15 March, 2007

Designer Babies

Would you design your own baby? The science exists... but where should we draw the line? Title of the article is "The technology is in place to order up a child’s physical traits or intellect. How are how far we want to take it."

Extracted from MSN, written By Scott McCredie for MSN Health & Fitness

"It started a decade ago with Dolly the Scottish sheep, the world’s first cloned mammal. Then a year later came Lucy the Canadian mouse, the first mammal with artificially implanted genes that could be inherited by her offspring. Since then, the world has expressed a mixture of confusion, horror and optimism at the potential of genetic engineering to prevent diseases in humans and “enhance” physical or cognitive traits.

So where does this technology stand? Are we any closer to creating so-called “designer babies”? And is there a developing darker side as well?"


After reading the whole article, I'm quite shocked and sick over it. I personally feel that it is totally immoral. Why humans could never give up hope in trying cloning animals and now it has tap the ideas on the humans.

What are the scientists trying to prove anway? Just because they want to challenge their own intelligent? What will the world turn to eventually? I really dunno and dare not even want to think about it... It is good to be "creative and thinking out of the box", but it must be a positive cause.

Why do they want to "customise" the babies? What is the main intention or motive? If the humans are successfully being designed in future, what does it makes the humans so unique and special since they are being customised.

I remembered few years back, it was rumoured that singapore actually wanted to place a micro chip inside the body so that we will not have to carry ICs or too many cards anymore. The thought of it makes me so sick as well...

Since they want to do such an immoral move, might as well programmed our life path, people will not have to suffer in choosing the wrong career path or love path... Make us just like robots, probably robots with feelings.

This idea suddenly reminds me of the movie "Artificial Intelligence"... Is that what the scientists wanted to see? What were their mind thinking anyway??? For a Good Cause or Bad Cause, at the end of the day, I really don't know...

Technology is moving so fast, that practically everything can be done. Everything happens for a reason, if that really happens, we have to face at immorally and sickening reality... Are we dare enough to face these consequences?

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