26 January, 2021

Day 88: Money Mindset Day 1

Money Association
Emotions Loving, caring, understanding
Thoughts Healthy flowing, money comes to me naturally and willingly
Image Growth
Smell Pleasant
Sense Able manage and grow my money
Look Abundance, it never ends, everflowing like fountain or waterfall

Think of Money as a Person
I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.

Give a score
From 0 to 10, 10 being the absolute best in my relationship with money is 4
From stress and worry to Joy and Gratitude.
When my money comes in, I feel grateful and joyful because I can use it for higher good.

Journaling Prompts
Are you satisfied with your your relationship with Money?
Yes, I want to grow my wealth.

Do you feel there is room for improvement?
Yes, definately.

Think of money as an ideal partner, what would you want your relation to be and how does it feels like?
I want money to be loving, caring and understanding. I can talk to money and it understands my own needs and wants. It supports me like a trustworthy friend. I feel safe and comfortable with money. I believe money will come to me.

Count money as blessings
Gratitude => The ultimate multiplier for manifestation

How has money served me?
It provides my daily meals.
It helps me to pay for the bills that I need.
It gives me the freedom to do what I want ie Travel, attend courses, improve my business, to generate more quality leads.

What would I like to thank money for?
Thank you Money for helping me to bring in businesses for me.
You have helped me to pay of my bills and provide the right opportunities for me.
Everytime my projects are almost complete, new ones come in. It is really everflowing of abundance.
Thank you so much, money. All the money that come to me are well invested.

Write down 3 items of gratitude for money.
1. Thank you for the meals.
2. Thank you for the experiences.
3. Thank you for the lifestyle support.
I am grateful to have money.

Specify Purpose of Money
$1,000 Challenge
What is the experience that I want to have?
I want the $1,000 to be use for my house's aircon.
I want to contribue to the family as I am part of my family.
We get to enjoy cool air together.

Activate Money ATM
I am grateful and thankful that I manifested $1,000 or something better in the next 30 days.
All my money is well invested and come back 7 times more.

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