know this already.
We need to embrace changes.
Adaptable, Flexibility, Responsive -> Change
"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."- Dr Wayne Dyer Stacking your results, celebrating small wins.
Small steps (change) everyday, can scale up to massive results.
Tiny Habits
What are the things you can change today that will align you with greater ease, flow and confidence.
Self Care
- Sleep early, wake up early
- Exercise
- Plant based diets
- Drink sufficient water
- Breath Properly
- Plan and review my day
- Backup files
"Change is the hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end."- Robin Sharma The body keeps the score
Beside change the mindset, embodies the body, get it involves and integrate in the system / life.
Clear deeply rooted in the system
- Past mentally, emotionally, physically
- Grudges, Grievances, Conflicts
- Money avoidance: Not willing to look at the expenses, clear debts etc
Address the emotional response in the body.
Danger is no longer there, still feel danger.
Issue with self love.
Work with entire energy system.
Emotional Truma: Someone said something bad about me. Things that said years ago can affect us emotionally. We need to address them.
28 January, 2021
Day 90: Money Mindset Day 3
Day 3 of Evelyn's Money Mindset Makeover.
Reboot your energy system (Home)
1. Clear
2. Cleanse
3. Change
Getting into the flow and alignment
Everything is Energy. Money is also energy.
Law of attraction: Be one with that you want to attract.
What lens am I operating from?
Lack Vs Abunance
Scarcity Prosperity
Focus on growth and positive potential from the solution of your problem.
Scarcity Beliefs
1. There is not enough to go around.
2. Resources are limited.
3. Opportunities to succeed are few and far in between.
Start with Self Love!
Assignment: What limiting beliefs about money
I believe that money was hard to make.
My parents find it difficult to make money.
Assignment: Abundance or about myself that I have
I deserve to receive money.
I am good enough and I am capable.
I have the gifts that I need to make things happen.
Activate the Money ATM
The more at ease I feel, the more easily money and abundance flows to me.
The more freedom I feel, the more freely money and abundance flows to me.
The more fun I feel, the more fun ways money and abundance flows to me.
What have I benefited?
I like the questions you ask because that helps me to rethink how to attract the money that I want with ease and joy.
Relationship with Money
This is a new concept to me.
I like the clarity part. It helps me to think about my relationship with money.
I do feel that when I shift my emotions from feeling anxious to a better picture like the money is going to help me to be at a better place.
My whole body feels more acceptable and anxiety and worry reduce.
I will tell myself more money will come to me. I don't have to worry about money. I can earn the money that I want. I keep giving myself the assurance.
Clearing of the wallet is useful.
I used to have a lot of junks in my wallet. Clearing my things in my wallet helps me to pay attention what do I need to follow up and aware that I need more money to come into my life to bring joy and freedom.
I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.
Before Tapping
Type in your score. 5
What is the the emotions? Frustrated, stress and anxiety.
What is the sensation? Feeling tension on the head, shoulders and heart area.
What is the belief or thought? Need to work hard.
After Tapping
Type in your score. 2
Tapping Score change from 5 to 2.
How do you feel? Relieved, relax.
State Renewal
Accept to change
Go with the flow, Integrate in the Body, Mind, Spirit
Reboot your energy system (Home)
1. Clear
2. Cleanse
3. Change
Getting into the flow and alignment
Everything is Energy. Money is also energy.
Law of attraction: Be one with that you want to attract.
What lens am I operating from?
Lack Vs Abunance
Scarcity Prosperity
Focus on growth and positive potential from the solution of your problem.
Scarcity Beliefs
1. There is not enough to go around.
2. Resources are limited.
3. Opportunities to succeed are few and far in between.
Start with Self Love!
Assignment: What limiting beliefs about money
I believe that money was hard to make.
My parents find it difficult to make money.
Assignment: Abundance or about myself that I have
I deserve to receive money.
I am good enough and I am capable.
I have the gifts that I need to make things happen.
Activate the Money ATM
The more at ease I feel, the more easily money and abundance flows to me.
The more freedom I feel, the more freely money and abundance flows to me.
The more fun I feel, the more fun ways money and abundance flows to me.
What have I benefited?
I like the questions you ask because that helps me to rethink how to attract the money that I want with ease and joy.
Relationship with Money
This is a new concept to me.
I like the clarity part. It helps me to think about my relationship with money.
I do feel that when I shift my emotions from feeling anxious to a better picture like the money is going to help me to be at a better place.
My whole body feels more acceptable and anxiety and worry reduce.
I will tell myself more money will come to me. I don't have to worry about money. I can earn the money that I want. I keep giving myself the assurance.
Clearing of the wallet is useful.
I used to have a lot of junks in my wallet. Clearing my things in my wallet helps me to pay attention what do I need to follow up and aware that I need more money to come into my life to bring joy and freedom.
I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.
Before Tapping
Type in your score. 5
What is the the emotions? Frustrated, stress and anxiety.
What is the sensation? Feeling tension on the head, shoulders and heart area.
What is the belief or thought? Need to work hard.
After Tapping
Type in your score. 2
Tapping Score change from 5 to 2.
How do you feel? Relieved, relax.
State Renewal
Accept to change
Go with the flow, Integrate in the Body, Mind, Spirit
27 January, 2021
Day 89: Antibiotics Nightmare
Today is quite a dramatic and tramatic event for me.
On Monday, I was supposed to meet my dentist, Dr Lee Leing and I totally forgot about it.
Perhaps I do not want to face the truth unconsiously. Hyder encouraged me,"Do you rather face the truth and deal with it or to run away the truth in fear?"
I decided to face the truth today.
The news wasn't great.
Dr Lee Leing told me that my weaken tooth has split and there is no way ths can help me to repair.
I asked her what are the options for me.
1. Denture ($600)
2. Bridge ($4200)
3. Implant ($5000)
Obviously, denture is a more fleasible way. As I looked worried after extracted the old root, Dr Lee Leing decided to help me to stitch the wound.
I didn't want to take the pain killers, so I took the antibiotics. Unfortunately, the antibiotics (M/S Curam 625mg) has side effects on my body.
To my horror, after the spinning headache, dizziness and diarrhoea, I have continously 5 rounds of vomitting. Luckily, I do not have fever / rashes.
It is a clear sign that my body doesn't want to take drugs!
To look at brighter side of things, my stomach is cleared from food. I had a light meal, just old cucumber melon soup and water. I don't feel hungry at all. Thank you Body, I appreciate you and Thank you for showing me the right way to good health.
On Monday, I was supposed to meet my dentist, Dr Lee Leing and I totally forgot about it.
Perhaps I do not want to face the truth unconsiously. Hyder encouraged me,"Do you rather face the truth and deal with it or to run away the truth in fear?"
I decided to face the truth today.
The news wasn't great.
Dr Lee Leing told me that my weaken tooth has split and there is no way ths can help me to repair.
I asked her what are the options for me.
1. Denture ($600)
2. Bridge ($4200)
3. Implant ($5000)
Obviously, denture is a more fleasible way. As I looked worried after extracted the old root, Dr Lee Leing decided to help me to stitch the wound.
I didn't want to take the pain killers, so I took the antibiotics. Unfortunately, the antibiotics (M/S Curam 625mg) has side effects on my body.
To my horror, after the spinning headache, dizziness and diarrhoea, I have continously 5 rounds of vomitting. Luckily, I do not have fever / rashes.
It is a clear sign that my body doesn't want to take drugs!
To look at brighter side of things, my stomach is cleared from food. I had a light meal, just old cucumber melon soup and water. I don't feel hungry at all. Thank you Body, I appreciate you and Thank you for showing me the right way to good health.
26 January, 2021
Day 88: Money Mindset Day 1
Money Association
Emotions Loving, caring, understanding
Thoughts Healthy flowing, money comes to me naturally and willingly
Image Growth
Smell Pleasant
Sense Able manage and grow my money
Look Abundance, it never ends, everflowing like fountain or waterfall
Think of Money as a Person
I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.
Give a score
From 0 to 10, 10 being the absolute best in my relationship with money is 4
From stress and worry to Joy and Gratitude.
When my money comes in, I feel grateful and joyful because I can use it for higher good.
Journaling Prompts
Are you satisfied with your your relationship with Money?
Yes, I want to grow my wealth.
Do you feel there is room for improvement?
Yes, definately.
Think of money as an ideal partner, what would you want your relation to be and how does it feels like?
I want money to be loving, caring and understanding. I can talk to money and it understands my own needs and wants. It supports me like a trustworthy friend. I feel safe and comfortable with money. I believe money will come to me.
Count money as blessings
Gratitude => The ultimate multiplier for manifestation
How has money served me?
It provides my daily meals.
It helps me to pay for the bills that I need.
It gives me the freedom to do what I want ie Travel, attend courses, improve my business, to generate more quality leads.
What would I like to thank money for?
Thank you Money for helping me to bring in businesses for me.
You have helped me to pay of my bills and provide the right opportunities for me.
Everytime my projects are almost complete, new ones come in. It is really everflowing of abundance.
Thank you so much, money. All the money that come to me are well invested.
Write down 3 items of gratitude for money.
1. Thank you for the meals.
2. Thank you for the experiences.
3. Thank you for the lifestyle support.
I am grateful to have money.
Specify Purpose of Money
$1,000 Challenge What is the experience that I want to have?
I want the $1,000 to be use for my house's aircon.
I want to contribue to the family as I am part of my family.
We get to enjoy cool air together.
Activate Money ATM
I am grateful and thankful that I manifested $1,000 or something better in the next 30 days.
All my money is well invested and come back 7 times more.
Emotions Loving, caring, understanding
Thoughts Healthy flowing, money comes to me naturally and willingly
Image Growth
Smell Pleasant
Sense Able manage and grow my money
Look Abundance, it never ends, everflowing like fountain or waterfall
Think of Money as a Person
I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.
Give a score
From 0 to 10, 10 being the absolute best in my relationship with money is 4
From stress and worry to Joy and Gratitude.
When my money comes in, I feel grateful and joyful because I can use it for higher good.
Journaling Prompts
Are you satisfied with your your relationship with Money?
Yes, I want to grow my wealth.
Do you feel there is room for improvement?
Yes, definately.
Think of money as an ideal partner, what would you want your relation to be and how does it feels like?
I want money to be loving, caring and understanding. I can talk to money and it understands my own needs and wants. It supports me like a trustworthy friend. I feel safe and comfortable with money. I believe money will come to me.
Count money as blessings
Gratitude => The ultimate multiplier for manifestation
How has money served me?
It provides my daily meals.
It helps me to pay for the bills that I need.
It gives me the freedom to do what I want ie Travel, attend courses, improve my business, to generate more quality leads.
What would I like to thank money for?
Thank you Money for helping me to bring in businesses for me.
You have helped me to pay of my bills and provide the right opportunities for me.
Everytime my projects are almost complete, new ones come in. It is really everflowing of abundance.
Thank you so much, money. All the money that come to me are well invested.
Write down 3 items of gratitude for money.
1. Thank you for the meals.
2. Thank you for the experiences.
3. Thank you for the lifestyle support.
I am grateful to have money.
Specify Purpose of Money
$1,000 Challenge What is the experience that I want to have?
I want the $1,000 to be use for my house's aircon.
I want to contribue to the family as I am part of my family.
We get to enjoy cool air together.
Activate Money ATM
I am grateful and thankful that I manifested $1,000 or something better in the next 30 days.
All my money is well invested and come back 7 times more.
25 January, 2021
Day 87: I needed more self care
I sometimes I can be my worse enemy. Today I was suppose to go for my dental appointment. It was supposed to be an emergency case.
I totally forgot about it. Perhaps, I choose to live in denial. I used my clients' work as excuses for me not to visit my dentist, how survival I was. The truth can be hurtful.
While I was struggling internally, my friend asked me, "Do you want to know the truth and do something about it or doing nothing and let it gets worse?"
That is quite a powerful question.
I called the clinic. The dental nurse is still kind enough to give me in another time slot, despite of my dentist busy schedule. My whole week is almost screwed up because of the blunder that I made.
I need more self care.
I totally forgot about it. Perhaps, I choose to live in denial. I used my clients' work as excuses for me not to visit my dentist, how survival I was. The truth can be hurtful.
While I was struggling internally, my friend asked me, "Do you want to know the truth and do something about it or doing nothing and let it gets worse?"
That is quite a powerful question.
I called the clinic. The dental nurse is still kind enough to give me in another time slot, despite of my dentist busy schedule. My whole week is almost screwed up because of the blunder that I made.
I need more self care.
24 January, 2021
Day 86: Choosing self or others?
Empathy and wisdom arises when your body is resetting itself that requires your immediate attention and at the same time, you need to handle a tricky project issue by end of the day. If not, it will affect everyone.
Will you be choosing self or others?
Such difficult decisions may arise from time to time. Are you prepared to self sacrifice or self love to resolve these issues at the same time.
Self love is not being selfish. It's act of kindness and empathy to yourself so that you can respond more healthier and responsible to your own life.
#selfcare #SelfLove #EmpathyWithWisdom
Will you be choosing self or others?
Such difficult decisions may arise from time to time. Are you prepared to self sacrifice or self love to resolve these issues at the same time.
Self love is not being selfish. It's act of kindness and empathy to yourself so that you can respond more healthier and responsible to your own life.
#selfcare #SelfLove #EmpathyWithWisdom
23 January, 2021
Day 85: I have Power!
I have Power!
When I was young, I felt so helpless and unsupported.
Now I am growing up, I have more strength and Hyder suggested that I should have symobolic image to remind myself that I have the Power.
I find that this photo is very suitable. I always imagine I am a Magician that I can create Miracles in my life whenever I want it. I like the power of strength, courage and love.
May I find Joy, Growth and Clarity in my life.
When I was young, I felt so helpless and unsupported.
Now I am growing up, I have more strength and Hyder suggested that I should have symobolic image to remind myself that I have the Power.
I find that this photo is very suitable. I always imagine I am a Magician that I can create Miracles in my life whenever I want it. I like the power of strength, courage and love.
May I find Joy, Growth and Clarity in my life.
22 January, 2021
Day 84: Life Choices: It is okay to be me!
Part 1
"Rachel, Ms Chua got a stroke."
"How did it happen? How is she now?"
"Ms Chua quarrelled with a colleague just now and now they sent her to the hospital."
I remembered in my teens, working in my dad's company, Ms Chua was someone who was impatient, easily frustrated and likes to do things her way.
She was successful in her career. The industry people respected her. However such anxiety and anger doesn't do her good in a long run.
Ms Chua is about to retire this year. She was looking forward to her retirement, but such event has hit her badly.
Part 2
The society has given us a lot of invisible pressure. We need to be successful in our career, in our family, in our networks.
Does it mean we are not successful means we are a failure?
Is being successful really that important?
I personally feel it was overrated.
Part 3
7 years ago, I decided to leave the corporate world.
I worked long hours, quarreled with my colleagues at times, feeling anxious, stressed and feeling unhappy.
"Rachel, you need to stay back late today until the client replies."
"You mean client's time is his time, my time is not mine?"
"I am sorry we have to wait for the client."
I was feeling super upset. My boss knew how hard I worked and he gave me $1k added on to my salary.
But that increase in amount didn't bring me joy. In fact, I felt even worse, because I had to work even harder.
I had to deal with my collegues' unreasonable requests and clients' high expectations.
My quality of life has compromised.
Part 4
I felt like I needed something more in life.
It feels like my feet has outgrown and I cannot wear back the same old pairs of shoes anymore.
I feel that I needed more than just a high salary job, paying my bills and wait for my retirement.
I needed my life back. I decided to re-pioritised my life.
I know exactly what I don't want
No Overtime work
No back stabbing colleagues
No demanding clients
When I reflected what I want.
I felt so lost.
I do not know what I want.
For the entire 10 years, I have been working and I have no life.
After I left the corporate world with the experiences that I have accumlated, I setup my own design company, building a team and volunteering work.
But nothing come close to realise this truth.
I want myself.
That's all?
Yes, that is it.
You must be wondering how can the truth be so simple, it got to be a complicated answer. Yes, this is the answer I have been searching for. I want myself.
Part 5 - Conclusion
In life, we make many choices every single day.
The state of our mind is the most important thing we should be concern about.
When we are constantly feeling unhappy about our life, carrying too much unnecessary stress and worry. It doesn't improve the quality of our life.
Are these choices doing mostly for ourselves or for others?
When we lost the sight of ourselves, we are not truly living our own life.
We are just barely surviving.
Self care is never addressed in our society.
Since I started to I give myself 3 hours of self care each day. The experiences were so amazing.
My relationship with myself have improved tremenously. I trust myself a lot more and I made better decisions.
My relationship with parents have improved, from anger to compassion.
I attracted the clients that I want to work with, who are caring and loving.
We always feel that we need to give before we receive.
How about giving the love and care we need, before we give others.
We can't give what we don't have.
When we feel empowered, we make ourselves one step forward each day. That will empower others like a ripple effects too.
What choices you make determines what kind of life you have.
Do you want to live or survive? You decide.
"Rachel, Ms Chua got a stroke."
"How did it happen? How is she now?"
"Ms Chua quarrelled with a colleague just now and now they sent her to the hospital."
I remembered in my teens, working in my dad's company, Ms Chua was someone who was impatient, easily frustrated and likes to do things her way.
She was successful in her career. The industry people respected her. However such anxiety and anger doesn't do her good in a long run.
Ms Chua is about to retire this year. She was looking forward to her retirement, but such event has hit her badly.
Part 2
The society has given us a lot of invisible pressure. We need to be successful in our career, in our family, in our networks.
Does it mean we are not successful means we are a failure?
Is being successful really that important?
I personally feel it was overrated.
Part 3
7 years ago, I decided to leave the corporate world.
I worked long hours, quarreled with my colleagues at times, feeling anxious, stressed and feeling unhappy.
"Rachel, you need to stay back late today until the client replies."
"You mean client's time is his time, my time is not mine?"
"I am sorry we have to wait for the client."
I was feeling super upset. My boss knew how hard I worked and he gave me $1k added on to my salary.
But that increase in amount didn't bring me joy. In fact, I felt even worse, because I had to work even harder.
I had to deal with my collegues' unreasonable requests and clients' high expectations.
My quality of life has compromised.
Part 4
I felt like I needed something more in life.
It feels like my feet has outgrown and I cannot wear back the same old pairs of shoes anymore.
I feel that I needed more than just a high salary job, paying my bills and wait for my retirement.
I needed my life back. I decided to re-pioritised my life.
I know exactly what I don't want
No Overtime work
No back stabbing colleagues
No demanding clients
When I reflected what I want.
I felt so lost.
I do not know what I want.
For the entire 10 years, I have been working and I have no life.
After I left the corporate world with the experiences that I have accumlated, I setup my own design company, building a team and volunteering work.
But nothing come close to realise this truth.
I want myself.
That's all?
Yes, that is it.
You must be wondering how can the truth be so simple, it got to be a complicated answer. Yes, this is the answer I have been searching for. I want myself.
Part 5 - Conclusion
In life, we make many choices every single day.
The state of our mind is the most important thing we should be concern about.
When we are constantly feeling unhappy about our life, carrying too much unnecessary stress and worry. It doesn't improve the quality of our life.
Are these choices doing mostly for ourselves or for others?
When we lost the sight of ourselves, we are not truly living our own life.
We are just barely surviving.
Self care is never addressed in our society.
Since I started to I give myself 3 hours of self care each day. The experiences were so amazing.
My relationship with myself have improved tremenously. I trust myself a lot more and I made better decisions.
My relationship with parents have improved, from anger to compassion.
I attracted the clients that I want to work with, who are caring and loving.
We always feel that we need to give before we receive.
How about giving the love and care we need, before we give others.
We can't give what we don't have.
When we feel empowered, we make ourselves one step forward each day. That will empower others like a ripple effects too.
What choices you make determines what kind of life you have.
Do you want to live or survive? You decide.
21 January, 2021
Day 83: How you do anything is how you do everything
As I reflected how I live my life these 2 years, after healing my relationship with myself.
I sort of understand myself how I function as a person.
I like to see positive results at the end.
I like to be organised, plan ahead. To see things through and completed. If I haven't, then there is something I need to learn and understand. When things go wrong, I just need to pay attention to them and how I can make them better the next time.
I create system for myself.
For self care, I need to know exactly what I needed to do, connect with myself through journaling, doing self reflection, exercising, eating plant-based diets, plan my work and make sure I get enough rest and energy. These work help me to start my day well.
I like to explore new things now.
Please tell me things that I don't know about life, I am curious how to live my life well.
I am able to take care and manage my own money, just like a friend now. Money is everyflowing and money is energy. Energy flows to where the focus is. I feel more calm and peaceful now.
This morning I asked,"When can I stop feeling 'I am not good enough?'"
My answer is when I embrace all parts of me. See who I really am. I am good enough. I can improve and evolve myself as I go along. My wisdom will increase, so will my compassion is.
The state of being is important.
I allow myself to be me fully.
I am who I am.
I am whole to begin with.
I sort of understand myself how I function as a person.
I like to see positive results at the end.
I like to be organised, plan ahead. To see things through and completed. If I haven't, then there is something I need to learn and understand. When things go wrong, I just need to pay attention to them and how I can make them better the next time.
I create system for myself.
For self care, I need to know exactly what I needed to do, connect with myself through journaling, doing self reflection, exercising, eating plant-based diets, plan my work and make sure I get enough rest and energy. These work help me to start my day well.
I like to explore new things now.
Please tell me things that I don't know about life, I am curious how to live my life well.
I am able to take care and manage my own money, just like a friend now. Money is everyflowing and money is energy. Energy flows to where the focus is. I feel more calm and peaceful now.
This morning I asked,"When can I stop feeling 'I am not good enough?'"
My answer is when I embrace all parts of me. See who I really am. I am good enough. I can improve and evolve myself as I go along. My wisdom will increase, so will my compassion is.
The state of being is important.
I allow myself to be me fully.
I am who I am.
I am whole to begin with.
20 January, 2021
Day 82: It is okay not to be okay
Today I attended Rebecca's Hangout. She shared a korean drama: It is okay not to be okay.
According to Emilyn, it is a very iopt drama.
In episode 7, it is about the cheerful dog, who is good at hiding its emotions. it always had a lot of fun with children playing with it in the daytime but when the night came, it starts to moan and whine when nobody is around. That is because he wants to cut off the leash and run freely at the spring field. But he couldn't every single night. One day, he heard a voice inside him said,"Why not you just cut of the leash and run away?" and this is what cheerful dog said,"I've been tied up for way too long. So I forgot how to cut myself free."
"I've been tied up for way too long. So I forgot how to cut myself free." How I relate to this is that we are so well trained by our environment and people around us that we are so fearful to get out of our comfort zone.
I helped Emilyn to resonate tonight.
Her intention is I want to stop itch and trigger.
2 parts: I and Trigger.
In the beginning, I rep as trigger, I felt like mother, very perfectionist and critising her. Then when mommy came in. I become very young as young as 1 or 2 years old. I longing for mother yet I am very afraid. There is no love or connection. I got distracted and fall asleep then when I woke up, I was distracted by the paper, I needed to cut it and the more I cut, the more I felt in the survival state.
Looking back at myself. I also feel very survival at times and I can't focus. I made myself so busy that I lost contact with myself.
Another part I realise when I am stressed, I eat a lot. Just now I was hungry and Mac donald served very slow. I started to get impatient and I felt that I was in the womb time, mum didn't give me enough food. When the chicken mayo bread came, I wasn't feeling satisfied. On top of 2 chicken mayo bread, I ate half packet of biscuits sticks, 1 small cake, 3 teaspoon of bak hu, 1 papaya and 1 half boiled egg then I feel that I am finally feel full.
It is okay not to be okay. Now I realised my own behaviour. In future, when I am hungry, just feel my stomach with healthy snacks. I ackowledge myself.
According to Emilyn, it is a very iopt drama.
In episode 7, it is about the cheerful dog, who is good at hiding its emotions. it always had a lot of fun with children playing with it in the daytime but when the night came, it starts to moan and whine when nobody is around. That is because he wants to cut off the leash and run freely at the spring field. But he couldn't every single night. One day, he heard a voice inside him said,"Why not you just cut of the leash and run away?" and this is what cheerful dog said,"I've been tied up for way too long. So I forgot how to cut myself free."
"I've been tied up for way too long. So I forgot how to cut myself free." How I relate to this is that we are so well trained by our environment and people around us that we are so fearful to get out of our comfort zone.
I helped Emilyn to resonate tonight.
Her intention is I want to stop itch and trigger.
2 parts: I and Trigger.
In the beginning, I rep as trigger, I felt like mother, very perfectionist and critising her. Then when mommy came in. I become very young as young as 1 or 2 years old. I longing for mother yet I am very afraid. There is no love or connection. I got distracted and fall asleep then when I woke up, I was distracted by the paper, I needed to cut it and the more I cut, the more I felt in the survival state.
Looking back at myself. I also feel very survival at times and I can't focus. I made myself so busy that I lost contact with myself.
Another part I realise when I am stressed, I eat a lot. Just now I was hungry and Mac donald served very slow. I started to get impatient and I felt that I was in the womb time, mum didn't give me enough food. When the chicken mayo bread came, I wasn't feeling satisfied. On top of 2 chicken mayo bread, I ate half packet of biscuits sticks, 1 small cake, 3 teaspoon of bak hu, 1 papaya and 1 half boiled egg then I feel that I am finally feel full.
It is okay not to be okay. Now I realised my own behaviour. In future, when I am hungry, just feel my stomach with healthy snacks. I ackowledge myself.
18 January, 2021
Day 81: Set Healthy Boundaries
Today I did 2 iopt process resonators for Rep and Cyrene's clients.
Everything seems to happen for a reason. I learn how to set healthy boundaries.
Parallel healing
1st Process: Client intention is "Why I am betrayed?"
2 parts: Why and Betrayed
I was the client's mum, I was also very busy no time to look after other people. I am in my own world. The word "betrayal" came out quite strongly for me too. Yes, indeed I was betrayed by people too. The closest person was mum. I couldn't trust anyone, including myself. I feel very upset when people break their promises. But as I heal myself now, I wasn't so upset when people stood me up. I don't label them.
2nd Process: Client intention is "Why do I critise my mum?"
2 parts: Why and Critise
I was a very young part of the client, probably 3-4 years old, I feel frustrated like the mum is never happy with whatever I do, even the womb time, the mum is already critising and setting standards... In the middle of the process, I felt connected with the client. I ask the client to draw the boundary with the parents. It was pretty good but when she starts to said she is old enough already, she doesn't need mother's love. The Why and Critise parts start to switch off already.
I went with Dad to discuss about my Dad's retirement plans last Sunday. I think Wei Tech has done a good job in explanation and he is willing to listen and try to find a balance between the company and the 3 elderly staffs. I felt that it is good for me to draw boundaries with people around me. I build healthy relationships with people. We don't know how much space other people needs, on the other hand, we get to decide how much space we need. I feel it is a win win situation for both sides at the end of the day.
Everything seems to happen for a reason. I learn how to set healthy boundaries.
Parallel healing
1st Process: Client intention is "Why I am betrayed?"
2 parts: Why and Betrayed
I was the client's mum, I was also very busy no time to look after other people. I am in my own world. The word "betrayal" came out quite strongly for me too. Yes, indeed I was betrayed by people too. The closest person was mum. I couldn't trust anyone, including myself. I feel very upset when people break their promises. But as I heal myself now, I wasn't so upset when people stood me up. I don't label them.
2nd Process: Client intention is "Why do I critise my mum?"
2 parts: Why and Critise
I was a very young part of the client, probably 3-4 years old, I feel frustrated like the mum is never happy with whatever I do, even the womb time, the mum is already critising and setting standards... In the middle of the process, I felt connected with the client. I ask the client to draw the boundary with the parents. It was pretty good but when she starts to said she is old enough already, she doesn't need mother's love. The Why and Critise parts start to switch off already.
I went with Dad to discuss about my Dad's retirement plans last Sunday. I think Wei Tech has done a good job in explanation and he is willing to listen and try to find a balance between the company and the 3 elderly staffs. I felt that it is good for me to draw boundaries with people around me. I build healthy relationships with people. We don't know how much space other people needs, on the other hand, we get to decide how much space we need. I feel it is a win win situation for both sides at the end of the day.
17 January, 2021
Day 80: SPATMC Good Old Memories
I gave a gift to SPATMC, 15 years of good old memories.
If I didn't post the photos consistently to the blog site, SP Alumni Toastmaters Club, most likely I won't be able to create such beautiful memories for our club last year Nov 2020.
Sometimes I wonder what if I didn't join Toastmasters? Would my life be totally changed? So far, I feel that I did the right thing for myself. Even though I still unable to persuade, inspire or moved people. But I still find that joining toastmasters is one of the best decision that I have done. I was so timid and shy, Toastmasters gave me a safe, learning environment to grow myself. I guess everything happens for a reason.
People comes and goes. Even Winson who served for 12 years, decided to leave us. There are young toastmasters who came and join us for a year and left. Only members who value the club and find reasons to continue to nurture their skills. Club culture is important, how do we value our members, building true friendships.
I feel 15 years is just a beginning, there are a new advanture coming our way, Stay tune!
If I didn't post the photos consistently to the blog site, SP Alumni Toastmaters Club, most likely I won't be able to create such beautiful memories for our club last year Nov 2020.
Sometimes I wonder what if I didn't join Toastmasters? Would my life be totally changed? So far, I feel that I did the right thing for myself. Even though I still unable to persuade, inspire or moved people. But I still find that joining toastmasters is one of the best decision that I have done. I was so timid and shy, Toastmasters gave me a safe, learning environment to grow myself. I guess everything happens for a reason.
People comes and goes. Even Winson who served for 12 years, decided to leave us. There are young toastmasters who came and join us for a year and left. Only members who value the club and find reasons to continue to nurture their skills. Club culture is important, how do we value our members, building true friendships.
I feel 15 years is just a beginning, there are a new advanture coming our way, Stay tune!
16 January, 2021
Day 79: I am what I eat
Just to give myself some inspiration.
I am a type 2 diabetes. I heard plant based diets can reverse diabetes in a long run.
It is just one week. My blood sugar comes down because 2 meals daily are plant based diets. It is amazing!
This result gives me confidence to continue to heal my body. I can't just ignored.
Toni Baker is right, plant based diets reduces the inflammation.
I took a year to adjust I had a lot of resistance because I can't let go of comfort food 🤣 but I can do it now.
Why harm my body when I can heal my body now? My blood sugar was 13 I really can't ignore my health conditionEven it came down after medication to 8-9. It wasn't ideal.
It's really what goes into our body that makes a huge difference 🤣Yeah I knew I needed that. That's why I didn't resist when I saw Toni class. I knew it will help me in a long run.
I did Intermittent fasting before (IF) but I go hungry and and I feel very upset and eat all sorts of junk food so that didn't work well for me. My friend did pretty well in IF. So really depends on the person lifestyle and how well the body can adapt.
Toni: IF is not great for anyone with either adrenal or blood sugar issues. That's what I thought too..
Last night, Robin shared a lot of his eating habits experiences how he managed to reverse pre-diabetes. But his ways are eating keto diets, high fats, low carbs. Meat itself is toxic. I don't know if that really works well in a long run.
I really feel plant based diets are the safest way to control blood sugar properly and gain back true health. Because we are putting whole food into our body. Stay healthy, stay safe.
I am a type 2 diabetes. I heard plant based diets can reverse diabetes in a long run.
It is just one week. My blood sugar comes down because 2 meals daily are plant based diets. It is amazing!
This result gives me confidence to continue to heal my body. I can't just ignored.
Toni Baker is right, plant based diets reduces the inflammation.
I took a year to adjust I had a lot of resistance because I can't let go of comfort food 🤣 but I can do it now.
Why harm my body when I can heal my body now? My blood sugar was 13 I really can't ignore my health conditionEven it came down after medication to 8-9. It wasn't ideal.
It's really what goes into our body that makes a huge difference 🤣Yeah I knew I needed that. That's why I didn't resist when I saw Toni class. I knew it will help me in a long run.
I did Intermittent fasting before (IF) but I go hungry and and I feel very upset and eat all sorts of junk food so that didn't work well for me. My friend did pretty well in IF. So really depends on the person lifestyle and how well the body can adapt.
Toni: IF is not great for anyone with either adrenal or blood sugar issues. That's what I thought too..
Last night, Robin shared a lot of his eating habits experiences how he managed to reverse pre-diabetes. But his ways are eating keto diets, high fats, low carbs. Meat itself is toxic. I don't know if that really works well in a long run.
I really feel plant based diets are the safest way to control blood sugar properly and gain back true health. Because we are putting whole food into our body. Stay healthy, stay safe.
15 January, 2021
Day 78: Dump trolley at HDB
In the past 2014 and 2015, NTUC FairPrice lost about 1,000 trolleys annually across more than 90 stores that provide them. The supermarket chain said it spends about $150,000 annually on repairing, replacing and retrieving abandoned trolleys.
For the supermarkets, store personnel retrieve the trolleys from nearby housing estates, pavements and taxi stands from time to time. Customers are required to deposit a one-dollar coin into the metal trolley when they borrow one from Sheng Siong supermarket, but plastic ones do not require any deposit. Likewise, NTUC FairPrice supermarkets' trolleys require a deposit of either a one-dollar coin from the old coin series or a 50-cent coin from the new coin series. Their baskets can be borrowed without a deposit.
These few days, I saw dump trolley at level 1 near the lift. I decided to help this neighbour to return the trolley since it is near the NTUC. I received a 50-cent coin. I get rewarded. A kind deed goes a long way. Indirectly, this neighbour helps to contribute to my savings. Although it is not a lot but it is still money. Every coin or dollar counts.
In the beginning, I felt like I am doing wrong things, thinking that what if people judge me. Why this girl is pushing this trolley such an early morning haha :D It is just me over thinking, no one cares if I push the trolley. In fact, I am doing a good deed for NTUC, by just pushing back the expensive trolley back to their supermarket!
For the supermarkets, store personnel retrieve the trolleys from nearby housing estates, pavements and taxi stands from time to time. Customers are required to deposit a one-dollar coin into the metal trolley when they borrow one from Sheng Siong supermarket, but plastic ones do not require any deposit. Likewise, NTUC FairPrice supermarkets' trolleys require a deposit of either a one-dollar coin from the old coin series or a 50-cent coin from the new coin series. Their baskets can be borrowed without a deposit.
These few days, I saw dump trolley at level 1 near the lift. I decided to help this neighbour to return the trolley since it is near the NTUC. I received a 50-cent coin. I get rewarded. A kind deed goes a long way. Indirectly, this neighbour helps to contribute to my savings. Although it is not a lot but it is still money. Every coin or dollar counts.
In the beginning, I felt like I am doing wrong things, thinking that what if people judge me. Why this girl is pushing this trolley such an early morning haha :D It is just me over thinking, no one cares if I push the trolley. In fact, I am doing a good deed for NTUC, by just pushing back the expensive trolley back to their supermarket!
14 January, 2021
Day 77: How to identify ripe Avocado?
Understand Avocado.
I always buy avocado wrongly, either unripe or over ripe. Now I learned how to buy avocado. The skin has to be slightly darker but not too dark and must press to see if it is soft or not after a day or so. Don't buy those that is already ripe as you don't know how ripe it is.
There is so much to learn about real foods.
I always buy avocado wrongly, either unripe or over ripe. Now I learned how to buy avocado. The skin has to be slightly darker but not too dark and must press to see if it is soft or not after a day or so. Don't buy those that is already ripe as you don't know how ripe it is.
There is so much to learn about real foods.
13 January, 2021
Day 76: Balanced Living Cafe
I spend my meals there at Balanced Living Cafe, 6th Avenue. I like the fact that it doesn't have refined sugar, dairy, red meat and preservatives. I also set my intention there. Pen down in my notebook what I needed to do from today onwards. I didn't like tempe buddha bowl, especially the sauce, it taste so indian. I will go to the cafe more often.
i ordered Kale and Califlower Rice Bowl. It is nice even I eat on its own without the sauces.
This café used cauliflower as the based. It tastes like rice. Yummy.
Other ingredients Seaweed, Pomegranate, Avocado, Kale, Japanese beans
Kale / Kailan have the highest green nutrients among all the vegetables.
i ordered Kale and Califlower Rice Bowl. It is nice even I eat on its own without the sauces.
This café used cauliflower as the based. It tastes like rice. Yummy.
Other ingredients Seaweed, Pomegranate, Avocado, Kale, Japanese beans
Kale / Kailan have the highest green nutrients among all the vegetables.
12 January, 2021
Day 75: Back to Plant based Diets
I signed up for "Love my Liver" program with Toni Baker.
There is a mindset shift, instead of continuous harming my body, I want to heal my body.
To go easy with myself, start those plant based food that I am familiar with.
I start with Smoothies.
Have you ever felt you want to achieve certain results but it took so long to achieve it or worse you didn't start what you want in life?
One of the factors is Energy.
If you don't get enough energy into your body, it will be challenging and struggling to get things done.
Reflection: What food am I putting into my body each day?
#Smoothies #Energy #SelfCare #WorkInProgress
There is a mindset shift, instead of continuous harming my body, I want to heal my body.
To go easy with myself, start those plant based food that I am familiar with.
I start with Smoothies.
Have you ever felt you want to achieve certain results but it took so long to achieve it or worse you didn't start what you want in life?
One of the factors is Energy.
If you don't get enough energy into your body, it will be challenging and struggling to get things done.
Reflection: What food am I putting into my body each day?
#Smoothies #Energy #SelfCare #WorkInProgress
11 January, 2021
Day 74: Set a clear health intention
Healing Journey
16 July 2019
I want to share some insights from my own healing journey. Hopefully, it brightens up my day.
Our state of being is important. Why some patients survive and some don't, even they eat the same kind of medicine?
One person says,"I will be well again." The other person says,"I am a patient now."
The person who believes that he will be well again empower himself to be healed. Whereas the other person gives away his power to other people.
I just wrote this in my journal this morning.
I truly want to be healthy and I know that I can be well again. I believe that my body is healing itself. I want to be drugs free. I trust my body will support me, just like how I support it through plant based diets.
I see my own light everyday.
My struggles
6 April 2020
I do agree self driven is always better that external help. I also understand that my health is my own responsibility.
I think the missing gap for me is I didn't create the healthy environment for myself to have the desire to eat healthily. I still seek for nice comfort food that doesn't support my body.
Sometimes when I eat comfort food, I can be happy for whole day lol My question is how can I willingly to let go of these comfort food and start to enjoy the healthy food more. Not under stress, conditions (no choice) or pressure..
The heart and the mind is not aligned.
I do drink back smoothies recently. At least, I am still not too off the track.
I want to enjoy the food I eat, while helping my body to get the nutrition it needs. It's still my internal struggles, I need to come with terms. Now I still cannot find the balance.
Set a clear health intention
11 Jan 2021
What do I want?
I truly want to be healthy and I know that I can be well again.
I want to be drugs free.
I support my body through plant based diets.
What can I do differently to get the results that I want?
I choose to be healthy.
I do it from my heart joyfully.
I create the healthy environment for myself.
I see food as medicine.
I educate myself on wholefoods.
I learn from Heny, Toni how to prepare plant based food.
I prepare my own plant based food, it is simple and easy.
I find out who are the plant based eaters.
I ask for plant based receipes.
Today, I connect with a health support group, balanced living. Heal my liver. (11012021)
16 July 2019
I want to share some insights from my own healing journey. Hopefully, it brightens up my day.
Our state of being is important. Why some patients survive and some don't, even they eat the same kind of medicine?
One person says,"I will be well again." The other person says,"I am a patient now."
The person who believes that he will be well again empower himself to be healed. Whereas the other person gives away his power to other people.
I just wrote this in my journal this morning.
I truly want to be healthy and I know that I can be well again. I believe that my body is healing itself. I want to be drugs free. I trust my body will support me, just like how I support it through plant based diets.
I see my own light everyday.
My struggles
6 April 2020
I do agree self driven is always better that external help. I also understand that my health is my own responsibility.
I think the missing gap for me is I didn't create the healthy environment for myself to have the desire to eat healthily. I still seek for nice comfort food that doesn't support my body.
Sometimes when I eat comfort food, I can be happy for whole day lol My question is how can I willingly to let go of these comfort food and start to enjoy the healthy food more. Not under stress, conditions (no choice) or pressure..
The heart and the mind is not aligned.
I do drink back smoothies recently. At least, I am still not too off the track.
I want to enjoy the food I eat, while helping my body to get the nutrition it needs. It's still my internal struggles, I need to come with terms. Now I still cannot find the balance.
Set a clear health intention
11 Jan 2021
What do I want?
I truly want to be healthy and I know that I can be well again.
I want to be drugs free.
I support my body through plant based diets.
What can I do differently to get the results that I want?
I choose to be healthy.
I do it from my heart joyfully.
I create the healthy environment for myself.
I see food as medicine.
I educate myself on wholefoods.
I learn from Heny, Toni how to prepare plant based food.
I prepare my own plant based food, it is simple and easy.
I find out who are the plant based eaters.
I ask for plant based receipes.
Today, I connect with a health support group, balanced living. Heal my liver. (11012021)
10 January, 2021
Day 73: State of Being
The hidden code for transforming dreams: My state of being.
Speaker: Mary Morrissey
The state of our mind is important.
Our dreams are created twice: 1st in our mind, 2nd in the reality.
Being the person I want to be.
1. Clarity of specific dream, the clearer I am, the easier to manifest.
I got to change my frequency.
2. Refused to stay discouraged.
Okay that was feedback, how to make it better.
3. Be more interested in growth than comfort, in service of my dream.
Be Dream Builder, I have to create results anyway.
Comfort is something I have.
Growth is something I never have before. Do something that I never done before, that is growth.
How to use Quantum Physics to make your dreams your reality
Speaker: Mary Morrissey
Energy Flowing: high vibes and low vibes
All are energy.
Hertz Vibration scale.
You send out the signal to the universe.
Radio send out the signal of that channel.
It is my responsibility to send out the higher vibration to match that feeling.
1. Turn up my frequency.
The higher my vibration is, the easier my dreams flow to me.
3 easy ways to turn up Exercise, laughter, meditation.
2. Set a powerful intention to align Love or above.
Of you start feeling sad, angry or ignored that is okay.
Feel it, acknowledge it, honour it.
Release with love.
3.Shift your energy to what lights you up
If I can have anything in this world, what would I be, do, have?
If I can create anything in this world, what would I be, do, have?
Connect to my heart desires.
Connect with my highest self.
4. Surround myself with the people, environment that uplifts me, elevate me.
Have conversations that excites me.
5. Stand strong, not an option
Never give up.
knowing things will work out for me.
Good health is not an option.
Financial growth is not an option.
Make my business flourish is not an option.
Energy flow, energy goes. I am the only person I can choose what frequency I want to operate in.
Speaker: Mary Morrissey
The state of our mind is important.
Our dreams are created twice: 1st in our mind, 2nd in the reality.
Being the person I want to be.
1. Clarity of specific dream, the clearer I am, the easier to manifest.
I got to change my frequency.
2. Refused to stay discouraged.
Okay that was feedback, how to make it better.
3. Be more interested in growth than comfort, in service of my dream.
Be Dream Builder, I have to create results anyway.
Comfort is something I have.
Growth is something I never have before. Do something that I never done before, that is growth.
How to use Quantum Physics to make your dreams your reality
Speaker: Mary Morrissey
Energy Flowing: high vibes and low vibes
All are energy.
Hertz Vibration scale.
You send out the signal to the universe.
Radio send out the signal of that channel.
It is my responsibility to send out the higher vibration to match that feeling.
1. Turn up my frequency.
The higher my vibration is, the easier my dreams flow to me.
3 easy ways to turn up Exercise, laughter, meditation.
2. Set a powerful intention to align Love or above.
Of you start feeling sad, angry or ignored that is okay.
Feel it, acknowledge it, honour it.
Release with love.
3.Shift your energy to what lights you up
If I can have anything in this world, what would I be, do, have?
If I can create anything in this world, what would I be, do, have?
Connect to my heart desires.
Connect with my highest self.
4. Surround myself with the people, environment that uplifts me, elevate me.
Have conversations that excites me.
5. Stand strong, not an option
Never give up.
knowing things will work out for me.
Good health is not an option.
Financial growth is not an option.
Make my business flourish is not an option.
Energy flow, energy goes. I am the only person I can choose what frequency I want to operate in.
09 January, 2021
Day 72: Turn up the volume on your mission
Whatever your idea, whatever you market, sell or promote, whether it is a cause, art, products or services, the way you differentiate yourself from your competitors is by turning up the volume on the story of your mission.
Products can be similar but missions are unique.
You don't want people to buy your stuff; you want to matter to them. You want them to care about your brand. To believe in what you do. To get "buy-in". Part of your mission is to get those people, not everyone, but the ones you care about, to care.
The mission of an artist isn't to sell her stuff to the masses; It is to sell the ideas conveyed in those things. Her mission is to shape culture, to communicate beauty, stimulate thought and make an emotional connection.
RWDC Mission to make people lives' better. Deliver Purposeful Design The desire to change something and shape culture over time is part of any great brand mission. Your product might be similar but your mission is unique. All you have to do is turn up the volume by amplifying your difference and telling a better story than the competitors.
Branding is more than just a logo, a tagline and the colour of the packaging. Successful brands and ideas are founded on a great mission, a story that we want to believe in. Everything you do to tell that story - from your brand name, to your social media interactions - must amplify what you stand for, communicating to the world why people should care that you brought this thing to life in the first place.
Branding is shorthand, not a shortcut.
Why do you need a misson more than a website?
Tactics help to promote your idea, but a clear strategy is what really sells it.
1st question to ask is "Why will people care about this?" and not "How will we get them to buy this?" People don't buy into your platform. They buy into the difference you make. When people really "get it", your brand has potential to attract investors, dominate a niche and reinvent a market.
Communicating the essence of a big vision is what has always powered, and will continue to power, successful brands. Start with the "Big Why". It doesn't matter what you sell. When you make emotional connection with your customers, they are more likely to spread the word about who you are and what you do. Your customers have a bond with your brand. They buy in.
Brand leaders and change makers always ask "Why this" before they work on "how to". That is why we believe in them.
Website is to build for customers and community.
You want your website to:
1. Be on the first page in Google.
2. Attract customers.
3. Boost credibility.
4. Convery browsers into subscribers.
5. Change followers into fans.
6. Connect you to the right audience.
7. Make your money.
8. Increase your business, bottom line or popularity.
9. Make you look bigger, betterm stronger, faster.
10. Tell a story that people want to believe.
Your customers want your website to:
1. Be exactly what they are looking for.
2. Give them a solution to a problem.
3. Tell them the answer.
4. Help them to understand.
5. Entertain or Educate.
6. Connect them to people, ideas and things they care about.
7. Save them time.
8. Save them money.
9. Be clear and show them the way.
10. Focus on their wants and needs.
How is my business catering to my clients' wants, while fuilling my needs?
Products can be similar but missions are unique.
You don't want people to buy your stuff; you want to matter to them. You want them to care about your brand. To believe in what you do. To get "buy-in". Part of your mission is to get those people, not everyone, but the ones you care about, to care.
The mission of an artist isn't to sell her stuff to the masses; It is to sell the ideas conveyed in those things. Her mission is to shape culture, to communicate beauty, stimulate thought and make an emotional connection.
RWDC Mission to make people lives' better. Deliver Purposeful Design The desire to change something and shape culture over time is part of any great brand mission. Your product might be similar but your mission is unique. All you have to do is turn up the volume by amplifying your difference and telling a better story than the competitors.
Branding is more than just a logo, a tagline and the colour of the packaging. Successful brands and ideas are founded on a great mission, a story that we want to believe in. Everything you do to tell that story - from your brand name, to your social media interactions - must amplify what you stand for, communicating to the world why people should care that you brought this thing to life in the first place.
Branding is shorthand, not a shortcut.
Why do you need a misson more than a website?
Tactics help to promote your idea, but a clear strategy is what really sells it.
1st question to ask is "Why will people care about this?" and not "How will we get them to buy this?" People don't buy into your platform. They buy into the difference you make. When people really "get it", your brand has potential to attract investors, dominate a niche and reinvent a market.
Communicating the essence of a big vision is what has always powered, and will continue to power, successful brands. Start with the "Big Why". It doesn't matter what you sell. When you make emotional connection with your customers, they are more likely to spread the word about who you are and what you do. Your customers have a bond with your brand. They buy in.
Brand leaders and change makers always ask "Why this" before they work on "how to". That is why we believe in them.
Website is to build for customers and community.
You want your website to:
1. Be on the first page in Google.
2. Attract customers.
3. Boost credibility.
4. Convery browsers into subscribers.
5. Change followers into fans.
6. Connect you to the right audience.
7. Make your money.
8. Increase your business, bottom line or popularity.
9. Make you look bigger, betterm stronger, faster.
10. Tell a story that people want to believe.
Your customers want your website to:
1. Be exactly what they are looking for.
2. Give them a solution to a problem.
3. Tell them the answer.
4. Help them to understand.
5. Entertain or Educate.
6. Connect them to people, ideas and things they care about.
7. Save them time.
8. Save them money.
9. Be clear and show them the way.
10. Focus on their wants and needs.
How is my business catering to my clients' wants, while fuilling my needs?
08 January, 2021
Day 80: How to make your message stick?
Make your facts real by painting an unforgettable picture with a story.
No matter what you are pitching, selling or talking about, talk to one person. Do that by making your idea matter to one person at a time. Speak to that person.
No matter what you are pitching, selling or talking about, talk to one person. Do that by making your idea matter to one person at a time. Speak to that person.
Day 71: Brand Storytelling Ideas
Make your idea matter is a call to action for Entrepreneurs, emerging brands and anyone with a great idea, who knows that to stand out in today's noise world they need to tell better story.
Not all brands are created equal, and what usually separates the successes from the failures is a good story. The story makes the product better. If your story doesn't make what you do better, then you are missing a huge opportunity to help people care enough to invest in you.
Reawaken a thought or an idea your already had. Spark new ones. Discover different ways of thinking about what you do and how you tell your story. Make your business or platform the place where people want to gather. Then make your idea matter.
1. They miss us now we're gone
We (Customers) have moved on without them (Big Businesses), while they keep buying double spreads in the local newspaper. The world has changed. You (Small businesses) have everything you need to bring your ideas to life. To do work you care about, to tell the story about what you do to people who want to listen. It might be too late for the big businesses to matter, but it's not too late for you.
2. You got a business idea: Now what?
5 simple questions form the foundation of every business in existence
1. Do people want what I am planning to make or offer?
2. How can I create and deliver it at the price they are willing to pay?
3. Can this product or service deliver on the promises I make to people?
4. How will I let people know about what I have created?
5. Can I generate enough money to build on my idea?
3. What makes an idea matter?
Begin from where your audience is. Set out to deliver to them the feelings they want to feel. Your idea must matter to them, not just to you.
4. What is a brand?
Brand is just more than designs and symbols that differentiate.
A brand is
1. A promise.
2. Trust built between a customer and a business.
3. A story we tell ourselves.
4. A feeling created.
5. A complete field guide to a business.
6. A company asset.
7. Whatever the customer believes about a company.
8. A set of expectations met.
9. The tangible representation of personal or company values.
10. The way a person or company communicates what they do and why they do it.
11. The way we differentiate this from that.
12. Reasons to buy, buy into something.
13. A set of unique benefits.
14. A symbol of belonging.
15. Signals sent.
16. A waymarket.
17. The experience a customer has.
18. The impression that is left at the last interaction.
19. Communication with and without words.
20. Your word.
5. 8 Questions before you launch an idea
Create what people can't live without
1. Why am I creating this product / services and why now?
2. Who exactly is the product / service for?
3. What is the competition?
4. Do I need to worry about the competition?
5. How is this different and better?
6. How do I research, test, launch, market, distribute, sell, build and scale my business idea?
7. Do I need to research, test and scale or should I just press GO?
8. How will I know when I have succeeded?
6. Think Success Differently
It is the small choices, not the momentous one-off decisions, that define us. Layering the foundations long before the success happens. Have small wins each day.
Success is like the exercise that gives you washboard abs. It is a habit. It is the daily practice of making small choices that add up in the end. It is about doing you said you will do, even though nobody but you will notice, and about knowing in your gut why that matters.
Not all brands are created equal, and what usually separates the successes from the failures is a good story. The story makes the product better. If your story doesn't make what you do better, then you are missing a huge opportunity to help people care enough to invest in you.
Reawaken a thought or an idea your already had. Spark new ones. Discover different ways of thinking about what you do and how you tell your story. Make your business or platform the place where people want to gather. Then make your idea matter.
1. They miss us now we're gone
We (Customers) have moved on without them (Big Businesses), while they keep buying double spreads in the local newspaper. The world has changed. You (Small businesses) have everything you need to bring your ideas to life. To do work you care about, to tell the story about what you do to people who want to listen. It might be too late for the big businesses to matter, but it's not too late for you.
2. You got a business idea: Now what?
5 simple questions form the foundation of every business in existence
1. Do people want what I am planning to make or offer?
2. How can I create and deliver it at the price they are willing to pay?
3. Can this product or service deliver on the promises I make to people?
4. How will I let people know about what I have created?
5. Can I generate enough money to build on my idea?
3. What makes an idea matter?
Begin from where your audience is. Set out to deliver to them the feelings they want to feel. Your idea must matter to them, not just to you.
4. What is a brand?
Brand is just more than designs and symbols that differentiate.
A brand is
1. A promise.
2. Trust built between a customer and a business.
3. A story we tell ourselves.
4. A feeling created.
5. A complete field guide to a business.
6. A company asset.
7. Whatever the customer believes about a company.
8. A set of expectations met.
9. The tangible representation of personal or company values.
10. The way a person or company communicates what they do and why they do it.
11. The way we differentiate this from that.
12. Reasons to buy, buy into something.
13. A set of unique benefits.
14. A symbol of belonging.
15. Signals sent.
16. A waymarket.
17. The experience a customer has.
18. The impression that is left at the last interaction.
19. Communication with and without words.
20. Your word.
5. 8 Questions before you launch an idea
Create what people can't live without
1. Why am I creating this product / services and why now?
2. Who exactly is the product / service for?
3. What is the competition?
4. Do I need to worry about the competition?
5. How is this different and better?
6. How do I research, test, launch, market, distribute, sell, build and scale my business idea?
7. Do I need to research, test and scale or should I just press GO?
8. How will I know when I have succeeded?
6. Think Success Differently
It is the small choices, not the momentous one-off decisions, that define us. Layering the foundations long before the success happens. Have small wins each day.
Success is like the exercise that gives you washboard abs. It is a habit. It is the daily practice of making small choices that add up in the end. It is about doing you said you will do, even though nobody but you will notice, and about knowing in your gut why that matters.
07 January, 2021
Day 70: 3 Exciting Things in 2021
1. Self care: 3 hours me time daily
I want to piority my health this year.
Going back to the fundamentals.
Take care of my own needs first.
2. Journaling to gain clarity
I started journaling since 2006
Nothing as inspiring and motivating to uncover my own interest and growth.
To look back how much I have transformed over the years.
I restart this engine again in 28 Oct 2020 and I want to continue this new chapter of my life.
3. Doodling, self expression, generate ideas
I stopped doodling since I was a kid.
I want to pick this up again. It is not about others.
It is my own self expression and I want draw so well that it becomes part of my life.
I want to piority my health this year.
Going back to the fundamentals.
Take care of my own needs first.
2. Journaling to gain clarity
I started journaling since 2006
Nothing as inspiring and motivating to uncover my own interest and growth.
To look back how much I have transformed over the years.
I restart this engine again in 28 Oct 2020 and I want to continue this new chapter of my life.
3. Doodling, self expression, generate ideas
I stopped doodling since I was a kid.
I want to pick this up again. It is not about others.
It is my own self expression and I want draw so well that it becomes part of my life.
06 January, 2021
Day 69: Decisions
For once when I watch Tony Robbins video. I can relate to his words.
Emotions are everything.
The state of being.
I made the decision to take care of my body, my health.
The next day, I went to sign up diet program conducted by Toni Baker, Nutritionist.
I resonate with Toni when she said that I need to stop my inflamation in my body.
Look forward to my 30 days program, Love my Liver.
Wish myself well.
Emotions are everything.
The state of being.
I made the decision to take care of my body, my health.
The next day, I went to sign up diet program conducted by Toni Baker, Nutritionist.
I resonate with Toni when she said that I need to stop my inflamation in my body.
Look forward to my 30 days program, Love my Liver.
Wish myself well.
05 January, 2021
Day 68: What do I want to stop and improve in 2021?
This morning a business owner asked me what are 3 things I want to stop in 2021.
I thought about it, here are my answers.
1) Toxic people
Because no matter what you say, they always have some bad things to say. They just refuse/unable to move on with their lives. That drains a lot of energy, even you don't realise it.
2) Broken promises
Because they are unable to commit. It's time to move on as you will never in their priority list.
3) Poorly organised meetings
This is one of the reasons why I left the corporate world. 10 people in the meeting, no one dares to make a decision or too many decision makers but only 1 person doing the actual work.
What do I want to improve?
1) Financial Literacy - Save first before invest, grow money, to gain financial freedom
2) Communication - To motivate and influence others to be better, support as a community
3) Visual Storytelling - To tell a compelling stories that touches people heart
I was pretty inspired by Goh Wei Choon, co-founder of The Woke Salaryman, co-founder of The Woke Salaryman, as he shares what led him to becoming interested in financial literacy. How a comic artist make his life works for him
I can totally relate to this. Making a decent salary in Singapore as an artist is a huge challenge. I am glad that this artist finds his own source of means and get out of his rat race.
Good times create weak people (People are complacent)
Weak people create bad times (People create unnecessary inconvenience / conflicts)
Bad times create good people (People help one another)
Books that he recommended
1) Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
2) Your money or your life, Joseph R. Dominguez, Monique Tilford, Vicki Robin
3) Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill
4) Atomic Habits, James Clear
5) Robert Kuok: A Memoir, Robert Kuok
6) Shoe Dog, Phil Knight
7) The Woke Salaryman Important knowledge for people who earn less than $4,500 a month in Singapore, Goh Wei Choon
What do I want to change
1) Change my sleeping and waking up time
2) Change my way of responding to my parents
3) Change my eating habits, more plantbased food.
What can remain?
#WorkingMoreEffectively #GrowingRichInsideOut
I thought about it, here are my answers.
1) Toxic people
Because no matter what you say, they always have some bad things to say. They just refuse/unable to move on with their lives. That drains a lot of energy, even you don't realise it.
2) Broken promises
Because they are unable to commit. It's time to move on as you will never in their priority list.
3) Poorly organised meetings
This is one of the reasons why I left the corporate world. 10 people in the meeting, no one dares to make a decision or too many decision makers but only 1 person doing the actual work.
What do I want to improve?
1) Financial Literacy - Save first before invest, grow money, to gain financial freedom
2) Communication - To motivate and influence others to be better, support as a community
3) Visual Storytelling - To tell a compelling stories that touches people heart
I was pretty inspired by Goh Wei Choon, co-founder of The Woke Salaryman, co-founder of The Woke Salaryman, as he shares what led him to becoming interested in financial literacy. How a comic artist make his life works for him
I can totally relate to this. Making a decent salary in Singapore as an artist is a huge challenge. I am glad that this artist finds his own source of means and get out of his rat race.
Good times create weak people (People are complacent)
Weak people create bad times (People create unnecessary inconvenience / conflicts)
Bad times create good people (People help one another)
Books that he recommended
1) Ego is the Enemy, Ryan Holiday
2) Your money or your life, Joseph R. Dominguez, Monique Tilford, Vicki Robin
3) Think and Grow Rich, Napolean Hill
4) Atomic Habits, James Clear
5) Robert Kuok: A Memoir, Robert Kuok
6) Shoe Dog, Phil Knight
7) The Woke Salaryman Important knowledge for people who earn less than $4,500 a month in Singapore, Goh Wei Choon
What do I want to change
1) Change my sleeping and waking up time
2) Change my way of responding to my parents
3) Change my eating habits, more plantbased food.
What can remain?
#WorkingMoreEffectively #GrowingRichInsideOut
04 January, 2021
Day 67: Goal Settings 2021
Goals to achieve in 2021
Health / Wellness
Heal myself internally
Self care Include plant-based diets into my lifestyle
Rest: Sleep at 11pm and wake up at 6am
3 hours me time daily (6am - 9am)
- Prepare to go out (30 mins)
- Exercise / Reading (45 mins)
- Plant based Diet (45 mins)
- Bathing (30 mins)
- Journaling (30 mins)
- Planning (30 mins)
Tasks to accomplish
2 books a month
- Wholefoods
- Your ideas matter (by 31 Jan)
- Visual storytelling (by 25 Feb)
- The inmates are running the asylum (by 25 Feb)
Dharma class (23 lessons)
Sat morning, 930am - 1130am
Meditation (8 weeks)
Sat afternoon 2pm -4.30pm
Iopt study classes (8 weeks)
Thurs night 8pm - 10pm
Finance Challenge (Evelyn Lim)
Elite Speaker - Div G
World Champion sharing their insights
(5 months) Sunday, once per month, take up the club contest
- Deepen connection with myself (Daily)
- Improve relationships with Parents (Once a week)
(communication with understanding)
Find a timeslot to chat with them (sat/sun)
- Friends, Working Peers, Business Friends
2 times a week
Friends to connect
Reconnect old ties friends / business networks
Gba members
Design thinking circle
Business Learning Circle
Skills to learn
Improve Communication skills
Visual storytelling
Money Program
Plant based diets plan, learn from various Nutritionists
Plan Work Daily
Manage Projects
Brainstorming and Execute design projects
- NUS Enterprise (Oct - Dec 2020)
Weekly scrumb with Edy Every Friday
Solopreneurs Journey Campaign (Selected projects)
- May Logo, Namecard, Website
- Justin Logo
- Purewell (3 solopreneurs)
- Verity (medicated oil)
Weekly Business Content Writing
Monthly Online Sharing
First Friday
Design thinking facilitation work
Mar, Jun, Sep
3 years goals Build a team of 5
1 designer / marketing
1 business development / sales
2 developers - Edy, Kevin
1 copywriter
Accounting (Outsource)
5 years goals Systemised
Create clusters of good synergy teams together
Health / Wellness
Heal myself internally
Self care Include plant-based diets into my lifestyle
Rest: Sleep at 11pm and wake up at 6am
3 hours me time daily (6am - 9am)
- Prepare to go out (30 mins)
- Exercise / Reading (45 mins)
- Plant based Diet (45 mins)
- Bathing (30 mins)
- Journaling (30 mins)
- Planning (30 mins)
Tasks to accomplish
2 books a month
- Wholefoods
- Your ideas matter (by 31 Jan)
- Visual storytelling (by 25 Feb)
- The inmates are running the asylum (by 25 Feb)
Dharma class (23 lessons)
Sat morning, 930am - 1130am
Meditation (8 weeks)
Sat afternoon 2pm -4.30pm
Iopt study classes (8 weeks)
Thurs night 8pm - 10pm
Finance Challenge (Evelyn Lim)
Elite Speaker - Div G
World Champion sharing their insights
(5 months) Sunday, once per month, take up the club contest
- Deepen connection with myself (Daily)
- Improve relationships with Parents (Once a week)
(communication with understanding)
Find a timeslot to chat with them (sat/sun)
- Friends, Working Peers, Business Friends
2 times a week
Friends to connect
Reconnect old ties friends / business networks
Gba members
Design thinking circle
Business Learning Circle
Skills to learn
Improve Communication skills
Visual storytelling
Money Program
Plant based diets plan, learn from various Nutritionists
Plan Work Daily
Manage Projects
Brainstorming and Execute design projects
- NUS Enterprise (Oct - Dec 2020)
Weekly scrumb with Edy Every Friday
Solopreneurs Journey Campaign (Selected projects)
- May Logo, Namecard, Website
- Justin Logo
- Purewell (3 solopreneurs)
- Verity (medicated oil)
Weekly Business Content Writing
Monthly Online Sharing
First Friday
Design thinking facilitation work
Mar, Jun, Sep
3 years goals Build a team of 5
1 designer / marketing
1 business development / sales
2 developers - Edy, Kevin
1 copywriter
Accounting (Outsource)
5 years goals Systemised
Create clusters of good synergy teams together
03 January, 2021
Day 66: I am good enough
I met Aroma Essential Oils ladies this afternoon.
A pretty lady shared with us how bad was her skin and that affected her self confidence. She had to go to facial treatments to heal her skin. Each treatment is almost $400. I was wow by the expensive package. When I was doing my own facial treatment is about $250, I was very upset already Haha :D I thought my facial clinic was trying to fleece me.
I realised how important for us to have self confidence.
Since young, no one has praise me that I am pretty.
Only when I started dating my boyfriends. They told me that I am pretty, that increase my self confidence a little. It didn't sustain at all. After I broke up, my self confidence didn't come back. Apparently, I seek external praise to assure me that I am good enough.
Only these 2 years I have been working very hard on my healings, my traumas, then my self confidence finally appear. My self confidence has been covered by my shame, blame and guilt. I realised how important to gain back my self confidence.
Currently, I am not affected by other people words anymore because my confidence has come back and I know that I am good enough.
I feel good about myself, even though I am perfectly imperfect.
A pretty lady shared with us how bad was her skin and that affected her self confidence. She had to go to facial treatments to heal her skin. Each treatment is almost $400. I was wow by the expensive package. When I was doing my own facial treatment is about $250, I was very upset already Haha :D I thought my facial clinic was trying to fleece me.
I realised how important for us to have self confidence.
Since young, no one has praise me that I am pretty.
Only when I started dating my boyfriends. They told me that I am pretty, that increase my self confidence a little. It didn't sustain at all. After I broke up, my self confidence didn't come back. Apparently, I seek external praise to assure me that I am good enough.
Only these 2 years I have been working very hard on my healings, my traumas, then my self confidence finally appear. My self confidence has been covered by my shame, blame and guilt. I realised how important to gain back my self confidence.
Currently, I am not affected by other people words anymore because my confidence has come back and I know that I am good enough.
I feel good about myself, even though I am perfectly imperfect.
02 January, 2021
Day 65: One Dollar $1
I had a small conflict with Hui Min.
I paid her $20 for lunch, she supposed to pay me back $1.
She suggested that I should let go for the $1 because she helped me to save $25 for the shoes.
I personally feel that is beside the point. It is two separate issues about me buying the shoes and she owe me $1.
There is nothing wrong for me to ask her back $1.
There is nothing wrong that I take care for my money.
It is the truth that she owe me.
Of course, I can let it go of the $1.
But it is my money. I dislike the way she said that I will remember who owe me money and I forget who I owe people money. This is a false statement. As I do return all my friends money that I owe.
Anyway, I can let go of this $1. If it comes back, It will be a bonus for me. I am not going to remind Huimin anymore. I will have less contact with Hui Min. She is NOT the ideal friend for now which I want to hangout with often. She was my past energy friend that I attracted to. Opps sorry... I just need to move on with more positive and supportive friends.
It is my own way of seeing money as what it is.
Money is important as it can bring some material happiness.
I can use money wisely and put them into good use. ie helping the less unfortunate.
Every dollar counts.
I will attract the people I want to be with.
I paid her $20 for lunch, she supposed to pay me back $1.
She suggested that I should let go for the $1 because she helped me to save $25 for the shoes.
I personally feel that is beside the point. It is two separate issues about me buying the shoes and she owe me $1.
There is nothing wrong for me to ask her back $1.
There is nothing wrong that I take care for my money.
It is the truth that she owe me.
Of course, I can let it go of the $1.
But it is my money. I dislike the way she said that I will remember who owe me money and I forget who I owe people money. This is a false statement. As I do return all my friends money that I owe.
Anyway, I can let go of this $1. If it comes back, It will be a bonus for me. I am not going to remind Huimin anymore. I will have less contact with Hui Min. She is NOT the ideal friend for now which I want to hangout with often. She was my past energy friend that I attracted to. Opps sorry... I just need to move on with more positive and supportive friends.
It is my own way of seeing money as what it is.
Money is important as it can bring some material happiness.
I can use money wisely and put them into good use. ie helping the less unfortunate.
Every dollar counts.
I will attract the people I want to be with.
01 January, 2021
Day 64: Self Reflection
Thomas's wish for all of us (and a massive memo to himself) in 2021:
1. Take #imperfectaction towards your dreams.
2. Reach out to encourage one another, even as you may be seeking the same.
3. Share your experiences, good and otherwise; you are not alone.
4. Celebrate every win, large or small. So remember to celebrate every day.
5. Take time for self care: the first 6 hours of 2021 I was asleep; 25%-30% of each day is small change for an absolute essential of sustainable living.
Let us begin #2021together 🙏👼😇
My wish for myself in 2021:
Received well wishes from Thomas. A friend who choose to accept who I am.
I reflected
1. Ever since I started 1st 3 hours of the day for myself. My life is starting to shift. I loved every bit of it. Thank you myself for making this choice.
2. Thank you, people who have crossed my life and still being here with me and new group of people, who just come into my life.
3. I would like to work on my own patience and compassion towards myself and others.
4. Celebrate every win, large or small. So remember to celebrate every day.
5. Take #imperfectaction towards my dreams.
#WorkInProgress #ImperfectActions
1. Take #imperfectaction towards your dreams.
2. Reach out to encourage one another, even as you may be seeking the same.
3. Share your experiences, good and otherwise; you are not alone.
4. Celebrate every win, large or small. So remember to celebrate every day.
5. Take time for self care: the first 6 hours of 2021 I was asleep; 25%-30% of each day is small change for an absolute essential of sustainable living.
Let us begin #2021together 🙏👼😇
My wish for myself in 2021:
Received well wishes from Thomas. A friend who choose to accept who I am.
I reflected
1. Ever since I started 1st 3 hours of the day for myself. My life is starting to shift. I loved every bit of it. Thank you myself for making this choice.
2. Thank you, people who have crossed my life and still being here with me and new group of people, who just come into my life.
3. I would like to work on my own patience and compassion towards myself and others.
4. Celebrate every win, large or small. So remember to celebrate every day.
5. Take #imperfectaction towards my dreams.
#WorkInProgress #ImperfectActions
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