29 January, 2021

Day 91: Money Mindset Day 2

You are the beloved child of God. Like everyone else, you deserved to receive the support that will allow you to focus upon your devine life purpose. Knowing you are worthy, derserving of all that you dream of.

Follow the Exercises
Sometimes the smallest step in the right direction ends up being the biggest step of your life.
Tip toe if you must, but take that step.

"Think and Feel is more important (Mindset). 80% of the outcome.

Reboot Your Energy System (Home)
Clear, Cleanse, Change
1) Clear your money energy: Integrity
- Practise being integrity with Money.
- Build trust, things that I say and promise, deliver them.
- Follow up with them.

What unfinish business I need to attend?
Anything I promise, clear my space, obligations and follow up.
- Tidy my desk
- List down client projects
- Clear old receipts/junks in wallet weekly.

2) Cleanse Mental Detox
- Stay with positive friends
- Be aware of negative thinking
- Postive thinking empowers me, motivates me - Tapping

What do I want to cleanse?
- Clease my body. I want a healthy body. Every time I want to snack, I drink smoothies or eat fruits.

The more space I create, the more easily money and abundance flows to me.

3) Change
The most dangerous phrase: I know this already.

We need to embrace changes.

Adaptable, Flexibility, Responsive -> Change

"When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change."
- Dr Wayne Dyer Stacking your results, celebrating small wins.
Small steps (change) everyday, can scale up to massive results.

Tiny Habits
What are the things you can change today that will align you with greater ease, flow and confidence.
Self Care
- Sleep early, wake up early
- Exercise
- Plant based diets
- Drink sufficient water
- Breath Properly
- Plan and review my day
- Backup files

"Change is the hardest at the beginning, messiest in the middle and best at the end."
- Robin Sharma The body keeps the score
Beside change the mindset, embodies the body, get it involves and integrate in the system / life.
Clear deeply rooted in the system
- Past mentally, emotionally, physically
- Grudges, Grievances, Conflicts
- Money avoidance: Not willing to look at the expenses, clear debts etc

Address the emotional response in the body.
Danger is no longer there, still feel danger.
Issue with self love.
Work with entire energy system.
Emotional Truma: Someone said something bad about me. Things that said years ago can affect us emotionally. We need to address them.

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