Asked for the price and see what's the best offer, the sales consultant could give me. She is quite a nice lady, so she offered to give me extra 1 gb of SD card, on top of the given freebies, 2gb SD, Casing, Camera kit, rechargable battery kit, SD card reader. I'm so tempted to make payment already.
However, my friend who are still considering what camera to buy. She stopped me from purchasing first. Cause she wants to scout around first. So we walked around all the cameras booths eg Nikon, Fuji Film, Olympus, Pentax, Samsung, Panasonic etc... Get the feel of almost each and every one of the cameras...
Finally, after she gone through all the brochures. She picked the best 2 cameras models: Canon A640 and Samsung NV10. Canon is great for usuability while Samsung is great for the sleek look. Both are 10 Mega Pixels and awarding cameras.
Samsung is giving away 6gb of SD cards!!! So we went back to Canon booth to bargin even more with the sales consultant. I know that I need to be thick skin abit, hence I really bargin like an auntie loh... On top of the given freebies, I still managed to bargain another 2 gb of SD card and a screen protector haha :P
The only bad news is i have to wait for a week before I can collect my Canon Camera!!! Sad rite? nvm, I can wait.. what is that 1 wk compared to the 2 months i have waited...
Great stuffs need to wait keke.
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