25 March, 2021

Day 146: IOPT Study Group - Relationship with Couple

3 Couple Blindspots
1. Communication
Blunt communication (too straightforward)
Evasive communication (tend to avoid commitment or self-revelation)

2. Unappreciative
Self sacrifice
High need for appreciation

3. Critical
Self critical (Everything I do also not good enough)

1. Which blindspots are similar to parents?
My mum is blunt and my dad is evasive.
Sometimes I speak with bluntness without me realising it.
When someone is forceful or aggressive, I become evasive.

My mum always says she and dad contribute a lot in the family.
There is a high need for appreciation. I want people to appreciate me.
I also start to learn how to appreciate others. Even people don't appreciate me, it is fine. I appreciate myself.

2. How well do you really really know yourself?
I am rediscovering myself through different methods of healing.

3. Share one consequences from any of the blindspots?
I used to be self critical, it is much lesser, I have more patience with myself.
I generally is more positive. There is more positive in life than negative experiences.

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