28 January, 2021

Day 90: Money Mindset Day 3

Day 3 of Evelyn's Money Mindset Makeover.

Reboot your energy system (Home)
1. Clear
2. Cleanse
3. Change

Getting into the flow and alignment
Everything is Energy. Money is also energy.
Law of attraction: Be one with that you want to attract.

What lens am I operating from?
Lack Vs Abunance
Scarcity Prosperity

Focus on growth and positive potential from the solution of your problem.

Scarcity Beliefs
1. There is not enough to go around.
2. Resources are limited.
3. Opportunities to succeed are few and far in between.

Start with Self Love!

Assignment: What limiting beliefs about money
I believe that money was hard to make.
My parents find it difficult to make money.

Assignment: Abundance or about myself that I have
I deserve to receive money.
I am good enough and I am capable.
I have the gifts that I need to make things happen.

Activate the Money ATM
The more at ease I feel, the more easily money and abundance flows to me.
The more freedom I feel, the more freely money and abundance flows to me.
The more fun I feel, the more fun ways money and abundance flows to me.

What have I benefited?
I like the questions you ask because that helps me to rethink how to attract the money that I want with ease and joy.

Relationship with Money
This is a new concept to me.
I like the clarity part. It helps me to think about my relationship with money.
I do feel that when I shift my emotions from feeling anxious to a better picture like the money is going to help me to be at a better place.
My whole body feels more acceptable and anxiety and worry reduce.
I will tell myself more money will come to me. I don't have to worry about money. I can earn the money that I want. I keep giving myself the assurance.

Clearing of the wallet is useful.
I used to have a lot of junks in my wallet. Clearing my things in my wallet helps me to pay attention what do I need to follow up and aware that I need more money to come into my life to bring joy and freedom.

I didn't know I was angry with money until I reflected, how come after so many years, I still cannot make a decent income. That was very strange to me.
Imagine when I was angry with a friend (money), that friend also doesn't want to have any relationship with me. That is my ah-ha moment.
Seeing money as a friend. She can help me in my life, my career, my business. I think it is a beautiful experience and valuable relationship.

Before Tapping
Type in your score. 5
What is the the emotions? Frustrated, stress and anxiety.
What is the sensation? Feeling tension on the head, shoulders and heart area.
What is the belief or thought? Need to work hard.

After Tapping
Type in your score. 2
Tapping Score change from 5 to 2.
How do you feel? Relieved, relax.

State Renewal
Accept to change
Go with the flow, Integrate in the Body, Mind, Spirit

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