21 January, 2021

Day 83: How you do anything is how you do everything

As I reflected how I live my life these 2 years, after healing my relationship with myself.

I sort of understand myself how I function as a person.

I like to see positive results at the end.
I like to be organised, plan ahead. To see things through and completed. If I haven't, then there is something I need to learn and understand. When things go wrong, I just need to pay attention to them and how I can make them better the next time.

I create system for myself.
For self care, I need to know exactly what I needed to do, connect with myself through journaling, doing self reflection, exercising, eating plant-based diets, plan my work and make sure I get enough rest and energy. These work help me to start my day well.

I like to explore new things now.
Please tell me things that I don't know about life, I am curious how to live my life well.
I am able to take care and manage my own money, just like a friend now. Money is everyflowing and money is energy. Energy flows to where the focus is. I feel more calm and peaceful now.

This morning I asked,"When can I stop feeling 'I am not good enough?'"
My answer is when I embrace all parts of me. See who I really am. I am good enough. I can improve and evolve myself as I go along. My wisdom will increase, so will my compassion is.

The state of being is important.
I allow myself to be me fully.
I am who I am.
I am whole to begin with.

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