09 January, 2021

Day 72: Turn up the volume on your mission

Whatever your idea, whatever you market, sell or promote, whether it is a cause, art, products or services, the way you differentiate yourself from your competitors is by turning up the volume on the story of your mission.

Products can be similar but missions are unique.

You don't want people to buy your stuff; you want to matter to them. You want them to care about your brand. To believe in what you do. To get "buy-in". Part of your mission is to get those people, not everyone, but the ones you care about, to care.

The mission of an artist isn't to sell her stuff to the masses; It is to sell the ideas conveyed in those things. Her mission is to shape culture, to communicate beauty, stimulate thought and make an emotional connection.

RWDC Mission to make people lives' better. Deliver Purposeful Design The desire to change something and shape culture over time is part of any great brand mission. Your product might be similar but your mission is unique. All you have to do is turn up the volume by amplifying your difference and telling a better story than the competitors.

Branding is more than just a logo, a tagline and the colour of the packaging. Successful brands and ideas are founded on a great mission, a story that we want to believe in. Everything you do to tell that story - from your brand name, to your social media interactions - must amplify what you stand for, communicating to the world why people should care that you brought this thing to life in the first place.

Branding is shorthand, not a shortcut.

Why do you need a misson more than a website?
Tactics help to promote your idea, but a clear strategy is what really sells it.
1st question to ask is "Why will people care about this?" and not "How will we get them to buy this?" People don't buy into your platform. They buy into the difference you make. When people really "get it", your brand has potential to attract investors, dominate a niche and reinvent a market.

Communicating the essence of a big vision is what has always powered, and will continue to power, successful brands. Start with the "Big Why". It doesn't matter what you sell. When you make emotional connection with your customers, they are more likely to spread the word about who you are and what you do. Your customers have a bond with your brand. They buy in.

Brand leaders and change makers always ask "Why this" before they work on "how to". That is why we believe in them.

Website is to build for customers and community.
You want your website to:
1. Be on the first page in Google.
2. Attract customers.
3. Boost credibility.
4. Convery browsers into subscribers.
5. Change followers into fans.
6. Connect you to the right audience.
7. Make your money.
8. Increase your business, bottom line or popularity.
9. Make you look bigger, betterm stronger, faster.
10. Tell a story that people want to believe.

Your customers want your website to:
1. Be exactly what they are looking for.
2. Give them a solution to a problem.
3. Tell them the answer.
4. Help them to understand.
5. Entertain or Educate.
6. Connect them to people, ideas and things they care about.
7. Save them time.
8. Save them money.
9. Be clear and show them the way.
10. Focus on their wants and needs.

How is my business catering to my clients' wants, while fuilling my needs?

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