09 March, 2021

Day 130: Money Mindset Learnings

Money Mindset Learnings
1. Last time I associates money = pain, now I can see the benefits of money.

2. 1st March, I consodilate my "small" money together. Wow, I got $1025. Money is already here. Never underestimate the power of small. I appreciate my money now.

3. I like the sound of my money bank. "Ka-ching, Ka-ching" I feel great when I dropped my $1 into it. It symbolises that I am accumulating my wealth. Even happy money I accumulated $200 over 4 months.

4. I truly appreciate small money habits now. They helped me to see what is available and I know money is coming in continuously.

5. My business is formed 3 March 2013. 333 Means Mastery.

6. I realised the more I talk about money issues and relationship with money, the lesser fear I feel about money.

7. Money avoidance: I used to advoid talking abot money or even look at money. It is like there is "nothing" to talk about. So little money, money is in debts etc. Now I reflected, there is a lot of wisdom in managing money. I am no longer feeling helplessness.

8. I gained strength as I can see the clarity about money.

9. I am able to see the money patterns, what sad money story that I have been telling myself that I can't have the money. All these are not the real truth.

10. New money affirmation:
I have money.
I deserve money.
Money flows to me easily.
I can take care of my money.

11. I am open for new money opportunities and celebrate small wins.

12. Emotionally, I feel I have enough. I am enough.

13. Since I can't "Divorce" with money, I start to establish a healthy and committed relationship with money.

14. I learned about Ennagram with Type 1, wing 2. I am perfectionist and I like to improve things, I like to build systems, frameworks that help me grow my business. Integrity is important to me. As I have a helper in nature, I like to help people to become better. This piece of information is important to me because it helps me to understand who I really am.

15. I really can see my internal state has changed. Last time I keep attending courses but no actions, hence no results. After clearing the mental blocks, I understand what exactly is stopping me from taking actions. Things shift very fast. If not I won't be able to complete the exercise so fast if my internal shifts didn't happen. Now I can do things pretty fast when I am focused. It is matter I want to do it or not. Last time I want to do also can't deliver. That is a huge difference.

1. Introduce yourself in 1 - 2 sentences.
2. What was it like before?
3. What were the exact breakthroughs in terms of financial?
4. What have I learn?
5. What was it like after? What changed for you?
6. Do you recommend taking this course on mastering your relationship with Money with Evelyn?

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