27 January, 2021

Day 89: Antibiotics Nightmare

Today is quite a dramatic and tramatic event for me.
On Monday, I was supposed to meet my dentist, Dr Lee Leing and I totally forgot about it.
Perhaps I do not want to face the truth unconsiously. Hyder encouraged me,"Do you rather face the truth and deal with it or to run away the truth in fear?"

I decided to face the truth today.
The news wasn't great.
Dr Lee Leing told me that my weaken tooth has split and there is no way ths can help me to repair.

I asked her what are the options for me.
1. Denture ($600)
2. Bridge ($4200)
3. Implant ($5000)

Obviously, denture is a more fleasible way. As I looked worried after extracted the old root, Dr Lee Leing decided to help me to stitch the wound.
I didn't want to take the pain killers, so I took the antibiotics. Unfortunately, the antibiotics (M/S Curam 625mg) has side effects on my body.
To my horror, after the spinning headache, dizziness and diarrhoea, I have continously 5 rounds of vomitting. Luckily, I do not have fever / rashes.

It is a clear sign that my body doesn't want to take drugs!

To look at brighter side of things, my stomach is cleared from food. I had a light meal, just old cucumber melon soup and water. I don't feel hungry at all. Thank you Body, I appreciate you and Thank you for showing me the right way to good health.

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